Media jako element gry politycznej w pastwie demokratycznym

Piotr Grzelak, Socjologia II rok Media jako element gry politycznej w panstwie demokratycznym Adolf Hitlera po nieudanym puczu monachijskim w 1923 roku powiedzial: "Propaganda, propaganda, wszystko , co sie liczy, to propaganda". Nazisci byli zafascynowani nowymi w tym czasie formami przekazu, które uwazali za wspaniale narzedzia demagogii.1 Chociaz rozwój techniczny nie pozwalal jeszcze na uzycie w znaczacym stopniu najpopularniejszego dzisiaj srodka przekazu, jakim jest telewizja, to transmisje radiowe z licznych Parteitagów i przemówien Fuehrera znakomicie spelnialy funkcje propagandowe. Wielu historyków doszukuje sie nawet czesciowo tajemnicy sukcesu partii NSDAP w wykorzystywaniu przez nia instrumentów masowej komunikacji. Rzeczywiscie, Hitler i jego zaplecze polityczne, jak zadni inni politycy, potrafili docenic bardzo istotna juz wtedy role mediów w walce o wladze. Rola ta bedzie przedmiotem tej pracy. Wzrost popularnosci nazistów w Niemczech zwiazany byl z kryzysem procesów demokratycznych w tym kraju. Republika Weimarska przezywala ciezkie chwile zwiazane z niewydolnoscia w zakresie decyzyjnym glównego osrodka wladzy, jakim byl Parlament. Narastajace niepokoje i spoleczne niezadowolenie byly dobrym gruntem dla szerzenia populistycznej kampanii medialnej. Tak jak w Niemczech, tak i innych krajach zdazajacych do ustroju autorytarnego, propaganda staje sie

  • Word count: 2192
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queene

INTRODUCTION "Spenser..has always been felt by his countrymen to be what Charles Lamb called him, the `Poet's Poet'. He has had more idolatry and imitation from his brethren than all the rest put together." (Hunt, L, 1845:75). Sharing Hunt's view, we certainly believe his assertion is beyond dispute. Born in London in 1552, Edmund Spenser is considered one of the most outstanding Elizabethan poets. He benefitted from the patronage of Robert Nowell since 1569, he started his education in Merchant Taylor School, where he attained a Bachelor's degree in 1572. After four years, he achieved the Master's degree at Pembroke Hall, Cambridge (Jokinen, A., 2006:1). With the satisfaction of having lived a long politically and literarily productive life, Spenser died in January, 13th, 1599, in London, being buried at Westminister Abbey (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1994:1,4) SPENSER'S LIFETIME His connections with Politics and its influence In 1580, Spenser was named secretary to Lord Arthur Grey of Wilton, the lord-deputy of Ireland. He was asked to help in the brutal and blood-spattered English settlements in Ireland, where he spent the next two years (Zurcher, A., 2008:2). Such was Spenser's admiration for Lord Grey, that Arthegal - the personification of justice in the Faerie Queene - is his evident embodiment. Spenser wholeheartedly approved of Grey's cruel political measures

  • Word count: 1697
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Beloved - Escaping from the Past in Unity

Kyproulla Yerasimou ENG 320 Beloved-Escaping from the Past in Unity Toni Morrison's Beloved is set in rural Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1873. Beloved is a book about a community made up of individuals running away from their pasts. In meeting a few of those individuals and learning how and what they are running from, it becomes obvious that no one can deal successfully with the burden of past memories alone. Those who attempt to face their troubles alone wind up tiring out and giving up, as is demonstrated by Baby Suggs. Sethe and Paul D, however, try to fight back the past only to realize it cannot be done alone. After doing so, they find that with the community or a loved one to "encourage you to put some of your weight in their hands," the present becomes tolerable and a future possible, regardless of the past (Morrison, 22). Baby Suggs, a prominent figure in the community with an intolerable present and past, learned early on, what it was like to be left alone to deal with difficulties. The community that had served as her strength withdrew its support because they were angry and had taken offense to the "uncalled-for-pride" Baby flaunted when her grandchildren and daughter-in-law were finally together. She no longer felt supported. As if Baby suffering from their disapproval was not enough, the family was hit with another blow when Sethe was imprisoned. As Sethe was taken

  • Word count: 2839
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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'The Hero keeps our sympathy from the beginning to the end of the play'

