Philosophy of communication Specific Communication Strategies usedJustification and Evaluation of Learning Theories Used

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Andrew Bell        TCAT        Certificate in Education

Student No: 0168537

Component 3

Delivering Effective Communication

21 March 2002


Theresa Loughlin & Rachael Beag

‘No substantial part of this assignment has been submitted previously for the purposes of assessment to the University of Wolverhampton or any other educational establishment.’



Philosophy of communication

Specific Communication Strategies used

Justification and Evaluation of Learning Theories Used


Annex A         Excerpt from Reece And Walker

Annex B        Reference list



I am a Non Commissioned Officer (NCO) in the Royal Air Force (RAF) teaching at RAF Cosford in the midlands. I teach basic entry trainees in electronics, more specifically in the Avionics field. The age group of these students, on average, is seventeen to twenty two. Their abilities and prior knowledge on the subject vary from the exceptionally well informed to the complete electronics novice.  They arrive with me fifty-two weeks into a sixty five-week course and will be taught by myself for approximately nine to ten weeks. All aspects of the avionic equipments on the aircraft will be covered within this time frame and the course is extremely intensive for the students.

For the purpose of this assignment I will discuss the student group that I have been studying for other components of the Certificate in Education (Cert Ed) course. They are a group of eight students on a Basic Avionics Technician (BAVT) course number 1206/33. They are all male and aged between seventeen and twenty five. All are Aircraftsmen (AC) aspiring to be Engineering Technician (Avionics) known as Eng Tech (Av). Some have joined the Royal Air Force straight from school and the rest have decided to join after experiencing other employment. They have entered the RAF from vastly different social backgrounds and holding a wide range of academic qualifications but all have a minimum of four GCSE’s. There are no ethnic minority groups represented in the course makeup and as I have already stated there is only one gender group represented, so there will be no special requirements in those respects for this course.

Philosophy of communication

Many different and extremely diverse essays have been written on the subject of communication in the classroom. I cannot claim to have seen even a small percentage of them, but of the ones I have read there are some interesting points. The most pertinent quote I found for the basic model of communication relating to my teaching area was;

        Class teaching requires the presentation of selected, appropriate stimuli and the eliciting of desired responses from the learner. Effective presentation of stimuli is, in itself, a form of communication. Whether pointing to a chart, tapping on a desk to attract attention or asking a subtle question which demands interpretation and insight for its solution, the teacher is engaged in the process of communication.

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        (Curzon L. B. 2000 p137)

My teaching environment changes from day to day, I can be teaching the full class of eight students in a classroom, set out in the time honoured fashion of row upon row of desks, and in the same day be teaching a small syndicate of two or three students in a more relaxed and informal situation in the hangar. Certain flexibility is needed in order to teach in this medium. Communication is a prerequisite for learning to take place, regardless of the ability of the teacher. They can be an excellent facilitator or instructor ...

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