Nike is responsible for hundreds of thousands product orders placed via their website  Their main goal is to ensure customer satisfaction by processing and shipping the goods ordered in a timely fashion. They pride themselves and owe their customer retention to being able to offer quality products within only several days from when the order is first placed. This express processing makes their online commerce just as successful as their in store business.

                Nike Co. is a diverse corporation offering diverse products all across the world. They ship anywhere. They cater to their huge market mainly through e-commerce. As a matter of factly Nike’s online sales have been on an upward increase for the past 6 years consecutively. During this past fiscal year Nike had a whopping 37% increase in the amount of products purchased via their site, . Among the most popular products is a specific line called NikeID. These products are custom designed by the consumer right down to trim color and are available exclusively through their site and not in retail stores. Nike custom and non customized products are available in over 30 countries. Each country has its own website. Within each country there are then market segment divisions; each with its own customer base. I will use the US as a primary example of how Nike does this. Within Nike USA there are 14 plus different segments broken down by sport, gender, training goal, customization etc. Each of these pe4rsonalizes the internet marketing experience, tailoring it to the customer and a main reason why Nike has been so successful in the past and continues to be today.

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           Customer service is one of the keys to Nikes’ overall success especially on the internet. Nike takes the upper hand in providing the customer with exceptional and incomparable customer service. Nike boasts guaranteed express shipping and order processing. This is the most vital part of their e-commerce. If a customer cannot receive a good quickly and correctly they will opt not to by products via the website anymore. If Nike cannot quickly meet customer needs by timely processing and shipping they will see a dramatic decline in their flourishing internet retail sales.


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