Suitable Appraisal system

Performance appraisal can be defined as a planned official interface between an employee and supervisor that occurs periodically as an interview, in which the work performance of the employee is assessed and discussed, with a purpose to recognize weaknesses and strengths in addition to opportunities for improvement, rewards and development of skills.                                                                                      (North, 2007)

This essay intends to advise the suitable appraisal system for the functional employees, Professional employees and directors of the company. It will explain generally about appraisal system, purpose, need for appraisal, its requirements and various methods of conducting appraisal for different group of employees. Furthermore it will highlight the various drawbacks in each case and their possible solutions.

It is a common human nature to evaluate the work done by the employees. There had been informal system of performance appraisal since long, but formal appraisal has recently been introduced. Currently Performance appraisal (PA) has become important practice of Human resource (HR) management universally. It is an organizational change lever and management control tool for assessing employee performance.

                                                                                  (Redman and Wilkinson, 2006, p.155)

Today PA has become more widespread. It includes all occupational groups of company. Appraisal has moved down in organizational hierarchy from the top blue collars to each employee. It has been adapted from private sector to public sector as well. PA helps the organization to plan, delegate and assess the operations of their services.                                                                                                                          

                                                                                                              (LGMB, 1994, P.6)

Performance management department of organization establishes the criteria through the performance appraisal process for the progress and development of company. PA aims to increase the work force efficiency and connects the company goals and objectives with the work targets for each employee.

The PA evaluates the employee’s present and past performances relative to his performance standards set up by company. This process includes setting up of employee work standards according to organizations goals, targets and objectives. Then individual actual performance is evaluated and compared with set standards. All employees are reviewed periodically for their progress towards their targets and feedback is given to them. This review identifies the training and development requirements of the employees and rewards for crossing the target levels.                                                  (Desseler, 2004)

Lastly evaluation is done regarding the effectiveness of whole process to judge whether it fulfilled the organizations objectives. Moreover what type of changes and improvements can be made for further development of company

There has been criticism and doubts about the reliability and compatibility of PA by various management gurus, researchers and psychometricians. In their view appraisal system is “so inherently flawed that it may be impossible to perfect it”.    (Derven, 1990)

Conversely many strong believers of PA consider the process as “potentially the most crucial aspect of organizational life”                                                   (Lawrie, 1990)

Employees are appraised both on ‘objective and subjective measures’. Objective measures are like time keeping; attendance, productivity, quality etc and subjective measures are like Quality, flexibility dependability, loyalty, initiative and many more.        

                                                                                             (Redman and Wilkinson, 2006)                


Ideally appraisal process should always be conducted separately either for training and development or for reward outcomes of the employees like hike in pay and promotions. (Fletcher, 2004). Linking the appraisal results with reward outcomes purges the development value of the performance appraisal system. It can be more yielding process if reward outcome and appraisal results are isolated from each other. Rather than considering appraisal process as occasion for development, remoulding and encouragement to employees the reward linked appraisal results are perceived as condemnatory, punitive and distressing. If both are linked it becomes tough for appraisers being as both “judge and executioner”.                                                           (North, 2007)

In contrast appraisees are inclined towards linking of appraisal results with rewards. They feel satisfied if they are linked together and think time waste and disappointed if not. (Banister and Balkin, 1996). Although PA system has many practical flaws but it is the only most decent system available to achieve true and fair reward outcomes on the basis of merit and hard work of employees.

Whenever PA is conducted in any company there arises two thoughts, whether to conduct appraisal or not. In the bottom of both lies the line which says that “it will cost your company’s both capital and time if not handled well”. This is true for many companies when appraisal is not handled properly. Hence before commencing appraisal procedure the appraisal format should be perfect. The person or line manager conducting appraisal should be very well trained to commence the appraisal process. He should conduct it efficiently, impartially, professionally with proper care to make appraisal effective.

                                                                                                (Chandellar and Gryzb, 2002)                                

There are various reasons which make the appraisal results unworthy like panic, terror, doubt, partiality, conspiracy, unfaithfulness, humiliation, lethargy, blame and sheer incompetence.

A worthy meaningful appraisal needs to be true, impartial, fair, purposeful, mutual, practical, specific, understandable, continuing and precise. It should be conducted without any discrimination like age, gender, colour, nationality, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability etc. It should be well formatted as well.  (Chandellar and Grzyb, 2002) (Chapman, 2007)      


Company should charter PA schedule in such a way that appraisal is reviewed before the new business cycle plan is created. Review period should be at least six months. It provides opportunity to make changes according to the new needs, resource requirement and development of company.                                                                (HRD group, 2008)

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Every company has two basic purposes while conducting performance appraisal i.e Evaluation system and feedback system. The evaluation system identifies the gap between the employee performance and work standards. This gap occurs when employee’s performance does not meet the acceptable standard of work set up by the company. The feedback system is two ways type like appraiser gives feedback to employees and appraisee gives his personal feedback of his job performance.                  (North, 2006)                                       ...

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