The existentialists give the role of the teacher that is, he must allow freedom of opinion and discussion in his classroom while knowing full well that his own views being based on superior experience and wider knowing will carry more weight.
But he must not be intoxicated by his knowledge and authority for the pupils to be able to exercise their freedom of self-expression, the teacher must create a classroom atmosphere that is tolerant, and devoid of fear or threats for wrong opinions offered by the pupils.
Therefore, the freedom given to the pupils and the role given to the teacher l could recommend existentialism to Uganda’s education because it helps the learner to develop self-esteem and self-expression.
The existentialists also suggest that the teacher must be personally involved in the lives of his pupils sharing their joy and sorrows and their hopes and aspirations. He has to be committed to making his pupils successful in discovering themselves in realizing their potentialities, and becoming self-reliant and autonomous individuals.
Hence existentialism is a good system which eventually motivates both the learner and the teacher. And thus good for the education system of Uganda.
The existentialists regard a man as an open possibility that is in a process of becoming, but who is capable of becoming whatever he wants to become. That is he can work hard to over come a condition of poverty, oppression but the change has to be done by the individual Nyerere’s concept of self-reliance]. In other words, a man by being free to choose the type of life he would like to live is in control of his destiny, the fault is not in our stars but in us, as cassius put it in Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar.
Hence the system of existentialism could help the learners in Uganda to choose what is good for them rather than the many subjects being imparted to them.
Man is a judge of all what is valuable hence man has a free will. Existentialists committee it that value is personal and subjective. Subjective in the sense, it is the person who is interested in things who value it. What a man chooses is what is valuable ie it’s man who creates his own values. In otherwords teachers should not consider everything to be valuable to everyone thus existentialism is good Uganda’s education system.
The most fundamental principle in the existentialists’ philosophy is that a man is free and self-determining individual. A man has a unique personality which is not duplicated in any other man. As the French advocated, jean Paul Sartre, described it’ man is nothing else but what he makes of himself’.
In conclusion the existentialism system can also be criticized for it’s teachings basing individual basic. Since individuals have different interests values therefore, this could be hard for making different curriculum for the education system in Uganda.
J.B Hablmana. Philosophy of Education pamphlet.
J.A AKINPELU An introduction to philosophy of education.
Njoroge Philosophy and education in Africa
1905 Nairobi-Kenya.