3.3 Pilot Test
The actual questionnaires were finalised and distributed after two pilot tests were carried out with the sample size of 30 respondents each. Pilot test is useful as it helps the researchers and teammates to identify which question might misinterpret by the respondents (Teijlingen and Hundley, 2001).
3.4 Limitations
Despite the supremacy of each method of data collection, there are certain limitations to it which might shade the accuracy and reliability of the outcome. The result of the questionnaire might be affected by the lack of knowledge of the respondents to the subject and the lack of interest to fill out the questionnaire. Wrong interpretation of the questions by the respondents is another drawback of using questionnaire (Saunders et al. 2007).
On the other side, focus group was carried out even though it was time-consuming. The results of the focus groups are difficult to analyse as the results tends to be qualitative (Seggern and Young, 2003). Apart from this during the discussion sessions of the focus groups, some respondents may not express their view if the other respondents are against the view resulting from group pre-dominant view, or some respondents may respond as the expectation of the moderator.
The finding of this research was based on 30 survey questionnaires which collected from SCPJ Jalan 223. This finding and analysis in this section are divided into five sections:
- Personal information of Respondents – Demographic background
- Career path after graduation
- University education
- Attitudes and perceptions
- Educational effectiveness
- Personal information of Respondents – Demographic Background
Table 1: Demographic Summary of Survey Questionnaire Respondents
Table 2: Age Group of Survey Questionnaire Respondents
Table 1 above shows the demographic summary of the survey questionnaire respondents. The samples of this study are students in UEL degree program who are currently pursuing International Business, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Networks and Business Information Systems. Where else, table 2 shows the age group of the respondents according to their respective schools.
As shown, majority of the respondents belong to 22-24 age group (N=15), while there were no result for age group 31 & above (N=0). Furthermore, the sum for male respondents (N=16) were higher than those of female (N=14). Besides, there were more local respondents (N=18) compared to international respondents (N=12).
Table 3 below shows the participants of focus group. There are five group members were in attendance. Focus group was conducted in a classroom, Room 1LR3 in Stamford College Petaling Jaya.
Table 3: Participants of Focus Group
Table 5: Age Group of Respondents
Table 6: Nationality of Respondents
Table 7: Gender of Respondents According to their Course
- Career path after graduation
Table 8: Career plan after graduation
According to the table above, most of the UEL students plan to look for a job after graduation. Only 20% of them are planning to have career advancement upon their graduation. From here we can see that most of students wish to look for a job because they want to work and gain experience in the field that they have chosen to work. According to Thanasegaran, an Engineering student who wishes to work after his graduation because he would like to pursue his Masters after gaining experience in the field that he plans to work.
Table 9: Position of Job Hierarchy According to Gender
64.3% of UEL students are interested to work in middle level position where else 35.7% would like to be in top level position in their company. The respondents thinks that their qualification can make them to qualify for the middle level position as in order to gain to level position, the respondents would need to have more working experience. In today’s world, qualification is not only important; in order to qualify for a job we should also have some working experience as well.
Table 10: Field Chosen to work by Respondents
UEL students in Stamford College Petaling Jaya wish to pursue their career in the respective field that they have chosen to study. For School of Business students, most of them want to pursue their career in Human Resource field followed by Sales/Marketing. As for A, a Business school student, she would want to enrol in Human Resource field because it has been her ambition since her schooling days to work in this field. Besides that, her father had always encouraged her to work in this field.
Table 11: Influences on Career Choices
According to figure above, more males are pursuing their degree because it has been their interest to study in the field that they have chosen. Where else, females pursue their degree because it has been their interest and the field can promise them high salary. Only a few of them were inspired by their friends or relatives in choosing this degree. None of them are doing their degree because they were forced by their parents. That shows both the males and females are able to make decisions on their career path without depending on their parents or relatives. As for V, she believes that choosing a career of her choice can make her to excel in life and that will eventually lead in advancing her career. Not only that, Tan who is currently pursuing his degree in Computer Network believes that a career that can provide him with high salary will enable him to be in a higher qualification reflects on career progress not only in terms of climbing the ladder faster, but also in making bank accounts fatter.
