Another con to education is religion this is because they have to obey to certain rules of their religion. Sikhs may find it especially hard in some schools where they wear skirts for instants because female Sikhs have to cover up most of their body. Some other religions may find it hard with the canteen as they may only eat meat or only vegetables and in a school canteen there is a limited choice of what to eat. In some lessons such as R.E. they would not agree with being taught about a different religion, also some religions do not allow males and females to be taught together.
In some schools there is lot of racism this is mainly because there are so many different cultures and religions in the U.K. that it causes conflict between the different religions. This has led to being a divide in classrooms for example in most of my classes the whites sat with the whites and the Asians sat with the Asians and it was very rare that there would be a mix race of a group of friends. This can cause problems of inequality or bullying.
In certain areas of the U.K. The schools aren’t very well funded so there for they would have less resources of textbooks, paper, teachers, and basic necessities that every school would need. Also in some schools the classes are over crowded which makes it harder for the teachers as they would not be able to give every student the attention they need as they wouldn’t have the time to do it. The curriculum can also be overcrowded and therefore the work would not get done or the teachers don’t go into as much detail as they should on certain subjects. There are also fewer extra curricular activities for the students to do. This leads to the students not being very well educated and the school being known as a ‘bad school’.
The good points of today’s education is that the education is free and in most schools the students all have equal opportunities. Students with learning difficulties or disabilities can attend a school where the school is specially designed for students with disabilities or learning difficulties. For example in slough there is a school called Arbour Vale who teach students that have these difficulties and students can leave with qualifications that are just as good as ‘normal’ schools. This shows that there are equal opportunities for everyone.
The U.K. is a lot luckier then other countries in such parts of the world like Asia as we have a choice of schools that we can go to where as in other countries there is probably only 1 school to a city that would only have one to five teachers in them. In the U.K. the teachers have to be qualified to teach, there are regular inspections in schools to make sure that the students are getting the right education and discipline, and that they are following the national curriculum, and that the teachers can control the students so they don’t miss behave and stop others from learning.
There are single sex schools for parents of certain students that want their child separated from the opposite sex. There are also separate religion schools for example in Hayes there is a Muslim and Sikh school which allows the students to follow the requirements of their religion (their clothing, festivals, and the school makes sure they follow a correct prayer pattern).
In conclusion I think today’s education system is very good however I think the government should get rid of the eleven plus and make every school equal. The government should also put a lot more into the education system by funding poorer schools, paying teachers more, and give students more of a choice to what subjects they study. I think there should be more control on the fact the some students get into certain universities like oxford and Cambridge because their face fits or because of their family background. I would hate the fact that I got into a college or university just because of the school I came from, how much money my parents had, or because of my family name, rather then how well I did in my exams.