Consider the potential of ICT to enrich learning in one foundation subject. Explain how you would use and manage a range of software applications and hardware peripherals for pupils from the foundation stage to the top of Key Stage 2 in your chosen subje

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Year 4 Subject Specialist: ICT

Consider the potential of ICT to enrich learning in one foundation subject.  Explain how you would use and manage a range of software applications and hardware peripherals for pupils from the foundation stage to the top of Key Stage 2 in your chosen subject.

Information technology has become an increasing part of our lives, it is essential that we play our part in introducing pupils to the technology of today and also provide pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding to be able to play a productive role in their lives.  This has been recognised and highlighted in the recent update of the National Curriculum.  The National Curriculum has introduced Information Communication Technology, as a subject in it owns right however, greater emphasis has been made to incorporate the potential ICT has within other subjects in the curriculum excluding Physical Education

Pupils should be given opportunities to apply and develop their ICT capability through the use of ICT tools to support their learning in all subjects. (With the exception of Physical Education at Key Stage 1 and 2)

                                                (DfEE 2000: 39)

Through this essay I will discuss the potential of using and managing a range of software applications and hardware peripherals within the foundation subject Art.

The National Curriculum states that at Key Stage one

Pupils should be taught to use IT equipment and software confidently and purposefully to communicate and handle information and to support their problem solving, recording and expressive work.

                                        (DfEE 2000: 98)

And at Key Stage two

Pupils should be taught to extend the range of IT tools that they use for communication, investigation and control; become discerning in their use of IT; select information, sources and media for their suitability for purpose; and assess the value of IT in their working practices.

                                        (DfEE 2000:100)

All pupils will need to be given the opportunity in order to meet these entitlements.  They will need to have access to a variety of resources in order to complete tasks, which will help them achieve the above stipulation.

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ICT is the most cross-curricular of subjects and needs to be taught in context for children to see the benefits of technology.  However this does not mean that the children should be left to discover the skill required, they need to be taught the skills involved.

Therefore schools have to provide their pupils with a varied and progressive scheme of work.  Regardless of a schools existing equipment they must provide their pupils with experience on the computer.  The ICT curriculum is expected to be enhanced with the use of ICT across the curriculum.  Taking this into ...

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