- University education
Table 12: Skills Required in the Chosen Field
Fugate et. al, (2004) provide a conceptual definition of employability skill in which it is a form of an active adjustment of individuals towards certain occupations until they could identify and recognise existing career opportunities in the work place. From the figure above, most of the UEL students think that teamwork is an important skill that is needed in their career. This is followed by problem solving skill and computing skill. As for K , who wishes to pursue her career in Human Resource field said that for the field that she have chosen, teamwork, decision making, communication skills, problem-solving, leadership skills and time management skills are needed to excel in her career. These skills could assist graduates who are entering to employment field to adjust themselves towards various changes and to increase working abilities which suit the working environmental needs. Atsumbe (2002) advocating the need for education to teach affective work skills, stressed that any education does not promote the right value and attitude to work.
Table 13
33.9% of UEL students agree that university education had been helpful in terms of providing knowledge and skills for them. This is followed by critical thinking with 30.35% of them thinks that this degree had made them to develop critical thinking skills. As for V, she said she had developed more knowledge and skills from the modules that has been taught to her. She strongly believes that this will help her to perform well her career. Moreover, she also have acquired critical thinking skills through the Researching and Business Management module that had enable students to think and evaluate critically the issues that they have been exposed.
Table 14
From the figure above, we can see that most of the UEL students agree that university education have prepared them well for their career. However, there is one student who disagrees by stating that this degree had prepared him/her very poorly for his/her career. This might due to the lack of confidence in the individual on the degree that he/she is currently pursuing. This degree might have not been the right choice for the particular individual. University education leads to an increase in earning capacity, a broader range of opportunities, and a more rewarding career. It gives us the confidence to change tracks from what you have been doing all these years. Besides that, it provides us with the necessary skills and knowledge to kick-start a new and rewarding career.
Table 15
Almost all the UEL students have recognised the importance of university education in their future career. University education provides us with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable us to achieve well in our future career. As for A, a final year Business student believes that from this university education she would gain the necessary knowledge and skills that will enable her to perform well in her career. According to her, without university education it will difficult for an individual to be successful in their employment field. Most employers target university graduates in their recruitment campaigns. A graduate has a better prospect of being selected for a job than an individual who did not attend university. Employers prefer university graduates because a higher educational qualification generally demonstrates the skills and qualities valued by them.
- Attitudes and Perceptions
Table 16: Attitudes and Perceptions of Respondents towards University Education
Table 17: Attitudes and Perceptions of Respondents towards University Education (%)
Table 18: Attitudes and Perceptions of Respondents towards University Education
As from the figure above, most of the UEL students have agreed that university education have acquired them with the knowledge and skills necessary for their career. Besides that, this degree have also improved their ability in thinking skills, teamwork, computing skills, written and communication skills and problem solving skills. The UEL students believe that university education has prepared them well as to excel in their career. As for Tan, he agreed all the above statements by stating that university education provides student with opportunities for personal growth by exposing us to a rich cultural and social environment. Universities allow students to meet and interact with people from different social, cultural, and financial backgrounds. Students learn new ways of learning things as well as learn a lot of new things. A university education teaches the need to work with dedication and commitment in addition to the traditional skills of essay writing, research, group discussions and etc. Above all this, there is the social education of growing up and learning to live and work with others.
- Educational Effectiveness
Table 19: Educational Effectiveness
Table 20: Educational Effectiveness (%)
Table 21: Educational Effectiveness
The figure above shows the effectiveness of university education in future professional career. This figure clearly explains the importance of future university education. Most UEL students have agreed that their university education has been helpful to them in terms of helping them to develop skills, understanding different background of people and being a better citizen. The effectiveness of providing a quality education can be clearly seen when none of the UEL students disagree that above statements. According to K, a Business student, university education not only allows her to choose a career or implement a career change, but also enhances career advancements.
