"Teaching should ensure when evaluating and improving performance, connections are made between developing, selecting and applying skills, tactics and compositional ideas, and fitness and health" - Discuss these connections.

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Samantha Rowson

“Teaching should ensure when evaluating and improving performance, connections are made between developing, selecting and applying skills, tactics and compositional ideas, and fitness and health”. NCPE p6

Discuss these connections when evaluating and improving performance in gymnastics and athletics at key stage 2.

From the question above I am able to see that there are four important connections which need to be addressed when evaluating and improving performance. Underlying these big connections there are little connections that have similarities and differences with gymnastics and athletics. For example; concentrating on the fitness element, there are many attributes which are similar in athletics and gymnastics such as stamina, agility, flexibility and power.  In this assignment I will be concentrating on balance, and strength in both gymnastics and athletics and offering ideas to how these can be evaluated and improved.

Physical Education develops pupils’ physical competence and confidence, and their ability to use these to perform in a range of activities including gymnastics and athletics. In Key Stage 2 pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through five areas of activity. Pupils must study dance, games and gymnastic and two activity areas from swimming and water safety, athletics, and outdoor and adventurous activities.

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“Balance is the ability to retain the centre of mass of the body above the base of support. It is the awareness of the body’s position in space and depends on the co-ordination between ears, brain, skeleton and muscles” (Davis, Bull, Roscoe, Roscoe, 1996, Pg 118).

Balance is used extensively in all aspects of gymnastics at all ability levels. It could involve individual work, partner work or large groups where the support of others is needed. For example; balance is needed when performing sequences on a beam or at a more basic level when rolling, turning ...

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