An Investigation into the operation of a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

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T6- Shell Inlet

T1-Shell Outlet        note: cold fluid flows in the shell

T8-Tube  Inlet

T7-Tube Outlet


1.To calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient obtained experimentally, use the equation:

Q = A*ΔTlm*Uexperimental

By changing the subject of the formula:

Uexperimental=Q A*ΔTlm



T1 = hot water in

T2 = hot water out

t1 = cold water in

t2 = cold water out 

  • Q = heat transferred per unit time (W)A = heat transfer area (m²)
  • ΔTlm = log mean temperature difference.

        And  △Tlm=T1- t2-T2- t1ln(T1- t2)T2- t1

  • Uexperimental = Experimental overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m².˚C)        


2. To calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient from empirical correlations, use the equation:


  • Uo = Overall heat transfer coefficient based on the outside area of the tube (W/m².°C)
  • ho = outside (shell side) film coefficient (W/m².°C)
  • hi = inside (shell side) film coefficient (W/m².°C)
  • hod = outside dirt coefficient (fouling factor) (W/m².°C)
  • hid = inside dirt coefficient (W/m².°C)
  • do = tube outside diameter (m)
  • di = tube inside diameter (m)
  • kw = thermal conductivity of tube wall material (W/m.°C)

In order to use the equation above, the outside (shell side) film coefficient and the inside (tube side) film coefficient must first be determined.

3. To calculate the outside (shell side) film coefficient, ho (W/m².˚C), the following empirical correlation can be used:

Nu = (ho *de)/kf = jh *Re* Pr1/3 (μ/μw)0.14

Assume μ = μw

(where μ is the fluid viscosity at the bulk fluid temperature, and μw is the fluid viscosity at the wall. Units: Pa.s)

Thus the equation can be simplified to: (ho *de)/kf = jh *Re* Pr1/3

Making ho the subject of the formula:

ho = (kf* jh *Re* Pr1/3 )/ de


  • de = equivalent diameter (m)
  • Pr = Prandtl’s number (dimensionless)
  • Re = Reynold’s number (dimensionless)
  • kf = (W/m.°C)  
  • jh = shell side heat transfer factor, obtained from figure D2 (see appendix) for the given baffle cut percentage and tube arrangement.
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4. To calculate the inside (tube side) film coefficient, hi (W/m².˚C), the following empirical correlation can be used:

Nu = (hi*di)/kf = 0.027* Re 0.8 * Pr 0.33 *(μ/μw)0.14

Once again, assume μ = μw

Thus the equation can be simplified to (hi *di)/kf = (0.027* Re0.8 * Pr1/3 )

Making hi the subject of the formula:

hi = (kf* 0.027* Re0.8 * Pr1/3 )/ di


  • di = inside tube diameter (m)
  • Pr = Prandtl’s number (dimensionless)
  • Re = Reynold’s number (dimensionless)
  • kf = (W/m.°C)  


5. To calculate the experimental shell side pressure drop across the heat exchanger, ...

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