Was Hitler’s approach in education necessary?

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Essay Writing: Was Hitler’s approach in education necessary?

After Adolf Hitler rose to power in 1933, he started a policy of changes in the nation. Education suffered an important modification which involved from a change in the curriculum to the way how teachers taught students. New different schools were created. Indoctrination became rampant in all subjects. All schools became single sex and girls and boys were educated quite differently. Girls had a different curriculum in some regards as they studied domestic science and eugenics both of which were to prepare young girls to be the prefect , while boys had a hard physical and mental preparation for their future. “All school lessons were based on Nazi ideas. School textbooks were rewritten and included Nazi versions of German history. The Nazis took control of the school curriculum in all German schools and definitely changed the education that young people received at the time.” () Some historians claim that this process of changes was necessary for Hitler to achieve his future objectives but some others believed it wasn’t.

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On the one hand, some historians argue that Hitler’s changes and methods in education weren’t necessary to follow his steps appropriately. It is claimed that the changes in the school curriculum made the youth agree with an ideology that they already had or were going to be taught in other ways. By propaganda and other uses mostly every kid in Germany became concerned about the difference between races, the greatness of the German nation, among other topics. These topics were taught at school to make students learn an ideology that they were in fact, going to understand and obey ...

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