Institutions of higher education need to consider whether they are ready to meet growing learner demands in the coming years. First of all, most respondents agreed that blended learning would have greater significance in higher education in the future. Although some institutions have already embraced blended learning, many others are slower at adopting it for various reasons. University education provides opportunities for career advancement, gives us the confidence to change tracks from what you have been doing all these years. It also provides us with the necessary skills and knowledge to kick-start a new and rewarding career. Universities allow students to meet and interact with people from different social, cultural, and financial backgrounds.
In the words of Albert Einstein, — ‘Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.’ True to his words, a university education is what remains with us and helps us make a living. All the same, it is not just a means to earn a living but also a means to better living.
Question 1: How and to what extent has studying for the degree been beneficial to you? Explain and justify your answer.
I am currently pursuing my degree in Bachelor of Arts (Hons) International Business under University of East London. From the course, I have developed general knowledge and understanding of different and up-to-date business development and global business issues. Besides that, I have been taught with the latest business operations and management techniques, practices and methods that have been applied in the fields of international businesses.
In addition, from all of the classes that I have attended and various assignments and presentations that have been conducted, I have earned several skills. That includes academic skills which include reading, note taking, research, and computer skills such as Microsoft Office. In my view, all of these skills are essential for my study. By knowing that, I find it is easier for me to further my academic success and these skills allow me to have better learning on the materials presented by lecturers. Therefore, it strengthens my ability when preparing for exams and other assessments.
Besides that, I have learned the ability to adapt myself in changing environment. There are several problems encountered, however, I handled all sort of problems in calm and I learned to determine under pressure. Additionally, I am able to manage my personal reactions to challenges in life.
Moreover, I have earned personal skills which including self-management, independent learning, analytical and critical thinking skills, interpersonal skills, team working skills, time management skills, and public-speaking skills. All these skills are beneficial for me throughout the course of my lifetime.
Question 2: Explain what you intend to do after the degree in terms of work or further study and identify how you might transfer your academic skills to be effective in what you plan to do.
After I have made it through college, I will put my hard earned degree to work by applying a job in business and management. I do not mind to start from the low level, as long as I can develop more in-depth knowledge experiences in the management field before I can achieve my long term goal which is to become a qualified manager.
As I have practiced several skills while pursuing my studies at college, I am sure all of the skills are useful when I step into working life. Teamwork skill is one of the most important skills for me to success in my career path. With it, I am able to collaborate and communicate well with others as a team and perform effectively. However, leadership is also one of the necessary skills for me to work efficiently. Without an effective leadership, it is hard to get all the staffs to work in group. With the leadership skill that I learnt from my studies, it enables me to do well in planning, organising, staffing, and controlling personnel as a good leader.
Besides, communication is another essential skill for me in order to work effectively in management field. A good communication skill enables me to pick the right person and express my expectations well through sending a clearer message. I believe that the academic skills and personal skills that I have adopted can strengthen my ability in completing my personal development plan in the near future.
Upon my graduation, I intend to do my Masters in Business Administration under University of Ballarat in Stamford College on a part-time basis. I firmly believe that learning is a life-long process. So I do want to upgrade myself in ensuring a better future.
Curriculum Vitae
Anderson, C.W. (1993) Prescribing the Life of the Mind: an Essay on the Purpose of the University, the Aims of Liberal Education, the Competence of Citizens, and the Cultivation of Practical Reason. University of Wisconsin Press: Madison.
Arnold, J. (1997) Managing Careers into the 21st Century. London: Paul Chapman Publishing.
- Atsumbe, B.N. (2002). Needed Improvements on the Curriculum of the Technical College Mechanical Engineering Craft Practice Curriculum. Unpublished Ph.D dissertation. Department of Vocational Teacher Education, University of Nigeria Nsukka.
Cormack, S. (1999) University of the Future. In Thorne, M. (Ed.) Foresight: Universities in the Future (pp. 120-127). Department of Trade and Industry: UK.
