TQ4 Teaching and Learning approaches (Ass. Crit. 2.1)

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TQ4 Teaching and Learning approaches (Ass. Crit. 2.1)

Education is an ever-changing part of society. A teacher is faced with new challenges and difficulty that have never been dealt with before. Learners come with different life stories. Every student has strengths and weaknesses that reflect in the group. As a Teacher I must understand and focus on utilizing each student's strengths and work to improve weaknesses. Learners learn in a variety of ways and from one another. The ideas and view each learner brings to the classroom can bring insight into what is being learned. The classroom must be a safe zone that appreciates individuals’ views and allows room for mistakes Learners have to be allowed to explore new ideas, try them to see if they work, and sometimes fail. When learners are encouraged to explore, they begin to learn. Being a teacher means teaching students new information and about being successful in life. Sounds very difficult!

“The subject you are teaching will determine whether your style of delivery could be formal, informal or a mixture of both” ((Gravells, 2006, p.61)

A learner can have several different ways of learning style depending on the situation and task, a students learning style for on task may not be the same for a topic, subject or task. If a difference between the students learning style and a teachers teaching style occurs, this could lead to boredom, frustration at not understanding, low self esteem (both learners and teachers), poor grades and dropouts.  It is important to include a range of different teaching styles into the lessons, to help all students learn more successfully. To meet learners’ different needs a variety of interactive teaching

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and learning approaches need to be employed. Active learning

engages and motivates learners to learn and achieve Good statement.

“There are literally hundreds of teaching and learning methods from which to choose when deciding on the method to use for a particular class.  Skills is needed in identifying and classifying those methods that could be of use t the individual teacher and students and in a evaluating the outcome achieved” (L.Walkman P 52) 

There are 3 main learning styles, Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor. In ICT these three areas have to be facilitated with learning. Cognitive Learning is ...

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