Sherman Computer Repair New Directions. Sherman Computers current organizational structure is functional. Nonetheless a move towards ambidextrous organization structure is suggested.

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Sherman Computer Repair New Direction


Sherman Computer Repair New Direction

During the evaluation of Sherman computers, understanding of organizational design is brought to bear on its capacity to adopt new skills and capabilities.  Further exercise involves analyzing ways of restructuring Sherman Computers that it can meet new strategic directions. Sherman Computers current organizational structure is functional. Nonetheless a move towards ambidextrous organization structure is suggested. When used properly, “an ambidextrous approach limits organizational inertia and management myopia” (Levinthal & March, 1993, p. 97). Risks and benefits are considered for having the ambidextrous organizations with regard to communication and cross-functional cooperation. Considering risks to the new business model, the importance of strong support from the traditional business unit is discussed.  Balance is recommended in applying appropriate amount of lateral processes.  Sherman Computers can preempt talent flight by developing smart approaches to attracting and retaining key talents. Review is carried out, of several tactics not the least of which is the reward, and performance management system. Designing these reward systems to achieve strategic objectives. Also discussed is use of technology, networked workstations, and shared intranet to promote lateral processes. Decentralization of authority and its implications for improved productivity are critical for Sherman Computers continues success.

Sherman Computer Repair Organizational Design

For firms that, “simultaneously exploit existing markets while exploring new opportunities, implementation is perhaps even more critical” (Sarkees, Hullan & Prescott, 2010, p. 165). Sherman Computers current organizational design (functional) works well with their computer repair business model. Sarkee et argue for an effective balance between exploitation and exploration, and that such organizations, ”ultimately realize greater benefits than competitors who overemphasize one approach” (Sarkee et al, 2010, p. 166). However, in response to Synergetic Solutions, Sherman Computers wishes to add a new business model for computer assembly, a niche vacated by Synergetic Solution Incorporated.  Sherman Computer’s current organizational design is functional and consists of 27 employees in three different office locations. Close to 40% of Sherman Computers staff consists field technicians who service site calls. Using the star model’s first category of strategy, Sherman Computers will seek to grow market share in the new computer assembly markets. Second, Sherman Computers will determine the structure of the new business model. Ambidextrous business model, allows them to, “separate new exploratory units from their traditional exploitative ones” while, “maintaining tight links across units at senior level” (Reilley & Tushman, 2004, p.45). Tight links are important for what Davila et al describe as ‘internal markets buy in’. Buy in helps these two business models support each other whenever necessary, especially to reduce negative effects of market and technology risks. Third Sherman Computers will recognize the importance of process. Process mastery will allow speed in responding to new assembly technologies as well as adapting new customer expectations.

Therefore,  hierarchy design need take into consideration the span of  control that balances control with empowered decision making,  “at the point of action” (Galbraith, 2004, p. 43). Lateral process can be added to help support cross functional collaboration. Sherman Computer simple structure can leverage lateral processes to achieve better results. Galbaraith et al argue in support of lateral processes benefit of flexibility because, “a focus on its design will allow the company to respond quickly to shifts in strategy without having to restructure the entire organization” (Galbraith, Downey & Kates, 2002, p. 136).

Synergistic Solutions simulation demonstrated the strategic move to decentralize certain functions. Decentralization of functions is important and delegates authority,” downwards the corporate hierarchy” (Combo, Delmastri & Rabiossi, 2007, p. 1039).

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A functional structure can adopt lateral processes and, “becomes capable of forming new product teams” (Galbriath, 2006, p. 44). Excessive lateral processes can however be costly according to Galbraith. Use of intranet for employee information access and the data access can provide additional lateral process achievement. Providing field technicians access to office data can be time-saving and empowering.

Sherman Computers’ rewards systems for the new business model will have a different set of motivational tools. High skill levels demand selective recruitment tactics for creative innovative skilled talent. Skilled employees need a balance of pay structures and employee recognition system. Previous rewards polices ...

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