The birth of the Toyota Prius has revolutionized the car industry and has also opened a reassessment of energy efficient technologies and oil-dependency. This paper will also look at current hybrid technology and alternatives. It will examine the Toyota

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                                                                                              Toyota – The Birth of the Prius

Toyota – The Birth of the Prius

Glen Halter, Jesse Chando, Matt Longo and Tiffany Swoffard

Rowan University, Rohrer College of Business

Table of Contents

Introduction                                                        Page  3

History of the Toyota Production System                        Page  3

Toyota Production System Framework                        Page  6

Toyota Production System in Action                          Page  9

Toyota Production System Summary                                Page 11

What a Hybrid Is                                                Page 12

Prius                                                                Page 13

Tax and Other Incentives                                        Page 14

Prius Safety                                                        Page 15

Impacts – National Security                                        Page 16

Impacts – Oil Dependency                                        Page 16

Impacts – Business and Economy                                Page 18

Impacts – Environment                                        Page 22

Alternative Fuel Vehicles                                        Page 26

Toyota Competition                                                Page 28

Closing                                                        Page 29

References                                                        Page 31


 Gas-electric hybrid vehicles are the most efficient mass produced cars on the market today.  The birth of the Toyota Prius has revolutionized the car industry and has also opened a reassessment of energy efficient technologies and oil-dependency among businesses and humanity.  Increases in the production of hybrid vehicles are transforming the economy, environment and possibly the way people live their lives.  America’s current and customary way of life is currently invested in a non-renewable resource.  This dependence wears down our national security, the economy, the environment, and leaves us defenseless to fluctuating oil prices.  This paper will also look at current hybrid technology and alternatives.  It will examine the Toyota Production System and its impact on industries.

History of the Toyota Production System

Most people today associate Japanese products and production processes with high quality.  There is an assumption that quality was “invented” in Japan.  The roots, however, actually are in America.  Henry Ford’s principles of mass production, Joseph Juran’s statistical approach to problem solving and W.  Edwards Deming’s methodology of continuous improvement were all instrumental in the birth of modern manufacturing.  After World War II these pioneers worked to rebuild the decimated country of Japan.  

Oddly enough, most American people were not aware of Juran, Deming and other process improvement figures until sometime around 1980.  Until that time the United States practically ruled the manufacturing world and although processes may have been inherently wasteful and quality may have been inconsistent, there was little foreign competition.  In the meantime the world was beginning to change.  As the world economy became a global economy the face of the competitor was changing.  Consumers began to have alternatives.  One alternative is lower prices but was often coupled with low quality.  Another alternative may be very high quality with specific items but with high pricing.  As companies or industries began to get the quality and resulting pricing strategies corrected the preferred alternatives for some product lines were no longer made in America.  One way to get the pricing formula to work is for foreign companies to manufacture in regional markets.  Not only does this allow a company to avoid shipping costs and importation duties, it also provides a “politically correct” situation by employing American people.  A company that may have been considered a Japanese company would now be a truly international company employing thousands of diverse people around the world, including America.  

Toyota is famous today for the manufacture of high quality automobiles.  The products range from cars and trucks to their high-end line of Lexus cars.  But perhaps as important as the automobile business is the methodology by which the company is run.  This is the fabled Toyota Production System (TPS).  At Toyota quality isn’t just built into their products but is at the heart of how the company functions.  

Toyota was founded when Sakichi Toyoda invented the automatic loom.  Further innovations applied to his invention would stop a loom if a thread broke allowing many looms to be operated by one machine operator.  Because a loom would automatically stop thread would not be wasted making defective product.  The operator was immediately aware of a problem.  The principle of immediate problem solving could be called the beginning of the Toyota Production System.  (Toyota Georgetown, 2006)

Automobile production at Toyota began in the 1930’s.  Sakichi’s son Kiichiro was responsible for this operation and studied Henry Ford’s conveyor production system in the United States.  This system of manufacturing was brought back to Japan and adapted for the smaller production volumes required in the home country by developing methods to sequence production and transport of product only on an “as needed” basis.  This process of Just-In-Time production was a necessity for Toyota because of limited cash and the need to turn inventory into cash quickly.  This is a contrast to Toyota’s contemporaries of the day, notable the Ford Motor Company who had robust manufacturing facilities but huge volumes of inventory in various stages of production work-in-process.  (Toyota Georgetown, 2006) Even today at Toyota inventory is not viewed as an asset but rather as a cost or waste.  (George Alukal, 2006) The logistical approach is to deliver parts in a “kitting” package to cars as they progress down the manufacturing line.  This has eliminated almost all the shelving that would normally be lining the assembly areas.  (Norihiki Shriouzu, 2005)

