b) How are the leisure and tourism industries linked in the area you researched?
- The travel agents can order buses from bus companies to take them to the airport etc.
- Nightclubs can have special deals with taxi firms for taking people home for cheaper prices.
- Football players can stay in a hotel cheaper after a match because of a special deal.
- Some pubs have special hours for drinks being cheaper at a certain time e.g. Tequila, shots etc.
3) Describe three links between leisure and tourism in the areas you researched including the links between the sectors in the industries
Example: a student on a school trip visiting Lightwaves leisure center (public sector organization) travels on a coach (private organization) to Lightwaves.
For a merit grade one link must be detailed.
- Taking the train from South Elmsall (travel) to Wakefield and played football (Leisure activity) and then staying over night at Stone Leigh hotel (Accommodation).
- Style cars taxi firm took a man (Private organisation) to a Sea cadet parade night (voluntary organisation) and then travelled home by bus the morning after (public organisation).
Public sector organisations are funded by local authorities that get money from sources such as:
- Direct grants and loans from central government
- Local and national lotteries
4) a) The table below identifies 2 organisations for each component of leisure and tourism.
i) table for leisure
ii) The table for tourism
b) Give details of which sector each of the organizations are in.
Organisation Sector
c) Mentions what activities facilities and services are offered in each organization
5) Describe the product and services of two major facilities offered to local people and or visitors:
- Compare and contrast the products and services of two major facilities.
- Explain in detail a link between the different sectors.
Minsthorpe swimming baths = Superflex gym
Minsthorpe swimming baths is a public sector organisation, which means it is funded by the government and local authority and its income is to cover the costs of the organization itself. It has one main pool, The length is 25m, the width 10m and the depth is 10 foot. It has a small pool for the younger children, The length is 10m, the width is 5m and the depth is 3 foot. It has a lot of floats and dinghies and for special occasions it has large fun floats for fun days, it has a gigantic water assault course going halfway up the big pool. In the men’s changing rooms there are about 400 lockers all 50p per locker, the toilets are in the changing rooms and there are about 8 changing cubicles, there is a sauna next to the changing rooms and the showers are on the way through to the pool. As you enter the swimming baths there is a reception on your right and the stairs down to the changing rooms on your left. If you go straight on you get to the balcony above the swimming pool. There’s glass at both sides showing the pools. In the balcony there is space for children’s parties, this space can be used after the fun of a pool party to eat and drink there refreshments.
Superflex gym is a private organization that is funded by an individual. It is purely out to make a profit. It has one main room full of weights, machines and loads of benches. It has a c.v. room, ( c.v. meaning cardio vascular) with rowing machines, treadmills, exercise bikes and a chest press. It has a back room which has 3 boxing bags and an all round bag for kicking kneeing etc. It has changing rooms, toilets, bathrooms and it has 3 sun beds. Its reception has three suites in it and the people who own it are very nice and helpful, a lot of people say that it’s the friendliest gym they’ve been to. It has lots of newspapers available for everyone to read and it has lots of health magazines to help people improve their health and hygiene.
The first comparison is that the private sector organization is a lot friendlier than the public sector organization to ensure that the customers will keep coming, and I also think that the facilities in the private sector organization are better so the customers will get more for their money to keep them consistently coming.
The second comparison is about the changing facilities because in the private organization that I have chosen, there is not enough space for a lot of people to get changed or use the lockers, but in the public organization there is a lot of changing space and a lot of lockers, this is because the changing facilities are used by everybody because if they want to swim they have to get changed. So I think that although the public sector organization need changing facilities, I still think that the public organization changing facilities are a lot better because of the extra space they provide making it more comfortable for people changing and a lot of people for a party or doing certificates.
6) How can leisure and tourism facilities combine to improve the services they provide?
One example is that you book a ski holiday abroad, the place you want to go to is a ski resort/ ski school and is a private sector organization. The travel agents that you book the holiday at have a special offer where the ski resort and the travel agents combine to make it as easy and as cheap as possible to travel on plane to the resort.
The ski company offers cheaper ski holidays to the individuals who book the holidays through the travel agents. As a result more people book their holidays through the travel agents and more people end up skiing, as the two companies are private companies they fulfill their aim of making profit because more people use both of the companies.
The next example could be that a group of scouts, (Voluntary sector organization) who have been taking scuba diving lessons, are being taken down to Plymouth, via Brown’s coaches, which is a private sector organization. They are going down to practice the skills they have learnt in the sea, the scuba diver trainer who is based in Doncaster and has been training the scouts from south elmsall without charge. We have an example here an example of how it improves the services the two organizations provide.
7) What are the gaps in leisure and tourism in the area you researched? How can the gaps be addressed? E.g. Improvement of facilities.
The biggest gap I see in the leisure organizations in my area is the lack of a theme park. A theme park would enhance the leisure facilities because it would cater for a wider target market than the current facilities provide. I would develop a theme park in the following manner
Components of the leisure industry
- Sport and physical recreation.
- Arts and entertainment
- Countryside recreation
- Home base leisure
- Children’s play activities
- Visitor attractions
- Catering
Components of the travel and tourism industry
- Travel agents
- Tour operators
- Tourist information and guiding services
- Accommodation
- Transportation
- Attractions
- Catering
Leisure Facilities
Facilities are the resources which individuals use for leisure. There can be buildings and equipment e.g. a sports center or exhibition or there could be part of the natural environment like a lake or a mountain.
Each component of the leisure industry has different facilities, which the public visits, uses and enjoys. Many facilities Cover more than one component of the industry, for example a public park will probably provide opportunities for sport and physical activities, outdoor activities and may also provide catering.
- Leisure facilities
- Cinema
- Theatres
- Parks
- Heritage sites
- Accommodation-
5.Why is there a leisure Industry?
People have free time, so they visit places that will interest and accommodate them. Businesses are set up this idea of giving people something to do in there free time.