Why does Cohen distinguish as two separate claims, the Development (of the productive forces) Thesis and the Primacy (of the productive forces) Thesis?

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Sociology 210 C- Marx Assignment #1

Amanda Phillips 0143693

Section A

1. Why does Cohen distinguish as two separate claims, the Development (of the productive forces) Thesis and the Primacy (of the productive forces) Thesis?

        Human history gives evidence that over the course of time we have different economic structures. This being the case, Karl Marx came up with the Development Thesis. The Development Thesis states that productive forces tend to develop throughout history. The productive forces never decrease; they are always developing. To be able to understand this theory, the term productive force must first be made clear. According to Marx, there are two components of productive forces: the first is means of production and the second is labour power.

        The means of production are the instruments and raw materials, and the space or location that are required for the productive forces to develop. An example of a raw material is a piece of wood. It could have several purposes. It could be used for building something or it could also be used to make a fire. An example of a location could be that a water mill needs a stream to produce so it must be located right on the site of a stream.

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        Part of the production relations is ownership. Something can be fully owned or partly owned. Having ownership is being able to do what you want with your productive forces and having the power to use, destroy or sell them. The productive forces have non-human aspects like advances in technology, such as computers and machines. These things are invented by the labourers and used by the labourers, which makes it almost impossible for productive forces not to develop. The labourers invent such things in order to lessen their workload and make their jobs easier and less stressful.

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