Benefits of the research
- For researchers, it enhances critical skills in communication, independent thinking, and problem-solving.
- For business department, it provides them with a big picture of their performance and thus down-to-earth solutions can be carried out efficiently for further improvements.
- For incoming students, it provides them with appropriate guidance or reference which encourages students’ enrolment in business department.
- For public acknowledgement, it provides an overview on the standard of business students of HUC.
Methodology of the Research
Research design is the set of methods and procedures that make up a strategic plan for collecting and analyzing the needed information for a research project (Marshall 1998). The field survey research design employs statistical expertise to access opinions, characteristics or trends of a population or situations (Shuttleworth 2008). Survey method is applied in this research by distributing a questionnaire to a sample of business department students chosen from the business department of HUC, and useful information will then derived from the data collected. The field survey can be used for Descriptive research design in this research too, to describe the statistical data and characteristics about what is being studied. It involves the collections of statistics from the questionnaires distributed to a sample of business department students, in order to organize the information in meaningful ways, to describe the event of the categories of information collected from questionnaires (Descriptive Research Methodologies 2001).
Primary data obtained from first-hand experience could be collected using research methods which are divided into quantitative and qualitative methods (Adfoster 2010). Quantitative methods include questionnaires which are conducted on a stratified random sample to collect evidence and to answer the research questions (Mayoux 2005). A set of questionnaires regarding the research problems is distributed to a sample of 100 students from the Department of Business for data collection. Qualitative methods include in-depth interviews on individuals’ personal perspectives and experiences which are used to understand the research problem (Qualitative research methods 2007). Alternatively, secondary data could be obtained from readily available sources which include the internet where search engines are used to search for information; books where a collection of written material could be referred to; and journals where academic and research writing could be found (Juneja 2010).
- Computer and its software
Laptop is used to online and to key in data using Microsoft Offices such as Microsoft Words and Microsoft Excel to facilitate the research; Power Point is used to present the research during presentation.
Computer software such as SPSS is used for statistical analysis. It is useful in quantitative research which is to analyze the collected statistical data and to produce efficiency and accuracy results (Holiday 2010).
- Library and its resources
Library provides reference books, journals, and articles that may consist a wide storage of information related to this research so as to aid in research findings.
Internet provides significant function in this research, such as to send or receive information from lecturer and group members by electronic mail system; and to online to search for useful information from search engines such as Google or from e-journals, by browsing through the World Wide Web (WWW).
The human mind is used to derive data into useful information, and to make decision.
Time Schedule: Gantt Chart
Scope and Delimitation of the Research
The scope of research involves diversity in terms of gender, nationality, and race. The area of business studies covered in this research involves accounting, finance, and marketing. Moreover, the research engrosses only the Department of Business and resolves on performance in Business department of HUC in terms of the students’ results, the graduates’ job markets, and the enrolments of new students.
Delimitation of the research consists of other social category diversity such as age, ethnicity, and level of education. Business studies that are not involved are international business, human resource, and entrepreneurship. Furthermore, the research does not involve others departments such as information technology, psychology, management and economics, American degree program, law, etc. On the other hand, performance of Business department does not include the scope of its reputation, profitability, etc.
- Lack of cooperation from students and related respondents such as providing inaccurate and biased information.
- Miscommunication or misinterpretation of the research problem due to language barrier and different perceptive.
- Constraint of accessibility and availability of primary and secondary data from internet, library and business department.
BZ-2: The lot of Help University College (HUC).
Pusat Bandar Damansara: It is called Damansara Town Centre, which is a main town centre in Kuala Lumpur.
Kuala Lumpur: Capital of Malaysia, and also the largest city.
SPSS: It is called Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. SPSS is a computer program used for statistical analysis.
1009 words
Primary and secondary data 2010,, viewed 26 February 2011, <>.
Campling, Poole, Wiesner, Ang, Chan and Tan, 2008, Management, 3rd Asia Pacific edn, John Wiley & Sons,Australia.
Descriptive Research Methodologies 2001, The Association for Educational Communications and Technology, viewed 5 March 2011, <>.
Felicia M Moore, 2006, Multicultural preserves teachers’ views of diversity and science teaching, viewed 6 March 2011, < >.
Holiday, R 2010, Definition of SPSS Software, eHow, Inc., viewed 3 March 2011, <>.
Jennilynbalbalosa, 2010, Factors Affecting Mathematics Performance of Laboratory High School Students at Laguna state polytechnic University, viewed 26 February 2011, <>.
Juneja, H 2010, Secondary data, Management Study Guide, viewed 26 February 2011, <>.
Marczyk, G, DeMatteo, D & Festinger, D 2005, Essentials of research design and methodology, 1st edn, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, viewed 26 February 2011, Google Books Online.
Mayoux, L 2005, Research methods, Website for Lindas Mayoux, viewed 26 February 2011, <>.
Qualitative research methods 2007, Family Health International, viewed 26 February 2011, <>.
Shuttleworth, M 2008, Research Designs, Experiment-Resources.Com, viewed 26 February 2011, < >.
StudyMalaysia 2010, Institution Profile,, viewed 25 February 2011, <>.
The environment The organisation The environment
Information about
- Social Category Diversity
- Gender
- Nationality
- Race
- Age
- Culture
- Level of education
- Accounting
- Marketing
- Finance
- International Business
- Human Resource Management
- Entrepreneurship
- Overall results
- Job markets
- Enrolments
- Reputation
- Profitability
Survey, Data Collection, Data Analysis
Focus on:
- Social Category Diversity
- Accounting
- Marketing
- Finance
- Overall results
- Job markets
- Enrolments
supplies: creates: consumers:Output
An analysis on how diversity on gender will influence the business studies and performance.
Business Studies:
- How many female/male taking accounting as major?
- How the results will female/male get?
Source: Jennilynbalbalosa (2010), Open System <>.