Campaniile anti-fumat de-a lungul anilor n prima jumtate a secolului XX, fumatul a devenit un obicei larg rspndit, ferm nrdcinat n cultura american.

Festila Andra-Elena Antropologie Anul III, grupa 1. Campaniile anti-fumat de-a lungul anilor În prima jumatate a secolului XX, fumatul a devenit un obicei larg raspândit, ferm înradacinat în cultura americana. Înnobilat prin asocierea sa eroica cu militari în fiecare dintre razboaie mondiale, precum si cu un nou sens al libertatii si egalitatii de femei tinere în anii 1920, considerat totusi o încalcare usor ilegala, dar iertata din punct de vedere moral, fumatul a ramas omniprezente în forme populare de mass-media vizuale, cum ar fi în filme, în arta si în publicitatea, trecute si prezente. Ca rezultat a acestui fapt, înca din anul 1960, campaniile anti-fumat au fost obligate sa conteste perceptia acestui obicei deoarece promoveaza un tip de comportament obisnuit, ba chiar facând parte integrata a vietii de zi cu zi. Cei care lucreaza în campaniile anti-fumat folosesc adesea ceea ce numesc strategii de "deglamorizare"(se refera la o strategie de denigrare a obiceiului de a fuma) si de "denormalizare", concepute pentru a lucra împotriva iluziei tigarilor si sa deranjaze prezenta lor de rutina în cultura populara. Prin folosirea imaginilor negative de tigari, ei trimit mesaje care descurajeaza iluza, recursul si atractivitatile consumului de tutun. Aceste mesaje avertizeaza populatia ca tigara este periculoasa, creeaza dependenta si poate duce la

  • Word count: 2416
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Toelichting stellingname.

Review questions 2 Vraag 3-16 3 Vraag 5-17 4 Vraag 7.2 6 Case studies 8 Review questions Vraag 3-16 Toelichting stellingname: Er zijn geldverstrekkers die tegen een hoge rente (de rente kan groter zijn dan 200%) persoonlijke leningen verstrekken aan klanten met een hoog risicoprofiel. De auto wordt bij dergelijke leningen vaak als zekerheid/onderpand gebruikt voor verstrekking. Indien blijkt dat de klant niet in staat is aan zijn financiële verplichtingen te voldoen ter aflossing van de lening, wordt de auto gevorderd. Recentelijk zijn in de Verenigde Staten artikelen in de kranten verschenen die verslag doen van gevallen waarin mensen hun auto is ontnomen, daar zij niet langer aan hun verplichtingen jegens de instelling konden voldoen. Met betrekking tot het bovenstaande is in de Verenigde Staten een wetsvoorstel is ingediend om het verstrekken van persoonlijke leningen te verbieden. Een voorstander van deze wet gebruikte de onderstaande argumentatie: 'Er is een grote concurrentie op de markt voor verstrekking leningen tussen de vele verschillende geldverstrekkers. Het verbieden van persoonlijke leningen zal ertoe leiden dat armere mensen beter af zijn. Het zal er immers toe leiden dat geldverstrekkers leningen aanbieden tegen betere condities, waardoor mensen met een lager inkomen en/of slechte creditgeschiedenis, eveneens in staat zijn om tegen betere voorwaarden

  • Word count: 1040
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Jakobson proposed a three-way distinction between intralingual, interlingual and intersemiotic translation. How does this broader framework inform our understanding of 'translation proper'?

Jakobson proposed a three-way distinction between intralingual, interlingual and intersemiotic translation. How does this broader framework inform our understanding of 'translation proper'? Translators frequently encounter the notion of equivalence in their work, insofar as they are expected to be able to map one semantic notion in one language onto the same semantic notion in another language and somehow come up with an equivalent word or phrase, even when that elusive 'equivalent word or phrase' may not even exist. This is considered by some to be problematic, and those who work on translation theory have put forward various possible frameworks that may at least partly form a solution. Roman Jakobson, one of the most prominent linguists of the 20th century, was no exception in this endeavour, and in the 1950s he attempted to 'recategorise' types of translation in order to somewhat ease the burden on the translator. This paper will therefore explore what these definitions are, how they are helpful and how they can aid understanding of 'translation proper' by way of a broader framework. To begin with, Roman Jakobson points out that translation can take place even within a language, by way of the choice of different synonyms available to the user of the language (e.g. we can say 'bachelor' or 'unmarried man'), and that when we translate, we are either translating from one

