FNA 3102B: Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management

Stock-Trak Portfolio Valuation

1. Background information

Stock-Trak portfolio starts with $1,000,000 of pretend cash in which investor must have positions in at least five individual stocks at all times and cannot have more than 25% of investor’s money in any stock. Day trade or any other type of security other than individual stocks is not allowed. This report is to evaluate Stock-Trak performance through 8 weeks period from 31 August, 2007 to 26 Oct, 2007.

This Stock-Trak includes 5 individual stocks from 5 different industries at all time which enable diversification. Every week Covariance Matrix and Solver function is run to find out the optimal portfolio weight. Trading is executed whenever it is to increase diversification which leads to lower portfolio standard deviation or higher Sharp ratio. However, based on ranking every week, this portfolio is not really successfully against other peers in term of portfolio return which average ranking is 25. The market index S&P500 is chosen as benchmark since all individual stocks in this Stock-Trak portfolio are in US market and s a market-value weighted index - each stock's weight in the index is proportionate to its market value. Now we go to thorough analysis of this Stock-Trak portfolio’s performance.


I.        RETURNS

1. Weekly Dollar Values

2. Weekly Rates of Return

3. Arithmetic Mean Weekly Rate of Return

4. Compound Weekly Rate of Return

5. Excess Weekly Rates of Return (R p,t - RFRt)

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6. Standard Deviation of Weekly Rates of Return

7. Sharpe Ratio

8. Performance Evaluation: Sharpe Ratio

Based on the Sharp Ratio, the Portfolio is underperformed the S&P500 since it is easily to catch that the Portfolio has lower average return and higher standard deviation which leads to significantly lower Sharpe Ratio.

9. Ex-Post CML and CAL

10. M2 Measure

M2 = RP* - Rm

σp* = σm = Wp x σp  = 2.3010

               Wp           = 2.1877/ σp = 2.3010/ 2.7317 = 0.8423

                Wrf ...

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