A safe seat for lightweight vehicles

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A safe seat for lightweight vehicles

The Working Group on Accident Mechanics has developed a low mass vehicle (LMV) with a curb weight of 650 kg, called "Cratch". This experimental vehicle demonstrates that a high level of passive safety for the occupants of low mass vehicles is achievable in frontal collisions (Frei 97). The development of a car seat suited for use in LMVs has been a part of this project. The seat is an important element of the restraint system: In the case of a frontal crash, the initial position of the occupant is defined by the contour and position of the seat, and, during the crash, a part of the occupant's kinetic energy is absorbed through deformation of the seat base. In rear-end impacts the seat represents the entire restraint system.
During a collision against a conventional car, the low mass vehicle, due to the fundamental laws of motion, is exposed to higher accelerations and a larger change in velocity than its counterpart (Niederer 93). The seat presented here was specially adapted to these severe conditions. Nevertheless, almost every feature of the concept could easily be adapted for use in conventional cars. The main focus of the development was on the improvement of the rear-end impact safety, which represents a substantial problem, also for conventional cars.
Compared to the considerable improvements of crash safety in frontal and side impacts accomplished during the last years, progress concerning the rear-end impact safety has somewhat stagnated. This may be related to the fact that rear-end crashes are often considered to be less dangerous, since there is a very high surviving probability for the occupants. In spite of this, it is very worthwhile to invest in rear-end impact safety since injuries caused by this collision type do not only cause high amounts of compensation costs but also can have very unpleasant consequences to the occupants involved.

Energy absorption

In addition to the functional mock-up, two crash-testable models of the seat have been built. They were used in the Cratch experimental low mass vehicle in a full scale frontal crash test with a delta-v of more than 70 km/h, and in a series of sled based rear impact tests.

Figure 4: The crash test model of the seat: raw structure and completed seats integrated into Cratch low mass vehicle. Seating position is more upright as in conventional cars.

The requirement for a geometrical adaptability for the spectrum ranging from the 5th to 95th percentile occupant alone is not sufficient; the energy absorption capabilities of the seat must also be made suitable for the whole group. This means that the seat must deform softly enough not to exceed tolerance limits for light persons but must also provide enough deformation space for heavy occupants. Since the amount of prototypes was limited, e.g. more than one test per seat specimen had to be performed, the seats had to be reusable, leading to a rather robust and heavy construction. Seats for 'real world' use do not have to fulfil the reusability requirement, allowing for a less heavy construction.
The seat has been designed to withstand an sled impact speed of 33.3 km/h. This corresponds to a situation in which a standing low mass vehicle is hit on the rear end by a conventional car of twice the weight travelling at 50 km/h. Based on a force-deformation curve of an existing car and an assumed characteristic for the Cratch (which has not been rear-end impact tested) an acceleration-time curve for the Cratch has been calculated and simplified for use in simulations and sled testing. The maximum acceleration level is 30 g. Since it is known that cervical spine injuries can already occur at much lower loads, impact speeds of 22.2 and 11.1 km/h have also been taken into account for the design of the seat. The corresponding acceleration levels for these speeds are only 20 and 12 g, because in these cases impact energy is considerably smaller and the deformation zones of the cars are not deformed to a degree that higher forces (leading to higher accelerations) are built up.

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In order to find suitable stiffness characteristics for the different energy absorbing units of the seat, a simple computer simulation model was used in which the occupant is modelled by four independent masses. Realistic results with such a model can only be expected in case where there are no, or very little translational displacements between the body parts. For our purposes, this is not a real disadvantage, since the aim is to find a setting wich results in a minimum of relative translational deformations (at least in the upper body regions). In a first step, the model was verified through ...

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