The 20th century mass media industry:
- Film studios
- Cinemas
- Broadcasting
- Record industry
- Theme parks
- Discothèques
As per the current scenario, cinemas play an important roll in giving social messages and they also have an impact on a large number of people .cinema is also known as a movie theatre.
A movie theater or cinema is a location, usually a building for viewing movies. In particular one for the general public, one can enter after buying a ticket. There are often several rooms, each showing another movie.
Some movie theaters are converted from conventional theaters and some theaters may be temporarily converted to show the movies.
Some out door movie theaters are just cleared areas where the audience sits upon chairs or blankets and watch the movie on a temporary screen, or even the wall of a convenient building.
Movie theaters usually sell various snack food and drink which often represents the real income of the business. Some movie theaters forbid eating and drinking inside the viewing room, while others encourage it.
Indian Film Industry
Indian Film Industry is a part and parcel of entertainment industry. It is most popular and affordable mass entertainment media in India. Almost 1000 movies are produced every year, so it is very critical to manage this industry, to manage its distribution, exhibition, etc.
Present Status:
- No National player
- Most centers owned by individuals
- Lack of ability to acquire attractive content
- Piracy
- High entertainment tax rates
- Unsatisfied Consumers
- Poor infrastructure
- Ineffective service quality
- No single entity of competitive size
- Largest player has only 64 screens out of 13000 screens in the country.
What is Multiplex?
Multiplex is a medium that offers a person composite entertainment comprising of a one stop destination to shop, entertain, and dine and watch a Varity of movies under a common roof. Multiplex are one of the means of lifestyle that offer to viewers the choice of watching a movie in a five star or three star environment.
The Multiplex model is based on concept of umbrella entertainment built around a primary anchor- movie. The revenue streams, however, do not necessarily center on a single anchor. Typically, the possible income generating channels in a Multiplex can include.
- The box office collections
- Rent from display system
- Food & beverage
- Product lunch rentals
- Promotions by companies to promote consumer
Some Facts about Multiplex
- The word multiplex has two meaning.
- Firstly it is a medium that often its consumers full entertainment including the pleasure of shopping, dining, enjoying and watching a wide range of movies under a common platform.
- Secondly it is a type of technology which is referred as Multiplexing with the help of this technology the same movie can be shown simultaneously in all the screens of the Multiplex with minor difference of 3 seconds between their screenings.
- Presently there are approximately 13000 screens in India with equal number of space available for the same amount of theatres to be opened.
- Multiplexes in India are given benefits for their development as they form a major part of the entertainment industry. Benefits such as overall tax concession, reduction in entertainment tax and so on are provided by the govt.
The Problems faced by The Industry
- Indiscipline among filmmakers. This made the industry fragmented and disorganized.
- Piracy leading to massive losses for the industry.
- Lack of resources in terms of finance, human etc.
- Lack of corporatized management. Limited studio space and lack of security lending to an expensive foreign lacales resulting in drain of resources.
- Reluctance of financial institutions to fund non asset based ventures
- Lack of expertise to handle latest equipments.