Young People are under intense pressure to live beyond their means." Investigate the extent to which this pressure on them to consume and their budgets come into conflict.

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General Studies Coursework

“Young People are under intense pressure to live beyond their means.”

Investigate the extent to which this pressure on them to consume and their budgets come into conflict.

This title can be broken down and each bit can be explained.

Young people are people from under the age of 13 to 25 years old.

Young people can be sub divided into set groups, under 13, 13-15, 16-17, 18-21 and 22-25.

Children under 13 are completely dependant on parents.  They have no means at all as they are too young to work.

13-15 year olds very little means to live on.  They may have small jobs such as paper rounds or baby-sitting, but these are not very well paid and that is it.  They are still very dependent on parents for most things but have small amounts of money to spend for themselves.

16-17 year olds have slightly higher disposable incomes.  Many have Saturday jobs etc, working for a few hours a week.  They are still dependant on parents.  They are given a National Insurance Number and may have debit or Solo cards, so they’re not actually spending cash.

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18-21 year olds can start receiving adult finance, credit cards, loans, student loans and can become seriously in debt.  During Higher or Further Education ‘living beyond your means’ is so easy to become in debt, they don’t earn much but still spend lots.  They want flash cars, designer clothes, to go out every night and spend lots on alcohol etc and they cannot afford this.

22-25 year olds have finished Higher or Further Education and have started looking for jobs.  They may want cars, insurance, hoses, mortgages, and children.  Parents want the best for their children so they ...

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