Despite the revolutionary manufacturing efforts of the day, economic conditions in 1948, at the end of World War II nearly forced Toyota into bankruptcy.  With concessions of the employees and great sacrifice of the owners the company persevered.  In the 1950’s plant manager Taiiichi Ohno, who later became executive vice president, visited the United States and made an important discovery in American supermarkets.  He was impressed with the concept of self-service and the way that the customer could easily choose just what he wanted in the desired quantity.  Just that quantity would be restocked on the shelf for the next customer.  Ohno would later describe his practices in the factory like those of the supermarket.  Production lines would supply their output for the following lines to choose from.  The next consuming line would be a customer for the preceding line.  Only those items consumed would be replaced.  This is what we call a “Pull system”.  This is the beginning of another important concept of the Toyota Production System.  (Toyota Georgetown, 2006)

Toyota Production System Framework 

The dictionary definition of the Toyota Production System is that it is the framework and philosophy organizing the manufacturing facilities at Toyota and the interaction of these facilities with the suppliers and customers.  At the heart of the TPS is the relentless goal of eliminating waste (Muda).  Typically, there are 7 classifications of Muda which are:

1.  Defects

2.  Overproduction

3.  Transportation

4.  Waiting

5.  Inventory

6.  Motion

7.  Processing itself (Toyota Production System, n.d.)

Elimination of waste is accomplished by employing a variety of “tools” in the lean manufacturing “toolbox”.  One of those tools is the Value Stream Map which is a systematic analysis of the steps utilized in a process.  The first thought is always ‘Who is the Customer?’ The map begins with the current state which can only be properly appreciated by visiting the workplace (Gemba).  Actions around a product or process are examined with attention placed on resource allocation to each of these steps.  Resources are typically time, movement, space occupied, etc.  The steps are also classified as “value added” or “non-value added”.  Value added can be thought of as those actions that the customer is willing to pay for.  Non-value steps may be necessary but the customer may not view them as value added.  Example could be that a customer wants a price sticker applied to a product so this is value added.  However, the fact that a manufacturer may have to clean the surface so the sticker will work is non-value added work.  Or, keeping a special inventory of work-in-process to accept different stickers is non-value added.  Usually a value stream map is made in reverse flow of the process.  Although this may seem strange it forces the participants to dissect the process and thereby eliminates making assumptions and skipping subtle steps in the process.  It also will clearly identify hidden buckets of work in process.  When the information is gathered the different resources are tallied.  Often the totals are shocking.  Products may literally move miles within factory walls.  Manufacturing processing areas could occupy hundreds of square feet.  Time for a part to move through processes may take weeks or months due to the different periods of waiting even though actual processing without waiting may be a matter of hours or even minutes.  Once the totals are made the future state is defined.  A future state will have goals of reducing waste.  The needs of the customer are always kept in focus.  An action plan will now be formed.  

Another commonly employed tool is 5S which is part of the principle of visual control.  Once again, this is a tool that is designed to eliminate waste.  The five Ss are:

1.  Seiri (Sort) – Get rid of what isn’t needed from the work area.  

2.  Seiton (Straighten) – A place for everything and everything in its place.  

3.  Seiso (Shine) – Clean everything.  This will help to visually identify problems.  

4.  Seiketsu (Standardize) – Develop rules to maintain the first three Ss.  

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5.  Shitsuke (Sustain) – Discipline to maintain a stable environment of continuous improvement.  

The first 4 Ss are typically done in a workshop.  The fifth, and most challenging, S is

accomplished by auditing and continuous improvement efforts.  (Masaaki Imai, 1997)

A summarized version of the 14 Toyota Way Principles is as follows:

1.  Base your management decisions on a long-term philosophy even at the expense of short-term financial goals.  

2.  Create continuous process flow to bring problems to the surface.  

3.  Use “pull” systems to avoid overproduction.  

4.  Level out the workload (heijunka).  (Work like ...

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