Research Proposal. This qualitative study will investigate the differences between Indonesia and Sri Lanka with respect to the economical impacts and disaster management of tsunami. In this proposal, how the economy and the lives of the people are affecte

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1.0 Title

Economical Impacts and Disaster Management of Tsunami in Malaysia

2.0 Abstract

This qualitative study will investigate the differences between Indonesia and Sri Lanka with respect to the economical impacts and disaster management of tsunami. In this proposal, how the economy and the lives of the people are affected will be investigated. As well, how the international organisations such as the UN, World Bank and International Red Cross contributed in the fast recovery of both countries will be also addressed.

3.0 Introduction

This paper discusses in detail the research proposal on the comparative study of Indonesia and Sri Lanka. In particular, the research will focus on the economical impacts and disaster management of tsunami. In this research proposal, the background, context and theme of the study are presented; the objectives of the study and the research statements are formulated. Here, vital concepts, questions and assumptions are stated. Finally, the scope and limitation of the study, methodology to be used and the significance of the research are discussed.

4.0 Statement of the problem

The profound effects of the Indian Ocean earthquake resulting to tsunami is still widely felt today. Nonetheless, the extent of economical impact of such occurrence to two of the most affected countries is not known. How the economy of Indonesia and Sri Lanka is affected and its trickle down effects of the poorest of people living in the coastal area should be determined. Why the tsunami affects that much number of the people and communities are blamed on the inefficiency and the lacking disaster preparedness of both countries. There is also a vast of worldwide humanitarian responses but it also not known the rationale and for what specific purpose the aids are intended. Finally, the functions and responsibilities of the international organisations should be recognized and how they contribute t the recovery of Indonesia and Sri Lanka.

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5.0 Background to the problem

An undersea earthquake which occurred on December 26, 2004 known as the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake was perceived to be the primary reason that triggered the series of tsunamis. With the epicenter located at the west cost of Sumatra, Indonesia, the earthquake-elicited tsunamis killed more than 225, 000 people in eleven countries and flooding coastal communities of its 30 meters high waves. Dubbed as the one of the deadliest natural disasters in history, the tsunamis hit a relatively high number of countries with Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand were the hardest hit.


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