7, Improve I.T skills
- Use computers more often
- To help with research
8, Improve communication skills
- don’t be afraid to voice opinion
- speak load and confidently
- join in with group activities
2. Identify your present strengths and weaknesses.
- I try to follow a logical structure as I write
- I spend time and take care in presentation of my work.
- I am good at following instructions.
- I have a good note tacking technique
- I understand the benefits and uses of word processing
- I recognise the value of assessment in my studies
- Working effectively in teams
- Spelling, grammar, presentation and vocabulary.
- Speed of reading
- Participation in lectures and other group situations
- Use of note constructively after the event
- The use of audio and video to produce work
- Preparation for exams
- Effective revision
- Giving effective presentations
- Time management
Discussion of experience with each of the booklets (recording information, writing skills, assessment, group work)
Recording Information
In the relatively short time I have been at university I have realised that the is significant importance and time spent on note taking, copying out, extracting, evaluating and summarising information. As a result I understand the importance to get these skills perfected. This booklet has helped me learn and improve on all these aspects. This section has helped my develop my reading, note tacking and how to effectively make use of those notes. My experience of this booklet has helped me become more confident in my ability to perform certain fundamental tasks. For example, the use of appropriate not taking techniques, the use of computers in tacking notes, organisation of notes and the use of these notes in revision for exams.
Writing skills
I have always understood the importance of writing in an academic sense, as throughout my education writing has been a fundamental assessment. Having said that since finishing my A’ levels my writing has not continued to develop as it should have done. I realised this, from reading and learning from this effective learning booklet of writing. University work requires the best writing possible as it is assessed at the very highest level. I think that because my writing has not developed as much as I would have liked since A’ levels, my university work may not be at present meeting my academic needs. From learning from this booklet I have understood the need for my writing to develop to get the best possible results at university. I have learnt that there are different forms of writing that are suitable for different tasks and audiences. I now fully understand the importance of presentation, grammar, spelling, punctuation, references and quotations. Written assignments involve the need for many different writing styles, therefore I think highly of the importance to approach, plan and schedule for a particular task properly.
From my experience of using this writing effective learning book I have significantly developed my writing and am now confident that my work meets the standard of university work. However I have also learnt that there is no time when you can’t develop further and I must continue to develop my writing in order to improve my university work and grades. I recognise the importance of myself in successfully learning and that writing helps and plays a vital role in enhancing my own learning. Finally in the future I will take great care in my writing and appreciate the feedback I may receive for my work. As this is also an important way to learn and improve.
Throughout my education I have been assessed in all aspects, and it is right to say that without being successful in my assessments I would not be where I am now. To me formal assessments bring a huge stress to everyone involved and bring enormous uncertainty to me. This is because the results of these assessments often bring serious consequences later on. For example, passing A’ levels to get to your chosen university. This booklet mainly gave me the ability to prepare for various types of assessment properly. As a university student I recognise the importance that different assessments bring to me. In particular this unit has helped me prepare for written, oral, practical and competence based assessments.
Having completed the assessment booklet I now understand the important steps I can take to make assessment a positive process during my time at university. It is very important for me to be successful at university and I appreciate assessments are very much a part of life at university.
Working in groups
Working in groups in particularly essential for me as I intend to work as a teacher, coach or in the sports related industry. I therefore see working in groups as a crucial part of my student experience and my personal and academic development. The booklet identified to me the importance of what makes a group successful, the benefits of group work, the skills needed in group work and the importance of effective communication.
The booklet also helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses in group based activities and how I could improve them. This, I feel will prove to be essential in my learning and will very much be helpful to me in later life.
Prioritize your activities, on a weekly basis, and then schedule your time - Manage yourself, not your time.
Review your schedule daily - evaluate and make whatever changes are necessary
Learn how to manage your time better. Using group exercises and creative brainstorming techniques begin to develop a unique approach to managing time that will work for you and your unique circumstances.
Attempt to read more books and journals to help improve my spelling, grammar and reading skills.
Read through notes immediately after taking them to ensure they are understandable and reliable.
Produce a time plan to help with time management, and plan what needs to be done.
Time scales
The weekly schedule that has been produced by myself is a general outline and at the beginning of each individual week. I intend to fill out a weekly schedule that takes into account the specific situations that will be happening in that particular week. For example if I have a particular exam to revise for I will prioritise and make sure there are specific study periods outlined for revision. This schedule should be completed every week up until the end of term. Then once finished I may decide to continue to use the schedule idea to prioritise my life during the summer holiday period. Therefore I intend to become more organised and more prepared for the weeks ahead and improve on my strengths and weaknesses that have previously been outlined.