religion, disability sexual orientation or age. Other relevant legislation include The
Disability Discrimination act (1995) , The Sex Discrimination act (1975), The Race
Relation Act (1976), The Equal Pay Act (1970), The human rights acts (1998) and
The Health and Safety at work (1974) Act. “Learners are entitled to learn in a
safe and healthy environment” (Gravells, 2008, p 17).
As a tutor working in the adult education sector it is beneficial for me to have
knowledge of legislations applicable to beauty therapy, such as The Data Protection
Act (1998), which governs the protection of personal data of my learners, and the
Heath & Safety at Work Act (1974) act, which provides a suitable working
“The Institute for Learning code of practice which includes professional integrity,
respect for learners and others, reasonable care and continuing professional
development” (I.F.L.UK 2008). As my teaching subject involves Customer Service, I
regularly update my knowledge of relevant legislation regarding consumer rights,
including The Supply of Goods and Services Act (1982) The Trades Description Act
(1968) The Consumer Protection Act (1987).
With Regards to beauty therapy I must respect health and safety needs, for
example in the handling and storage of dangerous substances. All therapists must
wear uniforms, closed shoes, not wear jewelry and hair must be tied back. All
equipment used in the clinic must also be tested. “Health and safety with regards
to the use of equipment and training materials is imperative, and there are
procedures required by the health and safety at work act” (Gravells, 2008, pg 60).
References/ Bibliography
Gravells, A & Simpson, s (2010) Planning and Enabling learning in the Life Long Learning Sector, Edition No.2, Learning Matters, Exeter.
www.Instatutefor Date Last accessed 4.10.10
PWS.COM (2010) Date Last accessed 4.10.10