The aim of this report is to provide a communications strategy which articulates the Workplace Conflict Resolution Policy (WCRP) for Noble Industries Pty Ltd (NI)

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The aim of this report is to provide a communications strategy which articulates the Workplace Conflict Resolution Policy (WCRP) for Noble Industries Pty Ltd (NI).

Key Strategies

Based on recommendation made further in this report it is concluded that the following key strategies for improving workplace climate will be formally presented to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) at the next ELT Strategy and Planning Meeting:

  • During the planned January 2012 NI Strategy Development Retreat conduct an all staff workshop to develop a collegiate consensus on the expected workplace climate at NI and the associated expectations for a workplace  which has effective conflict resolution practices;
  • Use workshop to address diversity and conflict issues that affect workplace climate and discus climate improvement strategies that will have a positive impact on workplace culture;
  • Utilising staff input develop a WCRP that aligns with the workplace climate expectations articulated by our staff; and
  • Conduct a series of mall companywide communication session to engage the workforce and communicate the new WCRP.

Company Background

NI is a small consultancy specialising in risk management, security and the provision of services in extreme environments such as conflict, post conflict and disaster recovery environments. NI currently has 55 full time employees and 359 part time employees and associates and 1547 sub-contractors. The following demographics are pertinent to the report:

  • Recently formed company as of 2009;
  • 85% of NI employees have an military, security, intelligence or law enforcement background;
  • gender balance of 75% male to 25% female;
  • a broad range of religious, cultural and political backgrounds and affiliation including a large subcontracting base sourced from overseas;
  • excellent internal doctrine and policies on operational and administrative mission related practise but limited internal human resource related policies.    

Culture and Climate

It is accepted that there will always be conflict in the workplace. Surveys conducts have shown that over 60 days productivity can be lost per person per year due to conflicts and misunderstanding between employees. Minimising that conflict should be a priority for managers and team leaders but it must not become their primary focus. Studies have shown that managers can spend over 42% of their time resolving internal workplace conflicts.  

Workplace culture is formed from a number of workplace climate related components.  While changing workplace culture can be a difficult, improving workplace climate elements can have a positive cumulative impact on overall workplace culture. Culture consists of the fundamental set of beliefs, values and assumptions that define the way the organisation conducts operations. Climate is the shared perceptions, behaviours and attitudes which reflect the working conditions of the organisation.

In the context of conflict resolution the climate of a workplace (the attitude and behaviours which relate to diversity, discrimination etc) can significantly impact on the culture of an organisation. Establishing a strategy that minimises internal conflict can improve workplace climate and have associated benefits for the psychological health of employees. It is critical that NI aligns our expected behaviours with the culture that we espouse in our corporate philosophies (inclusiveness, diversity, and acceptance). Ethical decision making, both internally and externally, is a vital part of NI’s culture. Minimising conflict by prompting an ethical workplace (in the context of diversity, discrimination etc) can engender that ethical decision making ethos throughout the company. Clarity of direction, trust and commitment, and a sense of responsibility are all factors that promote a climate conducive to ethical behaviour in the organisation. It is critical that NI align its WCRP with those ethical factors.

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Understanding that NI has a diverse workforce is critical to the development of an ethically based WCRP.  Diversity includes not limited to:

  • language,
  • race,
  • ethnicity,
  • dress,
  • values,
  • religion and religious practices,
  • social and community responsibilities,
  • family and family responsibilities, and
  • political views.

Understanding diversity can improve behaviour of employees and employers and increase competitiveness. NI’s ability to be a successful and competitive business will depend on our ability to manage conflict that may arise due to diversity in the workplace.

Conflict Resolution System

Core Recommendation: NI should develop ...

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