Pupil Assessment - Pupil Z is female and in Year 9. The school has her ethnicity recorded as Afghani, which was confirmed when interviewing her. Pupil Z is listed on the school EAL register and is currently working at between levels 2 and 3 of English Le

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Pupil Assessment 2                

Background of pupil

The pupil chosen in this assessment will be referred to as Pupil Z and has been chosen as a contrast to the pupil studied in my first assessment. Pupil Z is female and in Year 9. The school has her ethnicity recorded as Afghani, which was confirmed when interviewing her.  Pupil Z is listed on the school EAL register and is currently working at between levels 2 and 3 of English Learning; that is she is growing in confidence in the English she uses and she interacts with her peers. She is able to use her English to write basic accounts of activities that she has undertaken, however, the formation of these accounts is sometimes incomplete. Once thing that is noticeable when looking at her class work and homework is that the majority of the work she produces is copied, word for word from the texts that she uses at the time.

Pupil Z arrived in the UK in December 2010, and is one of three children– her elder brother is currently in London, studying at a different school and her younger brother is still in Afghanistan with her mother, waiting to join the rest of the family. The school has no KS2 or KS3 data on Pupil Z and she was placed into Set 4 immediately on her arrival.  

I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to also interview her father at parents evening and discuss her home life with both of them. At home, her brother is the main English speaker, acting as a translator for her father (who has a basic grasp of the language) but the main language at home is Pashto. One thing discussed at the meeting was how beneficial it would be to have Pupil Z to read a chapter from a chosen book to her father every night as a way to improve both of their English.

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Work chosen

For this study I have chosen three pieces of work which Pupil Z has carried our while I have been teaching her. The first piece (A) was an activity set in class in which pupils had to research the effects and role of B Vitamins in the diet. This was ICT based, with the use of class laptops and was mainly an independent learning task. The second piece of work (B) was class work, looking at the effect of legal and illegal drugs. Finally, the third piece (C) was a piece of homework that was a follow up ...

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