The aim of this laboratory experiment is to examine the tensile strength of three specimen of low, medium and high carbon steels is examined. The microstructure of the specimen is determined and calculations such as tensile strength, yield strength etc we

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ABSTRACT        1


BACKGROUND        2-3


RESULTS        5-6

DISCUSION         7-8



The aim of this laboratory experiment is to examine the tensile strength of three specimen of low, medium and high carbon steels is examined. The microstructure of the specimen is determined and calculations such as tensile strength, yield strength etc were clearly recorded. Also, the background theory was stated, the apparatus and procedure used to achieve the experiment was described. The main part of this lab report is the discussion on the results and how close they’ve been calculated to the original theoretical values by taking into consideration some external experimental errors. The last part of this report is the conclusion on the whole procedure.


The main purpose of this lab report is by using a tensile testing machine (Hounsfield tensometer), to determine mechanical properties of three different plain carbon steel materials (low carbon steel, medium carbon steel and high carbon steel). Also, their grain structure is to be examined using a Metallurgical microscope.


 The three different materials are the low-carbon, medium-carbon and high carbon steels. Their tensile strength is examined which by definition is explained as the amount of stress that a material can resist when a force pulls it along its length until a complete deformation takes place. A ductile material is a material that contains the properties of plasticity and tenacity and it’s able to change its shape when a force acts on it and can keep that changed shape even after that force is removed. (Timings R. 2006)

The tensile test is mainly used to specify the strength and ductility of a material. Also the tensile test involves:

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  1. Material showing a yield point which is the point that an extension takes place without any increase in load
  2. Proof stress which is used to determine the amount of plastic deformation.
  3. Secant modulus which is used to determine the elasticity of the material. (Timings R. 2006)

Plain carbon steels:

Ferrous metals are basically a metallic material (iron) and it means that iron is combined with carbon. Iron and carbon, the simplest of the ferrous metals (Latin ferrum=iron), are the main elements of plain carbon steels.

Low-carbon steels have a carbon content 0,1-0,3% in addition to impurities. This kind of ...

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