'The Hero keeps our sympathy from the beginning to the end of the play' 'Prince Hamlet loses audience sympathy as he commits several unnecessary murders and insults the women he loves' The questioning of where the audiences sympathy lies within Hamlet is an interesting subject for in many ways it can be argued that 'The Hero keeps our sympathy from the beginning to the end of the play' this is maybe because Hamlet is the plays lead role and when the audience meet him he appears to be upset due to the fact that he is grieving for the loss of this father. A second argument maybe 'Prince Hamlet loses audience sympathy as he commits several unnecessary murders and insults the women he loves' this can be argued for as the play continues the audience witness a form of madness which is not clear to be real or fake. Hamlet changes drastically as the play goes on he begins to treat Ophelia with complete disrespect. The audience first meet Hamlet in Act 1 scene 2 he appears to be grieving His mother Gertrude and his uncle/ step father Claudius are both trying to cheer him up. "How is it that the clouds still hang on you?" Claudius asks hamlet this question it appears he is concerned about him, Hamlet replies "not so, my lord, I am too much in the sun" Shakespeare has used the metaphor of too much in the sun meaning he is too much in the spotlight of events as a form of sarcasm on

  • Word count: 1354
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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It is often said that poetry is what is lost in translation. But translation problems in general can arise as much from unwanted additions as unwanted losses. Discuss and illustrate.

It is often said that poetry is what is lost in translation. But translation problems in general can arise as much from unwanted additions as unwanted losses. Discuss and illustrate. It might perhaps be called the 'primary aim' of translation to reflect the original source-language text as accurately as is possible. This is what can at times seem an insurmountable task in the face of a lack of total equivalence, and translators and translations can often come under a fire of criticism if it is perceived that they have in some way 'betrayed' the original author's vision. Additions and losses can therefore often be viewed negatively, although much of the focus seems to be on losses. However, it is certainly worth considering additions as well as losses when contemplating the category of perhaps inevitable change in the undertaking of translation. This paper will therefore focus on the nature of additions and losses, with illustrative examples, and whether such changes are more problematic than beneficial. The notion of poetry being what is lost in translation is a notion at the forefront of translation theory when discussing such changes. At first glance the focus on poetry as epitomising loss can seem paradoxical and inherently against the core principle of translation (i.e. the relatively faithful preservation of the original text). However, poetry is most certainly what is

  • Word count: 2510
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Tugba ALBAYRAK 060102006 COMPARISON OF CONSONANTS IN ENGLISH AND TURKISH The word consonant comes from Latin. It means "sounding with" or "sounding together". In other words, a consonant does not sound on its own, but it has to occur with a vowel. However, this concept does not show the modern linguistic understanding. According to modern linguistics, a consonant is defined in terms of vocal tract constrictions: a sound in spoken language that is characterized by a complete or partial constriction or closure of the upper vocal tract. In this paper I am going to try to compare Turkish consonants to English consonants. Consonant letters in the English alphabet are B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Z and sometimes 'Y' stands for a consonant in "year", but for a vowel in "myth" because it occupies an entire syllable as a vowel would. Each consonant has some features. It can be a nasal if it is articulated through the nose, a stop if there is a complete obstruction of the air or an approximant if its articulation is strongly influenced by the following vowel sound. When the articulation of the consonant involves blocking the air stream and having the air push through the narrow opening, it is a fricative. If there is a brief stopping of the air stream with an obstructed release which causes some friction, it is an affricate. It is possible to draw

  • Word count: 1680
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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DE TRANSNATIONALE REMAKE IN PERSPECTIEF: The Departed vs. Infernal Affairs. In deze paper gaan we dieper in op het fenomeen remakes. De film remake bestaat al voor geruime tijd in Hollywood, maar het is vooral in de recente

UNIVERSITEIT GENT FACULTEIT POLITIEKE EN SOCIALE WETENSCHAPPEN DE TRANSNATIONALE REMAKE IN PERSPECTIEF 'The Departed' vs. 'Infernal Affairs' THOMAS GEYSMANS VOORBEREIDING TOT DE MASTERPROEF PROMOTOR: Prof. Dr. Biltereyst ACADEMIEJAAR 2010 - 2011 Abstract In deze paper gaan we dieper in op het fenomeen remakes. De film remake bestaat al voor geruime tijd in Hollywood, maar het is vooral in de recente jaren dat deze trend zichtbaar is. Aan de hand van een literatuurstudie formuleren we wat een film remake nu precies is, en waar die verschilt met andere vormen van films maken. Daarnaast probeert deze paper een antwoord te vinden op de vraag waarom Hollywood zo graag remakes maakt. Filmmakers gebruiken niet alleen films uit hun eigen land als bron, maar kijken steeds meer en meer over de landsgrenzen heen. Daarom ligt de focus van deze paper op een comparatieve analyse tussen de films 'The Departed' en 'Infernal Affairs'. Door gebruik te maken van het analysemodel van Bordwell & Thompson hopen we inzicht te krijgen in de verschillen en overeenkomsten in de manier waarop beide culturen films maken, en hoe twee regisseurs met het zelfde materiaal omspringen. De films worden dus als case gebruikt, waardoor we meer komen te weten over de transnationale remake in het algemeen. 2 Probleemstelling Als men aan een groep studenten zou vragen wat de topregisseurs Martin

  • Word count: 3212
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Verslag van bezoek aan onderzoeker Remco Havermans, vakgroep Experimentele Psychologie.

