Review the important aspects of demand and cost theory, evaluating how they contribute to our understanding of how markets operate.

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Application of Demand and Cost Theory in Viagra Case

Q1: Review the important aspects of demand and cost theory, evaluating how they contribute to our understanding of how markets operate. Using your economics understanding of this theory, propose a competitive strategy for Pfizers in their fight with GSK and Bayer.

Today, it is necessary for business success whether its managers can correctly anticipate and deal with the changes of economic, political and social environments (Nellis & Parker, 1992). In economic region, these environments are classified in two levels: the microeconomic level and the macroeconomic level. In this essay, it will be shown how demand and cost theory, as a fundamental theory in microeconomics, is applied in market operating.  

In real world, the goal of business organization is to maximize its profit. To achieve this, managers must analyze costs of product and demands of market and make them to reach equilibrium. In microeconomics, there are many measures of cost, such as total cost, total fixed cost, total variable cost, and so on. However, considering the firm’s profit-maximizing output, other four measures of cost is more useful: marginal cost (MC), average fixed cost (AFC), average variable cost (AVC) and average total cost (ATC). In a graph, those four measures represent the firm’s cost structure which covers all costs associated with production, including risk cost and opportunity cost (Mckenzie & Lee, 2003). Their relationships in short run (i.e. at least one resource can not be changed) will be shown in Figure.1: MC curve and AVC curve always intersect at the lowest point of AVC curve. The reason is: AVC is pulled down by declining of MC first, and then declines slowly for increasing of MC, finally, increases after AVC intersects MC. Under the similar reason, MC also intersects ATC at the lowest point of ATC curve.

If there is an increase of ATC from ATC1 to ATC2 caused by an increase of AVC, MC will also increases from MC1 to MC2. Production at price P1 will decreases from Q1 to Q2 because of the increase of MC. However, if this increase is caused by an increase of fixed cost, the marginal cost curve will not change because the marginal cost is unaffected by fixed cost. Thus, quantity of product at price P1 will hold constant. This analysis applies to the short run only. Understanding this is important for managers to decide the profit-maximizing production when the average total cost changes.

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In the economist’s sense, the demand for a product is effective demand, that is, the amount consumers are willing to buy at a given price and over a given period of time (Nellis & Parker, 1992). The law of demand is that ‘the quant of a good demanded per period of time will fall as the price rises and rise as the price falls, other things being equal’ (Sloman & Sutcliffe, 2001). The determinants of demand are price of the product, tastes, the number and price of substitute goods, etc. The changes of these factors influence the demand curve ...

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