Rania Abou Samra


An increase in underage drinking, smoking and drugs use was disclosed by the Department of Health yesterday in preliminary results from an investigation of the behaviour of 11 to 15-year-olds.

It found 10% were regular smokers, 24% drank alcohol in the previous week and 14% took drugs at least once in the previous month. In each case the figures for last year were higher than in 1999, in spite of a government campaign to reduce teenage consumption.

The increase in alcohol intake appeared particularly alarming since the amounts consumed rose even faster than the proportion of pupils who were indulging during the first five years of their secondary education.

The average weekly consumption of alcohol among pupils who drank in the last seven days increased from 5.3 units in 1990 (equivalent to almost three pints of normal strength beer) to 10.4 units in 2000.

Just over half the 15-year-old boys reported drinking alcohol in the previous week, with an average intake of 14.5 units. This compared with 46% of 15- year-old girls drinking an average of 11.2 units.

In their first year of secondary school, 5% of boys and girls said they had drunk alcohol in the previous week. This rose to 18% of boys and 19% of girls by the age of 13. Among the drinkers aged 11-13, the average consumption was 8.3 units by the boys and 4.6 by the girls.

The findings came from a survey of more than 7,000 pupils at 225 schools in England, carried out by the National Centre for Social Research and National Foundation for Educational Research in autumn last year. A full report will be published later this year.

Previous surveys showed the proportion of 11 to 15-year- olds drinking alcohol in the previous week rose from 20% in 1998 to 27% in 1996 before falling to 21% in 1998 and 1999. Last year the proportion rose again to 24%.

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A spokesman for the charity Alcohol Concern said: "It reinforces our belief that there needs to be much more emphasis on education and prevention in terms of making people more aware of the dangers of alcohol misuse. Young bodies are just not made for drinking alcohol."

The survey showed the proportion of 11 to 15-year-olds using drugs in the last month rose from 7% in 1998 to 9% in 2000. The proportion using drugs at least once during the previous year rose from 11% to 14% over the same period.

At the age of 11, 3% had tried ...

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