Incapacitation of the criminal. Capital punishment removes the worst criminals permanently from humanity and makes it much safer for the rest of society and much more effective then permanent incarceration .Dead criminals cannot commit anymore violent crimes. Without the death penalty they can commit further crimes in jail or when released form jail. “Executing a murderer is the only way to adequately express our horror at the taking of an innocent life. Nothing else suffices. To equate the lives of killers with those of victims is the worst kind of moral equivalency. If capital punishment is state murder, then imprisonment is state kidnapping and restitution is state theft” Don Feder
In Conclusion, the death penalty is unacceptable, only god can choose weather or not a man deserves to live or die. The American government should not be trying to take over that role. Even if it does eliminate criminals, we have to think about human life and by putting a man in a gas chamber or hanging are just not morally right in today’s society.
Financial costs to taxpayers of capital punishment is several times that of keeping someone in prison for life. Most people don't realize that carrying out one death sentence costs 2-5 times more than keeping that same criminal in prison for the rest of his life. How can this be? It has to do with the endless appeals, additional required procedures, and legal wrangling that drag the process out. The average prisoner spends 11 years on death row .Judges, attorneys, court reporters, clerks, and court facilities all require a substantial investment by the taxpayers. Do we really have the resources to waste? The answer is no. especially in times like these where the American economies is in a slump.
Money should be spent on our limited resources like on the old, the young, and the sick, etc.
Our justice system shows more sympathy for criminals than it does victims. It's time we put the emphasis of our criminal justice system back on protecting the victim rather than the accused. Remember, a person who's on death row has almost always committed crimes before this. A long line of victims have been waiting for justice. We need justice for current and past victims. “It is justice” Mary Wollstonecraft
In conclusion, even through we may be going easier on the criminal why should society pay more money for a death row criminal then on old folks, or education and other more important things then a criminal.
We as a society have to move away from the "eye for an eye" revenge mentality if civilization is to advance. The "eye for an eye" mentality will never solve anything. A revenge philosophy inevitably leads to an endless cycle of violence. Why do you think the Israeli-Palestine conflict has been going on for 50+ years? Why do you think gang violence in this country never seems to end? It is important to send a message to society that striking back at your enemy purely for revenge will always make matters worse.
Justice is better served. The most fundamental principle of justice is that the punishment should fit the crime. When someone plans and brutally murders another person, doesn't it make sense that the punishment for the perpetrator also be death?
Yes, justice must be served, but we have to serve it morally. An eye for an eye is not a moral decision in today’s evolving society. It does not solve anything but cause endless violence which causes a chain in society which repeats it self over and over again. We need change and by eliminating death row, it will cause a good change in society instead of murdering people.