Over the past few decades America has been noticing a weight problem. Even though society has come up with the idea that everyone must be thin to be beautiful, almost two thirds of the United States is considered to be obese.

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        Over the past few decades America has been noticing a weight problem.  Even though society has come up with the idea that everyone must be thin to be beautiful, almost two thirds of the United States is considered to be obese.  Throughout these past few decades there have been several diet fads, exercise techniques and get thin quick schemes.  When a good one comes along, it seems that it is all you hear about.  The reason for this is that the environment will effect organizations.  An organization must understand the environment and other competing threats.  They must find out how the external environment is affecting consumers, design competitive structures and strategies, position their products and then use effective promotion and advertising strategies.  

        The latest diet craze is the Atkins diet.  It is a weight loss plan that subtracts most of the carbohydrates from a persons’ normal eating habit.  Although there are tons of carbs in breads, pastas and potatoes, many of the carbs a person will intake is from snacks.  Within the last year or so, junk food producers have been catering to low-carb customers.  One snack substitute that has done very well is a chocolate bar called Z-Carb.  “Since reaching 7-Eleven’s shelves in June, the Z-Carb has sold almost as well as Nestlé’s venerable and heavily marketed Butterfinger candy bar” (Time).  Diet food producers are filling in substitutes for almost any snack food or beverage they could want.  The idea of low-carb intakes came from Dr. Robert Atkins in the ‘70s.  He said that fatty foods wasn’t the main problem for weight gain, it was the carbohydrates.  When deprived of carbohydrates, the body will burn off more fat.  Since his death last April, prepackaged Atkins friendly diet foods have been hitting the shelves like mad.  The snack foods taste good while adding sugar substitutes such as erythritol.  

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        The sociocultural environment has been pressuring consumers to be thin and healthy.  This pressure is causing organizations to become more health oriented and produce goods that tailor to the needs of this expectation.  In some other countries and in the past it is considered culturally acceptable to be overweight and actually some thought it was more attractive.  One way an organization to keep up with the environment is by doing environmental scanning.  As consumer attitudes and behaviors change, the organization must adjust to fit those needs.  The consumer attitude as of now is really focused on the problem of losing ...

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