Why do people play the National Lottery? Can the Expected Utility model of Consumer Choice explain this, While Assuming that Individuals are Rational? Are there Alternative Economic explanations of this?

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Why do people play the National Lottery?  Can the Expected Utility model of Consumer Choice explain this, While Assuming that Individuals are Rational? Are there Alternative Economic explanations of this?

The National Lottery was launched in 1994, it is a standard game compared to other lotteries around the world. Players must match X numbers from a choice of M with the numbers drawn randomly, by the lottery operators, from the same set. In the UK it is 6 numbers from 49. Because it was relatively unusual in the UK, this made it very difficult for policy makers to identify possible consumer reactions to the product.

Using the economics of uncertainty cannot only justify the playing of the National Lottery. There are also Social aspects that must be looked at. Why would a rational consumer place a bet of £1 on a 14 million to 1 shot to just win 4 to 7 million pounds?  Or even £1 on a 57 to 1 shot to win £10? It doesn’t sound like a rational gamble.

        When looking at probability distribution of getting three numbers and six numbers, as these are the smallest and largest prizes. If you buy the lottery ticket for £1, you will have a wealth distribution consisting of w, the original wealth, £7million if you win (assuming this will mean w is an insignificant amount compared to £7million) w+£10 or in the most likely event of not winning at all w-£1. ‘The thing that matters, is the consumption that money can buy that is the ultimate ‘good’ being chosen’1. 

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        So if the expected return is lower than the actually than the actually stake why do people play? ‘The standard economic framework for analyzing decisions in the face of risk and uncertainty is the expected utility model’2. So this says that the utility gained from undertaking a risky activity can be measured by the expected utility associated with the activity. The fact that outcomes of this random choice or gamble are consumption goods that will be consumed in different circumstances means that only one of those outcomes is going to occur. Which is what the national lottery is, if you’re ...

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