Nigel kirkham

OLR 191 Effective Learning Programme

11th April 2005

Sport and Exercise Sciences

OLR 191 Effective Learning Programme

  1. Outline your learning goals for the next semester!

  1. Improve time management
  2. Improve organisation

Develop and enhance skills associated with:

  1. Recording information,
  2. Working in groups,
  3. Assessment,
  4. Writing.
  5. Improve I.T skills
  6. Improve communication skills

1, Improve time management

  • Plan ahead
  • Be more organised

2, Improve organisation

  • keep information separate from everything else
  • use files to store work

Develop and enhance skills associated with:

3, recording information,

  • Improve note tacking from books
  • Improve note tacking from lectures
  • Make good use of your notes
  • Use other forms to take notes, e.g. computer
  • Use notes to revise for exams
  • Make sure what ever you right makes sense and you understand it.

4, working in groups,

  • Take a more productive part in seminars
  • Voice my opinion more often
  • Prepare effectively for working in group situations
  • Help deal with any difficulties that may arise within a group.
  • Trust others
  • Be confident to share personal ideas and feelings
  • Listening effectively

5, Assessment,

  • Spend more time revising
  • Hand in work on time
  • Plan schedules for assignments and written exams
  • Recognise the importance of the assessment for my studies
  • Prepare for al assessments i.e. written, oral, practical etc

6, Writing.

  • Choose the most appropriate form of writing for each individual task
  • Be confident with spelling, grammar, punctuation and vocabulary.
  • Check spelling and meanings in a dictionary
  • Organise material before start to write
  • Follow a logical structure
  • Develop arguments
  • Spend time and take care with presentation
  • Welcome comments and suggestions
  • Identify audience
Join now!

7, Improve I.T skills

  • Use computers more often
  • To help with research

8, Improve communication skills

  • don’t be afraid to voice opinion
  • speak load and confidently
  • join in with group activities

2. Identify your present strengths and weaknesses.


  • I try to follow a logical structure as I write
  • I spend time and take care in presentation of my work.
  • I am ...

This is a preview of the whole essay