Hypothesis - 'Most people/students in Eastlea Community School do not recycle waste, some do not know how to recycle waste.'

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                        Maria De La Cruz



‘Most people/students in Eastlea Community School does not recycle waste, some does not know how to recycle waste.’


G.C.S.E. Humanities

Personal Research Study

Maria De La Cruz



Personal Research Study Focus
Hypothesis and Sub-Questions
Pilot Questionnaire Design

Review of Pilot Questionnaire

Choice of Sample

Results Table

Findings of Questionnaire

Questionnaire Conclusions

Review of Questionnaire

Structured Interview

Interview Notes
Findings of Interview

Interview Conclusions

Secondary Sources

Evaluation of Secondary Sources


My study is based on the environmental issue part of the GCSE Humanities syllabus.  I will investigate the topic of waste and recycling.  I chose this topic because of its interesting facts about littering and rubbish.  I wanted to discover the world of rubbish and how it effects the environment and people.  I wanted to know how much rubbish is being produced, what the government are doing about it, and what they are planning to do to reduce or even stop the increasing rubbish produced in this country.  

Personal Research Study Focus

For my Personal Research Study, I have chosen to look at the topic of waste and recycling.  This is because there are many interesting facts about how many tonnes of waste are produced by each household in the United Kingdom. For instance there are twenty-three million tonnes of rubbish thrown out each year from British homes.  Not only household rubbish affects the environment, but also what we do as individuals.  Waste is causing big problems both globally and my local area in London.  I have read that the U.K only has five to seven years left, until the space runs out for rubbish to be contained.  All of the waste and the burning of these waste can cause a rise in pollution levels.  Methane gas and toxic chemicals are being produced everyday, mainly from factories and this can be a danger to both humans and to wild life.  This is why I have chosen to look at the topic of waste and recycling.


I began my investigation of the topic and collected some of these facts by using “Do we live in a throwaway society?”  (Section of the Issues Four Book.)  This source also explained that every day household waste comes in six main categories.  These are packaging, paper, glass, plastics, metals and finally organic waste.  Packaging can be a form of paper bags, cardboard boxes and foil. To make packaging like these, many trees are cut down and this can also affect wild life.  Paper is about a third of our household rubbish.  We only recycle 10% of the eight million tonnes of paper we use and this can increase the amount of waste being produced.  Metals is also approximately 10% of our household rubbish, this can also be recycled. Whether it is a form of aluminium cans, foil containers or milk bottle tops, this can all cause a great impact on the increase of waste if it is not recycled.  


This topic falls under the “Environmental Issues” of the GCSE Humanities syllabus, because what we do with our waste materials directly affects the environment in which we live.  As young people, it is especially important we look after our environment because we are the future adults and we eventually need to take control of our environment, not only for us but also for our future children.  In my future, I see a clear and clean area with my children running without litter on the bottom of their feet.  It is better to do it now than later!  This is important for the future but also for the present time.  If we take action now, we can live in a better society now than waiting for later.  Every minute counts and us too can live in a better society.  


Some of the ideas I used in devising my hypothesis came from work I did on investigating what individuals, schools and shops could do to reduce waste and increase recycling.  My initial thought was that shops could deliver goods for free, so this leads to people using plastic bags rarely because shopping bags is also a form of waste.  Schools should also take action!  They should provide or help students to get computers at home.  This way, students could use e-mail to send any of their homework to the teachers e-mail address instead of wasting paper.  The school could also provide proper plates for the students that eat in the canteen.  They should not use disposable plates, this has two advantages, which are less waste and the plates could be used again and decreases the amount of money the school needs to pay for the disposable plates.  As individuals when also act to make the world a better place to live in.  We can all make an effort to actually find bins provided to put our litter in.  The bin men can then collect and recycle it; this also decreases the amount of money the government pays for the people who collect rubbish off the floor.  Parents should consider packing children’s food in containers instead of foil or cling film.  This way, you can still use the container after use and there will be less waste produced by each household every year.  The world will be a better place if all of us join in!

Hypothesis and Sub-Questions

The main hypothesis for my study is ‘Most people/students in Eastlea Community School does not recycle waste, some does not know how to recycle waste.’

While investigating this topic, I have found out that 10% of the 8 million tonnes of paper we use is recycled but 90% cause the increase of waste being produced.  Also I have discovered that there are 23 million tonnes of rubbish thrown out each year from British homes. I hope to answer the following questions.

·        “Does the UK have an uncontrollable problem with the increase of rubbish?”

·        “Is there ways in which the public itself can help with the rising amount of rubbish?”

·        “What is the government doing to try and stop this problem.”

Pilot Questionnaire Design

To collect my primary data, I decided to begin by designing a questionnaire that would allow me to gain information about the attitudes of people towards the issue of littering.  I have created questions to investigate people’s thoughts on the issue and to see if there was much difference in their ideas about the litter situation.

My first question was ‘Do you or your family collect any of the following for recycling?

Join now!

A) Aluminium cans

B) Plastic

C) Paper

D) Glass bottles’

The reason for asking this question is because, I thought it would be useful if I was able to ask the state of rubbish in a family, it is targeted to the family for me to be able to find out if a family as a whole takes recycling seriously.


My second question was ‘what type of bags does your family use for shopping?

A) Basket

B) Re-usable plastic bags

C) Trolley

D) New plastic (Collected at the check-out)’

I used this question to be able to ...

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