Provide a comprehensive definition of: Leisure, recreation, travel and tourism.

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1) Provide a comprehensive definition of: Leisure, recreation, travel and tourism.  

What is Leisure?

Leisure is the time available when you’re not completing the essentials in life.  Leisure is the time and recreations are the activity.  Leisure plays an important part in peoples day-to-day lives, helping them to relax, socialize and keep fit.  There are many ways in which people can spend there time doing leisure activities.  Some peoples ways in which people can spend there time doing leisure activities.  Some peoples way of relaxing is sitting down in front of the television, going to the cinema, visiting friends or some might play a football game.

How people spend there leisure time is often affected as they get older e.g. not many ten year olds enjoy gardening or playing chess, another example would be 60 year olds; not many play a game console.

   To meet the different interest and need of everybody in society, a large and profitable leisure and recreation industry has developed in the U.K.  It all started in 1998-9, U.K. household pent an average of £60 a eek on leisure equipment, goods and services. The leisure industry supplies those products and services, which are such a significant part of contemporary life.

  • Football, Watching TV, Main hobby’s, Rugby, Water polo, tennis and cricket.
  • Safety clothing, ball, TV, chair to watch TV, Football pitch, netting, balls, tennis court, rugby posts, cricket equipment and water.

What is Recreation?

Recreation is the activity you do in your leisure time.

  • Football, rugby, tennis, table tennis, golf, running and bike riding.

What is Tourism?

  Tourism is a short temporary stay at another place, always with the intention to return home.

  • Holiday; sight seeing, friend, relations and business.
  • Plane, bus, car, train, bicycle, helicopter and tram.

    What is travel? 

     The means of travelling from one place to another.

  • Bus, train, ferry, coach, car, tram, plane, walking, running, helicopter, motorbike and pushbike.

2. Use relevant info to provide a clear description of the leisure and tourism industries in your area.

A) We are asked to produce a detailed table/ chart outlining Leisure and Tourism industries from the areas researches.

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b) How are the leisure and tourism industries linked in the area you researched?

  • The travel agents can order buses from bus companies to take them to the airport etc.
  • Nightclubs can have special deals with taxi firms for taking people home for cheaper prices.
  • Football players can stay in a hotel cheaper after a match because of a special deal.
  • Some pubs have special hours for drinks being cheaper at a certain time e.g. Tequila, shots etc.

   3) Describe three links between leisure and tourism in the areas you researched including the links between ...

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