Write an analysis of the soundtrack and its interaction with image in a film of your choice.

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An Analysis of the soundtrack from “The Girl Can’t Help It”

The Girl Can’t Help It was released in 1956, and was directed, produced and mainly written by Frank , who was formally a Looney Tunes auteur. The film is a classic Hollywood comedy, which broadcasts a musical line-up of mostly contemporary teen-favoured rock hits set against a narrative background of the popular music industry. The storyline follows the scenario of a backstage musical where an alcoholic press agent Tom Miller (Tom Ewell) is ordered by former mobster Fats Murdoch (Edmund O’Brien) to turn girlfriend Jerry Ann (Jayne Mansfield) into a pop music sensation. Tashlin uses the film music in such a way that it shows clear cartoon like traits; these will be explored in greater depth along with a look at the main characteristics that the soundtrack provides for the film.

Anahid Kassabin suggests that most music in narrative film functions to create a mood (2001, p. 56). The film’s musical references are made up of both composed and compiled scores; both donate to the mood of the scene. The composed score is non-diegetic and in this instance it does not compete or interfere with the spoken voices. Claudia Gorbman supplements this by suggesting there is ‘subordination’ to a story. Subordination means ‘classic narrative sound’ films are constructed in such a way that the spectator often does not consciously hear the film score. This is based on the idea that the spectators’ attention is focused on the narrative events in the film. (1997, p.31) However there is still a reason why composed scores are used. In this case they create an atmosphere which makes it easy for the audience to relax, it also guides them on what direction the mood of the film is going and also how they should be feeling. The compiled score operates quite differently; the music is diegetic and it mainly functions as an insight into rock ‘n’ roll of the fifties. The mass of compiled music is one of the main attractions of the film and also acts as a narrative; this will be discussed in greater detail later. The music also identifies the film in terms of era and location with the presence of the band or singer in most musical compiled scenes.

The film starts with one of the main characters (Tom Miller) in evening clothes appearing in the centre of a shrunken screen. The picture is in black and white with a composed score in the background, which stops as the narrator starts to speak. As the narrator tells the viewers that this is to be “a story about music,” the music begins again, “but first”, the narrator stresses “this was photographed in the grandeuer of Cinemascope…” the narrator pauses, expecting the screen to expand, as he does, the music copies. He then sighs and takes it upon himself to flick the screen into widescreen, and the music ‘mickey-mouse’s’ his actions with sound effects. He then carries on his speech, as does the music, and he continues to say “…in gorgeous lifelike colour by Delux.” The narrator and the music then pause, waiting as the screen turns to colour contrasts. Kassabian makes the conclusion that composers consider music as background to dialogue and should be kept simple, subtle, and soft. However she also argues it depends on the importance of the dialogue to the film. (2001, p. 55) In this opening narrative scene the composed music is imitating the speech of the narrator. Miller often pauses to stress fairytale technical difficulties, whilst consciously (but supposedly unknown to the audience) boasting their new technical advances.

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Hanns Eisler argues how film music was forced to serve as what he identified as ‘hyper-explicit’ illustrative function, where two or more happenings such as image, music, sound effects, and dialogue may mimic each other. (Cited in Flinn, 1992, p. 34) Rudolf Arnheim has labelled this as “paralleling”. An extreme example of this is ‘mickey-mousing’ a technique that, as the name suggests, appears frequently in animated films. (Cited in Flinn, 1992, p. 34) In this scene the classical music mimics the character as it would in a cartoon. The narrator continues to inform the audience that the picture is ...

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