Onderzoeksintermezzo II ID-nr.I200417 Tutor: S.Steenstra Verslag van bezoek aan onderzoeker Remco Havermans, vakgroep Experimentele Psychologie In het kader van het tweede onderzoeksintermezzo brachten wij een bezoek aan een Maastrichtse wetenschapper ; meer bepaald Remco Havermans, assistent in opleiding aan de Faculteit Psychologie .Hij doet momenteel een onderzoek naar verslavingen en verslavingsgedrag, en over dit onderzoek verstrekte hij ons de nodige informatie en duiding. Havermans werkt hiertoe samen met de Welland-kliniek in Heerlen, die vooral opvang biedt aan alcohol- , maar ook enkele heroïne- en cocaïne-verslaafden. Belangrijk om te weten hierbij is echter wel dat deze kliniek deels het onderzoek mee financiert! ( De andere deelnemer in de kosten is de Nederlandse overheid in de vorm van de instelling Zorgonderzoek. ) Het is immers precies daar, in de Welland-kliniek te Heerlen, waar hij de nieuw ontwikkelde therapie voor alcoholici uittest . In zijn zelf ontwikkelde laboratorium; dat hij ingericht heeft als een echt café en naast de behandelingsruimte in de kliniek gebruikt, toetst hij de al dan niet geijkte verwachtingen van de jongeren over café-bezoek en alcoholgebruik aan de werkelijkheid. Deze wel zeer overtuigende simulatie ( inclusief tapkast, sfeerlicht en posters die adverteren voor diverse

  • Word count: 1801
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Cybercrime dalam korporat. Tidak selamanya suatu perubahan yang besar selalu membawa dampak positif karena seiring dengan berjalannya era globalisasi dan kemajuan teknologi,

BAB I Pendahuluan .1 Latar Belakang Masalah Tidak selamanya suatu perubahan yang besar selalu membawa dampak positif karena seiring dengan berjalannya era globalisasi dan kemajuan teknologi, banyak tindakan kriminal yang terjadi khususnya kejahatan dalam dunia Internet [cybercrime]. Perkembangan era globalisasi bergerak sangat cepat seiring dengan peningkatan teknologi informasi. Peningkatan teknologi informasi ini berupa perkembangan sistem jaringan dengan kabel menjadi sistem jaringan tanpa kabel, salah satunya adalah Internet, yang telah menjadi sarana informasi yang sangat populer dewasa ini. Hal tersebut menghilangkan batas wilayah antar negara yang menjadikan dunia ini begitu sempit dan membuat penyebaran informasi serta komunikasi menjadi mudah. Internet, selain memberi manfaat juga menimbulkan dampak negatif dengan terbukanya peluang penyalahgunaan teknologi tersebut. Dampak ini terlihat dari adanya cybercrime yang terjadi di berbagai belahan dunia. Cybercrime merupakan salah satu jenis kejahatan atau tindak pidana yang dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi yakni komputer. Ada beberapa jenis kejahatan cybercrime yang cukup menonjol beberapa tahun ini seperti pengedaran program komputer tanpa ijin, pencemaran nama baik lewat Internet, carding atau penipuan pembelian barang dengan kartu kredit palsu serta serangan virus atau worm. Hal itu terjadi

  • Word count: 6207
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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The Welsh language, like most of the languages of Europe, and many of those of Asia, has evolved from

III ???????????? ???????? ???????? ? ?????????? "??????? ????????????? ??????" ???? ??????????? (?????????? ????) The Welsh language ???: ??????? ?. ?. ???, 10 ????? ????? ????????????: ???????? ?. ?. (??????? ??????????? ?????) ?. ????????, 1999 ?he Welsh language ????????? ?. ?. ???, 10 ????? ?. ???????? The Welsh language, like most of the languages of Europe, and many of those of Asia, has evolved from what linguists term Indo-European. Indo-European was spoken about 6000 years ago (4000 BC) by a seminomadic people who lived in the steppe region of Southern Russia. Speakers of the languages migrated eastwards and westwards; they had reached the Danube valley by 3500 BC and India by 2000 BC. The dialects of Indo-European became much differentiated, chiefly because of migration, and evolved into separate languages. So great was the variety among them that it was not until 1786 that the idea was put forward that a Family of Indo-European languages actually exists. In the twentieth century Indo-European languages are spoken in a wide arc from Bengal to Portugal, as well as in countries as distant as New Zealand and Canada, to which they have been carried by more recent emigrants. The Indo-European Family is generally considered to consist of nine different brunches, which in turn gave rise to daughter languages. Welsh evolved from the Celtic brunch, as did its

  • Word count: 3546
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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