  • Word count: 1945
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Love's Labour's Lost essay

Patricia J. Rivera EN 205-001 March 11, 2011 Weekly Essay #7 Love's Labour's Lost is a work of drama where William Shakespeare showed his loving and caring side. This Shakespearean drama is about four men giving up the earthly pleasures during a three year period to concentrate in their studies and be recognized for them. However, when four ladies appear, they all fall in love. This drama can be used as a comparison between the courtship in the 17th century and today's way of courtship. In our time, this kind of courtship can be seen as girlie, however, most men cannot notice that they act like the characters on the play, a Berowne, Longaville, Dumaine or Ferdinand waiting for the perfect girl, whether they want it or not. During act 1 of the play, these gentlemen signed the agreement, the king states: "Therefore, brave conquerors, for so you are/ that war against your own affections/ And the huge army of the world's desires, / Our late edict shall strongly stand in force." (1.1.8-11). These lines sound in some way familiar, how many times students have say this before going to college? Perhaps not all but many try to concentrate in their studies, however, when love comes knocking at the door they are no different than the gentlemen in the play. They will forget about the promises they made to themselves and in a way become a joke to their peers for giving into love, as

  • Word count: 677
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Consider the peculiarities of the narrative structure of Geroi nashego vremeni and its significance for the readers understanding of the protagonist.

Consider the peculiarities of the narrative structure of Geroi nashego vremeni and its significance for the reader's understanding of the protagonist. Lermontov's 'novel', a cycle of short stories amounting to the portrait of Pechorin, a man supposedly representative of his Zeitgeist, is notable for the central role its narrative structure plays in the reader's apprehension of its main character. The breaking up of the novel into short stories allows Lermontov to exploit elements of different genres to expose the inadequacies of any of these in realising the character fully psychologically. The narrative perspectives of first the travel writer, then Maksim Maksimych, then Pechorin himself are employed to posit the reader at various 'distances' from Pechorin; the demands and constraints of genre and social perspective create contradictions which reflect the contradictions of the protagonist, and the splicing of events perspectivally and chronologically allows the expression of the juxtapositions within Pechorin's character even as, in combining realism with romanticism and psychology with parody, it replicates those juxtapositions across thematic and intentional levels. As Bagby argues, the portrait of Pechorin is not simply 'a' result of the novel, but the "the novel's constructive principle"1, and this means that the narrative structure itself must have an effect on how we

  • Word count: 2417
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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The Yellow Wallpaper Physcological Analysis

Surroundings Causing Psychological Conditions In "The Yellow Wallpaper" the protagonist, Jane, is in a constant struggle with her own state of mind, always wondering if she is just nervous but knowing there is much more to it her than nervousness. When she is brought to the rental home by her husband her own psychological problems just proceed to get worse. In the story, the setting is so important that it's almost a character. It leads Jane to her demise, creating shock and hysteria. Jane's room is physically yellow with dull print. She stares at the pattern on the wallpaper and watches as the lines suddenly commit suicide. Inconspicuously not only is the wallpaper the problem, but the constant state of control everyone she in, medicine dispensed at a certain time, visits from her husband, even the room she is in. The gates over the windows and by the doors only make her feel more like a prisoner. Any person in their right mind would feel a state of seclusion and lose self-awareness. The constant supervision and attention that a child would get can confuse a woman. It makes her more distressed because she has a baby and yet people are making her feel as if she doesn't have the capability to take care of it or herself. Because she has no authority over herself at all, her psychological state deteriorates as her condition becomes that of a split personality. In this setting

  • Word count: 540
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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The Great Expectations Of Feminine Archtypes

The Influence of Women Every person starts out on life with some sort of expectation they want to fulfill. When it comes to fulfilling these expectation, many people can have an influence on the way it can unfold. In many different types of literature, the protagonist usually finds himself faced with a situation that can either push him closer to the dream or push him farther away. Many characters in novels have a factor in whatever dreams the protagonist might have. The most influential people that can effect the protagonist's dream are the women in his life. Learning from his experiences, author Charles Dickens shows that a woman can have a major influence in a mans life. When his father was released from prison, his mother insisted he continue to work in the shoe polish factory. While he felt betrayed and resentful towards her for many years to, this that was influence that perhaps saved Dickens from a life of factory work and set him on the road to becoming a writer. In his novel, Great Expectations, Charles Dickens used the archetypal female characters of Mrs. Joe, Biddy, Estella and Miss Havisham, portrayed as the Mother, the Maiden and the Femme Fatale, to help Pip gain insight on the true meaning of love and family while helping themselves as well. These four women helped Pip come to the realization that life is not all about being a gentlemen or have a lot of

