Why did mass-production emerge as the dominant industrial process in the late 19th/early 20th century? Provide examples to support your argument.

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Why did mass-production emerge as the dominant industrial process in the late 19th/early 20th century? Provide examples to support your argument.

“As a concentration on principles of power, accuracy, economy, system, continuity and speed - mass production is one of the most prolific production technologies the world has ever known.” (Hounshell D, 1984) Mass production is not merely quantity production or machine production, for this may be had with none of the requisites of mass production. It is characterized by mechanical pacing of work, no choice of tools or methods, repetitiveness, minute subdivision of product, minimum skill requirements and surface mental attention. (Huczynski A and Buchanan D; 2001) The late 19th / early 20th century saw the rise of mass production as the dominant industrial process; where single-purpose machines and unskilled labour were combined to produce standard goods. This essay will endeavor to evaluate the emergence of mass production as the undisputed emblem of industrial efficiency and throw light on some examples to support this view. Furthermore, the essay will outline the decline of mass production, and compare and contrast it with flexible specialization. However, before dwelling into the aforementioned aspects it is essential to study the classical view which throws light on mass production as a historical necessity.  

The core of the classical theory of economic development as seen through the writings of Smith and Marx is the idea that increases in productivity depend on increasingly specialized or product specific use of resources. For Adam Smith, the crucial source of increased productivity was the division of labour that led to the concentration of a narrower range of activities and allowed specialists to perfect their skills more rapidly, wasting less time switching operations. He recognized the need to design and use man-machine systems for the production of items in large quantities. For Marx, specialization of manual work was also important for the increase of industrial productivity because it led to the introduction of special purpose automatic machinery. In Smith’s perspective however, the division of labour was limited by the extent of the market. Until and unless there wasn’t a potential market for a product, there wouldn’t be a point in rearranging production to increase output. This was directly linked to the second great theme of classical political economy: the transition from the agrarian world of a small holder peasantry paying dues to feudal lords, to the world of industrial capitalism, and, more particularly, the emergence of Great Britain and United States as industrial powers. Both Smith and Marx interpreted these transformations as a story of progress from self-sufficiency to specialization. They believed that the triumph of capitalism was proof that the constant struggle to increase productivity meant that for every satisfaction, new desires are created. This classic synthesis put forward the view that capitalization creates mechanization which in turn leads to mass production. (Sabel, C and Zeitlin J; 1985)

The stimulus for mass production derived largely from the invention and increasing availability of mechanized methods of production, a development, which in turn was dependant on the design and use of power resources. The use of water, and then steam power accelerated the development of production mechanization. The development of machine tools and other ‘mechanical’ production equipment came to a climax in the 18th and 19th centuries, and consequently it was around this period that mass production as a ‘technology’ began to evolve.

During the 1850s and 1860s, modern forms of large-scale business enterprise had only emerged in a few limited areas, such as the railway industry. The next half-century witnessed a business revolution, in which an ever-widening range of manufacturing, mining and service companies in the industrial economies adopted structural forms pioneered by the railways. According to Alfred D. Chandler, the railroads aggregated demand and elaborated administrative techniques that proved indispensable to the new mass manufacturers outside the transportation industry.

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Despite growing at different rates and in varying forms between the 1850s and 1930s, modern, large-scale business corporations in Europe and America shared some common characteristics. Employment of larger capital assets, horizontal and vertical integration, product diversification, multi-plant operations and continuing R&D programmes were some of these. The emerging large-scale ‘managerial firms’ of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as contrasted with the traditional ‘entrepreneurial firms’ signified the shift from a system of proprietorial capitalism to one of big business and managerial capitalism.  (Schmitz C, 1995)

The key factor in these transformations was technological change in the ...

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