Technocraft - Analyse the motivational problems, and provide recommendations on improving motivation for a) the company as a whole and b) the wiring department.

This report is based on Technocraft, a company, which manufactures high-quality sound recording equipment. Technocraft is in a somewhat motivational crisis due to high labour turnover and difficulties with recruiting new employees. Hence the company chairman, George Newell has brought in Helen Mc Kiernan, a management consultant (whose role I will play) to help provide solutions to their motivational problems. This report will attempt to analyse the motivational problems, and provide recommendations on improving motivation for a) the company as a whole and b) the wiring department.
I will conduct my research via secondary data (e.g. basic motivation theorists, Maslow and Herzberg) and then relate this to the Technocraft scenario and therefore make recommendations.
) Basic Moativation - Maslow, Herzberg
Maslow's Hierarchy
Maslow (1970) proposed the "Hierarchy of Needs" which was a great contribution to the motivation theories. Maslow believed everyone has the same needs- all of which can be organised as a hierarchy. The hierarchy follows:
Esteem Needs
Social Needs
Safety Needs
Physical Needs
Maslow's level of Human Need Business Implications
* Physical Needs Pay levels, and working conditions
* Safety Needs Job Security, a clear job role/description
* Social Needs Team working, communications, social facilities
* Esteem Needs Status, recognition for achievement, power, trust
* Self-Actualisation Scope to develop new skills and meet new challenges and to develop one's full potential.
The "dealing with poor performance" was a clear problem. This newly appointed manager, Robert was a very strict, and "get the job done" type of manager. He was deeply disliked by the wiring group, and he stopped all informal practices (which women really enjoyed) among the women. Now according to Maslow's hierarchy, the bottom needs are required to be satisfied first before one can be motivated to reach the needs higher up. Also, Maslow states e.g. physical needs involve employees working to have satisfactory/good working conditions, and this is what motivates them. However, in this situation this is not the case as they are working in dissatisfied conditions. With regards to second problem, the "productivity drive" the employees were not credited for reaching the £1million target. In relation to Maslow's hierarchy, this falls into the category of "esteem needs." This involves employees working to receive self-respect, status and recognition, and this is what motivates them. However the workers were not rewarded or recognised appropriately for their work, thus they became unmotivated and productivity levels dropped heavily.
This report is based on Technocraft, a company, which manufactures high-quality sound recording equipment. Technocraft is in a somewhat motivational crisis due to high labour turnover and difficulties with recruiting new employees. Hence the company chairman, George Newell has brought in Helen Mc Kiernan, a management consultant (whose role I will play) to help provide solutions to their motivational problems. This report will attempt to analyse the motivational problems, and provide recommendations on improving motivation for a) the company as a whole and b) the wiring department.
I will conduct my research via secondary data (e.g. basic motivation theorists, Maslow and Herzberg) and then relate this to the Technocraft scenario and therefore make recommendations.
) Basic Moativation - Maslow, Herzberg
Maslow's Hierarchy
Maslow (1970) proposed the "Hierarchy of Needs" which was a great contribution to the motivation theories. Maslow believed everyone has the same needs- all of which can be organised as a hierarchy. The hierarchy follows:
Esteem Needs
Social Needs
Safety Needs
Physical Needs
Maslow's level of Human Need Business Implications
* Physical Needs Pay levels, and working conditions
* Safety Needs Job Security, a clear job role/description
* Social Needs Team working, communications, social facilities
* Esteem Needs Status, recognition for achievement, power, trust
* Self-Actualisation Scope to develop new skills and meet new challenges and to develop one's full potential.
The "dealing with poor performance" was a clear problem. This newly appointed manager, Robert was a very strict, and "get the job done" type of manager. He was deeply disliked by the wiring group, and he stopped all informal practices (which women really enjoyed) among the women. Now according to Maslow's hierarchy, the bottom needs are required to be satisfied first before one can be motivated to reach the needs higher up. Also, Maslow states e.g. physical needs involve employees working to have satisfactory/good working conditions, and this is what motivates them. However, in this situation this is not the case as they are working in dissatisfied conditions. With regards to second problem, the "productivity drive" the employees were not credited for reaching the £1million target. In relation to Maslow's hierarchy, this falls into the category of "esteem needs." This involves employees working to receive self-respect, status and recognition, and this is what motivates them. However the workers were not rewarded or recognised appropriately for their work, thus they became unmotivated and productivity levels dropped heavily.