SIMON is also fully customizable by SCC’s customers; the service differentiates SCC to its customers. Because the customer can configure the system however they want it, they are able to forecast better according to the exact cycle of the particular customer. This gives the SIMON system a great competitive advantage over other programs that do not have this option. This customization also allows the suppliers to make better decisions and better production planning for the future. SCC can deliver the most value for the consumer’s money with SIMON platform.
ARTICLE: Supply on Demand –
This article is about Scott Dewberry, the purchasing resource coordinator at Clorox Products Manufacturing Company in Mississippi. Because adequate product inventory and on time delivery are very important to Mr. Dewberry, the Clorox Co. has implemented the SCC SIMON system All he has to do is a daily update of his product supply forecasts and the system will take care of everything else. The product allows him to check the status of shipments and the status of products at the plant in Mississippi. SCC also monitors all of the product supply going in and out of the plant in order to reorder products immediately as they are needed. Mr. Dewberry can also check his historical data in order to make better decisions. Because of the SIMON system much of Mr. Dewberry’s time has been freed up to concentrate on more important things than manual ordering of supplies.
I would consider this an example of reengineering for the Clorox Products Manufacturing Company. Before the SIMON system, everything at this plant that involved supply chain management was done manually. With the implementation of the SIMON system, the entire management of the supply chain was re-engineered. Putting the SIMON system in place allowed the Clorox Products Manufacturing Company to do everything by computer by only entering in a few key points about the supply. The SIMON system does the rest for Mr. Dewberry.
ARTICLE: Adding Value in the New Economy –
This article is about the Shell Eastern Chemicals Company in Singapore that has recently implemented the SIMON system. Shell Eastern Chemicals now uses SIMON to handle stock maintenance and order tracking for their major ethylene glycols customers. This releases both the company and their customers from various costs and times to allow them to concentrate on other things like sales and marketing. Because SIMON is such a secure program, customers can keep an eye on data security, report generation, and all historical data. The company has also been able to reduce inventory levels and working capital by almost 25%.
This example is also a case of re-engineering as the SIMON program was introduced in place of a very different program that did not offer the things that SIMON offers. The Shell Eastern Chemicals Company has completely changed the systems they use to track inventory and reorder supplies. This constitutes a case of re-engineering for this company.