Critically evalue the aims of Vouchers Systems for Education in General

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Critically evalue the aims of Vouchers Systems for Education in General

From the beginning of the 1980's, Conservative party policy was highly influenced by the virtues of

the free market as advocated by a number of right-wing theorists and think-tanks. Like the rest of

the public sector, education was not to escape the wrath of New Right ideological reforms that were

to ensue. The principal aims of educational policy were to make the system more responsive to

industry and more susceptible to market forces; the desired means of achieving the latter being

increased parental choice through the introduction of a scheme of educational vouchers.

Educational vouchers emerged from the USA in the 1960's and have been described by Arthur

Seldon of the Institute of Economic Affairs as "a highly flexible instrument, with many variations, that

would replace the financing of schools through taxes under political control and bureaucratic

supervision by payments direct from parents thus equipped with a new ability ( for the 95% with

middle or lower incomes) to compare schools and move between them" (Seldon, 1981:1). The

subject of vouchers has been much debated in recent months and has, to an extent, been

implemented in the nursery and pre-school sector with expansion envisaged across the whole

education arena. The basic scheme involves vouchers being given to parents who have children of

school age. The vouchers, which have a monetary value of one years education, are passed on to

the educational institution chosen by parents or consumers (students). Institutions return the voucher

to the government and receive a monetary allocation covering the costs of education for that year.

This would entitle consumers to a standard place at the institution of their choice, but those who

could afford to do so would be able to supplement the voucher and shop around for a more

expensive place, perhaps in the private sector. This implies the creation of a 'two-tier' system with

those having the ability to pay, obtaining a 'better' or more exclusive education. The scheme would

remain under state control and encourages both state and private schools to participate. Advocates

of the scheme believe that it would result in increased choice for consumers, greater competition,

more accountability, responsiveness and diversity. In contrast critics argue that the scheme is

inequitable, expensive and bureaucratic.

The idea of introducing vouchers into education has attracted a variety of support from free market

economists such as the Adam Smith Institute as well as public choice economists including Milton

Friedman, to liberal educationalists including Chris Jencks. In his book "Capitalism and

Freedom", Friedman argues that education should be provided by private schools paid for with

vouchers. This would introduce the virtues of market allocation to the distribution of educational

opportunity. He suggests that the role of the state should be limited to ensuring minimum standards

required for a stable society. He argued that the use of vouchers would bring competition, thus

developing and improving all schools. This, in turn, would result in several advantages: "The injection

of competition would do much to promote a healthy variety of schools. It would do much, also, to
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introduce flexibility into school systems. Not least of its benefits would be to make the salaries of

school teachers responsive to market forces" (Friedman, 1962:93).

Another free market economist, Adam Smith, argued that schools and colleges were protected

because of continual and permanent income from government which resulted in a lack of

effectiveness and responsiveness.

He believed this would be alleviated by introducing a market system, like that of vouchers, by

making teachers more innovative and creative. Smith also suggested that "the state should limit

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