Explain how practical Life Exercises in the home and Montessori school can provide the ideal setting to complement both the psychic and social embryonic development.

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“Most children are fulfilled and happy because they are allowed to grow in harmony with natures commands”. Explain how practical Life Exercises in the home and Montessori school can provide the ideal setting to complement both the psychic and social embryonic development. Discuss this statement.

Children educated through the Montessori Method are fulfilled and happy. This is because the Montessori teacher or directress understands who the child is; A Spiritual Embryo in need of reconstruction, what he needs; A prepared Environment, and the time of his needs; The Sensitive periods.

Man seems to have two embryonic periods. One is prenatal, like that of the animals; the other is postnatal and only man has this. (The Absorbent Mind, Chapter 7, Pg.55). The child during the postnatal period is referred to as a Spiritual embryo. He unlike animals is born with predetermined instincts of psychic unfolding that dictate his development.  This means that from the time he is born, he seeks ways to reconstruct himself. “He is endowed with an urge or need to face the outer world and to absorb it”. (The Absorbent Mind, Chapter 8, Pg. 77). He is given the possibility of becoming a unique individual in his own right but does not have the means of doing this by himself. Nature has endowed him with inborn aids which assist him during this process of reconstruction. One of such is the absorbent mind.

The Absorbent Mind is an internal aid which enables the child to absorb impressions from his environment. He does this easily and naturally, without thought or choice.  It is a universal characteristic of young children from birth till age six. To understand the Absorbent Mind at work one has only to notice a child at this stage unconsciously staring  at a light bulb, at his mother’s lips while she talks, or at a fan in motion. As he stares, he is absorbing impressions and information. Dr Montessori saw the Absorbent Mind in two phases; The Unconscious Absorbent Mind and The Conscious Absorbent Mind.

The Unconscious Mind is like a sponge that soaks up as much as it can of everything it comes in contact with. It is also like a camera that takes in complete images. There is no discrimination; it simply records that which it is exposed to. “If what we have to do is to help man's mental life, then the first lesson we must learn is that the tiny child's absorbent mind finds all its nutrients in its surroundings." (The Absorbent Mind, Chapter 79, Pg. 88). This is in contrast to the brain of an adult that stores things more like a painter, consciously choosing what details to include or omit. The adult mind only remembers what it considers important, the child mind remembers everything. “Every personal trait absorbed by the child becomes fixed forever, and even if reason later disclaims it, something of it remains in the subconscious mind. For nothing that is formed in infancy can ever be wholly eradicated”. (The Absorbent Mind, Chapter 7, Pg. 66)

To absorb impressions, nature has endowed the child with a driving force called the Horme. The unconscious Horme activates the unconscious Absorbent Mind of the child to stare at the light bulb, his mother’s lips and the fan. As he does this, his subconscious receives these impressions from the unconscious mind and because he has no memory of his own it is stored in a preconscious mind, a vital kind of memory. “This vital kind of memory which does not consciously remember, but absorbs images into the individual has been given a special name by Sir Percy Nunn who calls it the Mneme”. (The Absorbent Mind, Chapter 7, Pg. 57).

The period of the unconscious Absorbent Mind lasts from birth till age three. At this time the child has not developed the will for performing actions and has no memory of his own. A foundation for his personality is being laid. At age three, he moves into the next stage which Dr Montessori calls the Conscious Absorbent Mind.

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The Conscious Absorbent Mind is active from age three till age six. The unconscious Horme gives way to the conscious Horme. Once the child finds constructive work to do, his senses trigger his subconscious and those stored impressions are retrieved for refinement. This can only happen when his hands find constructive work to do because “the hands are the instruments of mans intelligence”. (The Absorbent Mind, Chapter 3, Pg. 25). The conscious Horme gives way to will and the child begins to create his intelligence. His task during this phase is intellectual development and freedom. His mind compels him to ...

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