Fugate, M., A.J., Kinicki, and B.E., Ashforth, (2004), “Employability: A Psychosocial Construct, Its Dimension, and Applications”, Journal of Vocational Behavior vol.65, pp. 14-38.
Gibb, A. (2005) What Outcomes Do We Want From Entrepreneurship Education and Why? WestFocus Entrepreneurship Education: Securing the Future Conference. Roehampton University, 1 December 2005. Unpublished conference proceedings.
Harvey, G.L, Guston, D.H. and Keniston K. (1994) The Fragile Contract: University Science and the Federal Government. MIT: USA.
Hawkins, P. (1999) The Art of Building Windmills. Career tactics for the 21st Century. Liverpool: GIEU.
Holmes, L. (2001) Reconsidering Graduate Employability: the ‘graduate identity’ approach. Quality in Higher Education, vol.7(2), pp.111-119.
Hustler, D., Ball, B., Carter, K., Halsall, R., Ward, R. and Watts, A. G. (1998) Career Management Skills. Final Evaluation Report. HEQE Funded Project. [online]
Available from: ( Accessed on 16th November 2011)
University Futures (2007a) University Futures [online]. Available from www.universityfutures.org [Accessed 30th November 2011].
Super, I. (1976) The New Idea of a University. Imprint Academic: UK.
7.1 Survey Questionnaire
Thibashini Maniam (UEL ID: 1054338)
I am a Year 3 Semester 1 full-time student under the program of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Business offered by the University of East London.
The purpose of conducting this survey is to find out “What do UEL student think about the future university education and why?” This survey will take approximately 5 – 10 minutes of your time.
All answers disclosed in the survey form will be treated with strict confidentiality and used for academic purposes only. Participation to this questionnaire is voluntary and will not be reported to anyone. Your participation in this survey is much appreciated.
Thank you so much for your cooperation.
Please answer the following questions.
Kindly place a tick (√) in the applicable box (es) in regards to yourself.
All questions require ONE answer UNLESS STATED.
PART A: Personal Information
TYPE OF STUDENT : Local International
AGE RANGE : 18-21 22-24 25-27 28-30 31 and above
GENDER : Male Female
Which field are you pursuing your degree now?
International Business
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Computer Networks
Business Information Systems
PART B: Career path after graduation
- What is your career plan after graduation?
[1] Look for a job
[2] Further studies
[3] Career advancement
[4] Others ** Please specify ____________
- Your university education can qualify which position of the job hierarchy?
Top Level Position
Middle Level Position
Low Level Position
- Which profession would be your career choice?
Sales/Marketing Engineering
Human Resources Others ** Please specify ____________
- What influences you on your choice of this career?
High salary
Forced by parents
Inspired through friends/relatives
Others ** Please specify ___________________
PART C: University education
What are the skills needed in the field that you have chosen? (you can select more than 1)
Teamwork Problem-solving skills
Decision making Leadership skills
Communication skills Computing skills
Negotiating skills Time management skills
Creativity Others ** Please specify ______________
In what way university education has been helpful in the specific field that you are going to work?(you can select more than 1)
Knowledge and Skills
Critical thinking
Future career prospects
Others ** Please specify ________________
- How well did university education prepare you for your career?
Very well
Very poorly
- How do you recognise the importance university education in your future career?
Very important
Not very important
PART D: Attitudes and Perceptions
- Please read each of the following statements carefully and indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree.
Through university education, I…
PART E: Educational Effectiveness
Listed below are some abilities often mentioned as important for personal and professional success in future. Please fill in for each ability listed.
- In your view, how effective were your university experiences in….
****************************Thank you for your participation **************************
7.2 Focus group
A total of 5 students were interviewed. The questions asked are:
- May you give a brief description about your career prospect and what motivates you to pursue this career?
- Which field are planning to work?
- How do you perceive your chances of finding a job upon graduation?
- Where did you plan to work?
- What is the area of your interest and the skills required in your field?
- What you think about the UEL university education?
- How effective is your university education?
- PowerPoint slides