Post-modernism as a critique of Modernism

Caroline Presbury

By Modernism I mean the positive rejection of the past and the blind belief in the process of change, in novelty for its own sake, in the idea that progress through time equates with cultural progress; in the cult of individuality, originality and self-expression.

Post-modernity exists in the form of a desire to wipe out whatever came earlier, in the hope of reaching at least a point that could be called a true present, a point of origin that marks a new departure.

Post-modernism is a movement of ideas arising from, but also critical of elements of . Post-modernism is only understood after Modernism is explained as it opposes modernism, rejects it and progresses from it. Modernism began as a rejection of the old Victorian standards of how art should be made consumed and valued. It stems from the humanist ideals of rationality, reason, science and knowable self. Modernism held an emphasis on impressionism and subjectivity. It was interested in HOW seeing takes place rather than WHAT is perceived. It is a movement away from objectivity in narrative but rather looks at the immediacy of the here and now. The artist creates art from the self instead of telling an external story. Modernism blurred the distinctions between genres. It emphasises fragmented forms and randomness and tends towards reflexivity and self-consciousness in producing art. It rejects elaborate formal aesthetics and favours minimalist designs. It prefers spontaneity and discovery in creation. It rejects the separations between “high art” and “low art” by using new methods of displaying, distributing and consuming art. Modernism is fundamentally about creating order out of chaos and the assumption that more rationality creates more order. Thus a modern society attempts to avoid the ‘disorder’ created by things outside of the ordered, superior paradigm.  

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Post-modernism, like Modernism follows these same ideas. It rejects boundaries and rigid distinctions and emphasises pastiche, appropriation, parody, irony and playfulness. Post Modern art and thought favours reflex, subjectivity, self-consciousness, fragments and the subject free from centre and structure.  Although post-modernism is similar to modernism in these ways it differs from modernism in its approach and attitude to these ideas. Modernism presents a fragmented life of lost meaning and attempts to ‘fix’ this perceived tragedy through the unity and coherence of its art. Post-modernism however, celebrates inconsistencies by accepting that art cannot ‘mean’ and thus is nonsense to be ...

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