How can Governments limit population growth?

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How can Governments limit population growth?

By the year 2020 – population will be in excess of 8 billion per year.

The world population is increasing by over 80 million per year and almost all of it is taking place in developing countries where there are more than 2 billion people under the age of 20.

Rapid population growth undermines a countries ability to ensure economic growth and employment, protect the environment and provide health, education and clean water.

As a preventative measure, governments aim to do as much as they can to limit population growth.  But in order to prescribe policy prescriptions, the root of population growth must be highlighted.

The following graph indicates the causes of population growth in the developing world.

As can be seen, fertility still is 50 percent above the level needed to bring about eventual population stabilization. As many people will be born in developing countries in the next 25 years as were born in the last 25 years.

Fertility is the no of live births per thousand.  Government policy can effect fertility in the short run via changes in :

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Education, health and alleviation of poverty.

Changes are coordinated by;

  • Policy and laws
  • Spending
  • Tax programmes – disincentives

Policy and Laws

  • Marriage age
  • Breastfeeding
  • Women’s status
  • Children’s education and work


  • Education
  • Primary health care to reduce infant mortality
  • Family planning
  • Incentives for fertility control
  • Old age security

Tax Programmes

  • Family allowance
  • Penalties for larger families

These tools control birth rates by indirectly clarifying social goals within the socio-economic environment including

  • Educational opportunities
  • Availability of family ...

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