  • Word count: 2208
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Compare and Contrast; The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz to Defend and Betray

Compare and Contrast; The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz to Defend and Betray In the world of literature, many novels have numerous similarities in which they can be associated. Although novels may differ in many ways, there are always the underlying facts that can be related. Archetypes are used to analyze similarities in literature. The novels The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz and Defend and Betray can be compared by the following archetypes, obstacles, the quest of the protagonist and temptations of evil. The archetype ' obstacles' is the protagonist facing a series of setbacks and temptations, the quest of the protagonist is the protagonist in search for something and the temptations of evil show that evil offers and easy route to success. All three of these archetypes are reoccurring in both of the novels and greatly effect the conflict in which the protagonist is faced with. Both of these novels, The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravtiz and Defend and Betray, are written by international known authors. The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz is written by Mordecai Richler. Richler was born in Montreal and he was born into the Jewish faith on January 27 1931( Solmes). The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravtiz was published in 1959 (Solmes). He died on July 3, 2001 ( Solmes). Anne Perry is the noted author for the series starring Detective William Monk. She was born in England

  • Word count: 1797
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Britten prefaces his War Requiem by quoting Wilfred Owen`s preface to his War Poems : My subject is War and the pity of War. The poetry is in the Pity. All a poet can do today is warn. How does this apply to the War Requiem?

Britten prefaces his War Requiem by quoting Wilfred Owen`s preface to his War Poems : "My subject is War and the pity of War. The poetry is in the Pity. All a poet can do today is warn." How does this apply to the War Requiem?" Britten expresses his perception of the War in War Requiem differently from the most of his contemporary artists of that time. He does not try to associate a topic of War with heroism, victory or other positive phenomena that supposedly overshadowed the tragedy of the War. The War Requiem has a highly symbolic value; it was commissioned for the reconsacration of Coventry Cathedral in 1962, after the original structure was destroyed in a World War II bombing in 1940. Britten was called in at this special occasion to compose a music that would be suitable for this occasion. He was given a complete freedom as far as the text and the music in concerned. He had an excellent idea to associate the Requiem with the poetry of Wilfred Owen, the World War I soldier who was killed a week before Armistice. Britten chose his poems deliberately and unlike other writers of his time, he did not glorify the Queen's army, but he pointed at the worst tragedies and disasters that resulted from the War. Britten didn't even try to correct those acts, but rather pictured them in the most realistic possible way (those were in their content so horrific that he could not find a

  • Word count: 958
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Betekenis van stofwisseling.

Biologie: Deel 1 stofwisseling Thema 1: Betekenis van stofwisseling -Wat is een heterotroof organisme: organismen die voor hun voeding afhankelijk zijn van andere organismen -Wat is een autotroof organisme: deze gebruiken lichtenergie om uit eenvoudige elementen hun voedsel te maken waarvoor dienen: - suikers: als energiebron - aminozuren: vormen eiwitten=> bouwstoffen,belangrijk afweersysteem - vetzuren: dienen voor energie,isolatie - vitaminen: zorgen voor het functioneren van organen - water: alle belangrijke elementen zijn opgelost in water -Nutriënten als micromoleculen: moleculen met kleine afmetingen die rechtstreeks kunnen opgenomen worden -Nutriënten in macromoleculen: moleculen met grote afmetingen bevatten nutriënten die door de spijsvertering kunnen vrij gezet worden -Spijsvertering: mond: speeksel+tong+tanden==> voorbereiding voedsel==> via slokdarm naar maag: (zuur)vertering==> via darmen: opname van nutriënten naar uitscheidingssysteem -Lever: - zuiveren van het bloed van afvalstoffen -het regelen van de concentraties van belangrijke elementen in het bloed - opbouwreacties: aanmaken van celstructuren - afbraakreacties: door nutriënten af te breken tot co2 en water Ademhalingsstelsel: - aanvoer van zuurstof: zuurstof in de lucht==> inademen, uitwisselingsoppervlak aan de longblaasjes, in de lucht veel o2,in longblaasjes weinig

  • Word count: 1581
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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