This work presents an in-depth analysis on the views of employees working within the IT department of HSBC regarding matters involving the Human Resources department.

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Personnel Management: BUS 20.025S                HSBC


This work presents an in-depth analysis on the views of employees working within the IT department of HSBC regarding matters involving the Human Resources department in relation to three areas of HR:

- Motivation         - Performance management and rewards                - Employee relations


Self-Administered questionnaires asking questions relating to the subject areas of HR department being analysed were sent to respondents working within the IT Department, with a total of eight replies being received from employees. Answers received from the questionnaire were linked to various secondary data obtained considering theories relating to the subject area of HR being analysed.

 Our conclusions illustrated many of the questioned employees were satisfied working within this specific department of HSBC. Nevertheless although many felt their motivation to carry out tasks were based around the possibility of obtaining management recognition, the employees felt management relationship was distant. Research showed that the majority of work employees carried out were teamwork based, which many theorists believe, offer many advantages for the organisation including greater employee interaction and satisfaction from teamwork.


We would like to thank HSBC for allowing us to carry out this report.  We also want to thank the eight individuals who have taken the time out to fill in our questionnaires.  Without this we would not have a report to analyse.  We also need to thank Abel Bello for agreeing to be our contact and distributing the questionnaires.

We would also like to thank Mike Nieto for his constant advice and assistance (and his book ‘Marketing The HR Function’ that complemented his lectures).

All the books, journals and web sites used receive our appreciation for their guidance, research and for providing useful secondary data.


1. INTRODUCTION                                                                P 4

2. METHODOLOGY- PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION                        P 5

3. FINDINGS                                                                        P 6-8

        3.1. Motivation                                                        P 6-7

        3.2. Performance Management, Rewards & Appraisals                P 7

        3.3. Employee Relations                                                P 7-8        

        3.4. Role of the Human Resources Department                        P 8

4. ANALYSIS & DISCUSSION                                                P 9-15

        4.1. Motivation                                                        P 9-12

        4.2. Performance Management, Rewards & Appraisals                P 11-12

        4.3. Employee Relations                                                P 12-14

5. CONCLUSIONS                                                                P 15

6. RECOMMENDATIONS                                                        P 16

7. BIBLIOGRAPHY                                                             P 17-18

8. TEAM LEARNING REVIEW                                                 P 19-21

9. APPENDIX                                                                        P 23

        9.1. Appendix 1, Questionnaire                                        P 22-24

9.2. Appendix 2, Org chart, IT operations structure                        P 25

9.3. Appendix 3, IT Support Structure                                P 26

9.4. Appendix 4, Staff Handbook                                        P 27

9.5. Appendix 5, Gantt chart                                                P 28


This report analyses how employees feel regarding matters that involve the human resources department (HRM).  The company to be analysed is the Honk Kong Shanghai Banking (HSBC) group. HSBC is one of the largest banking and financial services in the world.  The location focused on is Canary Wharf, based in London.  The reason behind this decision is we had contact with a member of staff by the name of Mr Abel Bello who works at HSBC.  As Abel works in the Information technology (IT) department, we decided it would be best to focus this report on the same department.  (Please refer to appendix 2&3 for organisational charts of the IT department).

The assignment is focused around three areas of HR:

- Motivation         - Performance management and rewards                - Employee relations          

We felt motivation was a key area in the work place and employee’s relations and rewards also affect motivation, hence our decision to choose these specific areas.  We also felt that as there is a link between all three, thereby report would flow quite well, complementing each section.

With HSBC being a large bank, it is understandable that there is a lot of security regarding information.  One of our ideas was to conduct interviews with various members of staff.  However, we discovered that the authorisation we required to carry out this task would take approximately 2-4 weeks to pass.  Due to this, we were worried we would not have enough time to fully research our questions to ask and analyse the responses we received.  It was then thought best to produce a questionnaire and pass it on to Abel to distribute to his colleagues.

Please refer to Gantt chart (appendix 5) for timetable of activities

The report shall commence with a methodology section explaining how the questionnaire was designed followed by a findings section presenting the answers received from the eight people interviewed during our primary data collection. The Analysis and Discussions section that follows immediately afterwards will critically evaluate the findings by analysing it with appropriate secondary research obtained. The closing stages of the report shall consider conclusions and recommendations from the data received both primary and secondary.


The type of questionnaire we used is also referred to as a self-administered questionnaire (read Appendix 1 for a copy of the questionnaire). A problem with self-adminisered questionnaires is we fail to watch respondents answering questions thus causing possible problems with validity and reliability, e.g. ‘respondents discussing answers with others, there by contaminating their response’ (Saunders, 2000: 281).

‘The interview questionnaires offer only one chance to collect the data, it is difficult to identify respondents or return to collect additional information’ (Saunders, 2000: 291). We realised that it was imperative to get everything right first time, ensuring that answers received answer the research question, hence does it answer how Motivated employees feel? What employee relations are like? What performance management and rewards are like? Questions were carefully reviewed and deliberations made as a group with the project tutor to see if he felt it was appropriate.

The questions asked were all open questions (bar two); we felt that open questions would be more suitable in order to fully understand the respondent’s views. The amount of space provided for each response was an essential consideration ‘as it decides the length and fullness of the response (Saunders, 2000: 292). We decided to leave two lines for each thus making it enough for the respondents to express views adequately and not too much for the questions to feel off-putting.

We realised using open-ended questions could mean we obtain many differences in answers which according to Ghauri ‘would make coding or categorization difficult or almost impossible’ (Ghauri, 1995: 61) and making analysing difficult. So we carefully read through the data received analysing it systematically, so we categorised questions and evaluated answers into three different subdivisions that relate to the assignment.

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‘Piloting enables you to see if the results are indeed likely to give you the kind of information which you are seeking’ (Jankowicz, 1995: 194). A pilot was conducted with Abel Bello with appropriate amendments made afterwards. One particular change Abel felt was required to the original questions was that we failed to provide space for respondents to give an explanation for some of the closed questions, so we decided to replace some of the closed questions for open questions.


Appendix 1 shows an exact copy of the questionnaires which each of the staff was asked to fill ...

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