Define the grammatical function hierarchy, and discuss any evidence that motivates it.

Define the grammatical function hierarchy, and discuss any evidence that motivates it. In linguistics, a great deal of work revolves around phrase structure and comprehension of that phrase structure: 'decoding' it, if you will. This is something that concerns many different linguistic specialists, from syntacticians to translators, and in order to examine the phrase structure (noun phrase {NP}, verb phrase {VP} etc.) it is vital to understand the elements that make up such a phrase structure and how they interact with one another. These elements are known as grammatical functions, and they refer to syntactic relationships between parts of speech, such as subject, object, adjunct and complement (as distinct from the semantic notions of agent and patient). Grammatical functions determine the semantic roles and pragmatic functions of the noun phrase, as well as governing sentence structure and dictating constraints. Grammatical functions are essentially labels of relations in a network, and many grammarians have suggested that they cannot operate simultaneously, but rather, in some sort of hierarchy. There are several types of network available, such as relational networks (on the left) and configurational networks (on the right): S SUBJ PRED OBJ NP VP V NP Grammatical functions are therefore

  • Word count: 1738
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Discuss the theme of alienation in Shakespeare(TM)s King Lear and in Marlowe(TM)s The Jew of Malta.

Discuss the theme of alienation in Shakespeare's King Lear and in Marlowe's The Jew of Malta. By definition, the term "alienation" has different meanings. First, it refers to the state of being "estrange", causing somebody "to become unfriendly or indifferent (by unpopular or distasteful actions)"1. Alienation also means a feeling of being "shut out from society"2. Another meaning of the term "alienation" is "critical detachment (of actors and audience) from, emotional non-involvement in, problems presented by a drama3, which is commonly known as "alienation effect". In short, alienation refers to a turning away from withdraw or detachment from one society or environment. Thus, after having seen the definitions of the term "alienation", it becomes interesting to highlight how alienation, as a theme, is crucial to both Shakespeare's King Lear and Marlowe's The Jew of Malta. In King Lear, we get different types of alienation, namely psychological, emotional, physical and geographical alienation. The daughter, Cordelia's exile; King Lear's madness and sense of rejection by Regan and Goneril; Edmund's reaction, being a bastard; all in one way or another promote the theme of alienation. As for The Jew of Malta, it is packed with mainly material, social, spiritual and material alienation. Issues such as racial difference, religious hypocrisy, hostility between characters, adherence

  • Word count: 3463
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Pythagoras werd geboren in Samos ca. 575 v.C. - waarschijnlijk Metapontum, Zuid-Itali, na 500 v.C. Pythagoras staat bekend als Grieks wijsgeer en hervormer, een van de meest raadselachtige figuren uit de geschiedenis van het Griekse denken.

Naam: Micha Wacquier Datum: 13-1-2003 Afdeling: HAVO 5 Inhoudsopgave Inleiding/onderzoeksvraag 2 Bewijzen van de stelling van Pythagoras e bewijs 2e bewijs 3e bewijs 3 Conclusie 4 Logboek/planning a2+b2=c2 Inleiding Pythagoras werd geboren in Samos ca. 575 v.C. - waarschijnlijk Metapontum, Zuid-Italië, na 500 v.C. Pythagoras staat bekend als Grieks wijsgeer en hervormer, een van de meest raadselachtige figuren uit de geschiedenis van het Griekse denken. Omstreeks 530 v.C. stichtte Pythagoras in Croton een school, die ook in andere Zuiditalische steden afdelingen vestigde. Pythagoras en zijn aanhangers hebben een belangrijke invloed uitgeoefend op het openbare en het politieke leven, maar zijn daarbij ook op krachtig verzet gestuit; tegen het eind van zijn leven moest Pythagoras Croton verlaten en enkele decennia later vond een complete opstand tegen zijn aanhangers plaats. De oorspronkelijke getallenleer van Pythagoras en de zijnen was geen wetenschappelijke wiskunde, maar eerder een toepassing, een soort metafysica van het getal; op den duur is echter ook in de school van Pythagoras, net als op andere plaatsen in de Griekse wereld, wiskunde op wetenschappelijke wijze beoefend. Hun voornaamste bijdrage ligt op het gebied van de getallenleer, terwijl zij de meetkunde in het algemeen op 'aritmetische' wijze beoefenden en daardoor onder meer geen raad wisten met

  • Word count: 970
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Explain what is meant by the terms 'domestication' and 'foreignisation' in translation theory.

(a) Explain what is meant by the terms 'foreignisation' and 'domestication' in translation theory. The notions of foreignisation and domestication in translation theory were first proposed by Friederich Schleiermacher, a German theologian and philosopher who also dabbled in a range of other subjects, including linguistics. His terms for these concepts, alienation and naturalisation, were later taken up in the twentieth century by Lawrence Venuti, who renamed them foreignisation and domestication. These approaches to translation were based on the idea that in translating a text, the culture of the original text has to be accounted for in the translation, either by 'adapting' it to the culture of the target language, and thus bringing the text to the reader (domestication), or by making the target language adapt to the culture of the source text, and thus taking the reader to the text (foreignisation). Both approaches have attracted negativity: domestication is often seen as a betrayal of the culture expressed by the original text, while foreignisation is seen as inherently elitist and not always something that necessarily adds to the diversity of the situation (Robinson 1997, 109-112), although Robinson points out earlier in his criticism that foreignisation can be seen very positively indeed in terms of a colonial reading (i.e., that it 'decolonises' the original text).

  • Word count: 2272
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Many approaches to translation have started out from the idea that there are 'translation equivalents' which can be identified between languages. Is the notion of translation equivalent a useful one? In what ways is it problematic?

Many approaches to translation have started out from the idea that there are 'translation equivalents' which can be identified between languages. Is the notion of translation equivalent a useful one? In what ways is it problematic? The various methodologies of translation are wide-ranging and at times controversial. As well as being controversial (different translators will, after all, inevitably choose to operate in different ways), these modi operandi are of an importance that might perhaps be surprising to the uninitiated. The annual Stephen Spender Prize for translation asks its entrants to write three hundred words on the reasons chosen for translating the selected poem, any problems encountered during translation, and, perhaps crucially, if they have chosen to retain the poem's original form (such as constraints related to metre and rhyme). The judges obviously consider this a crucial insight into the translator's approach to the poem, and perhaps even their approach to translation as a whole. Anecdotal evidence certainly reinforces this. A professional translator known to me personally once reported that he received complaints of spelling mistakes in a document that he had been asked to translate into English. It later transpired that these 'mistakes' were the English equivalents of words that have distinctively different American spellings, such as the use of the

  • Word count: 1971
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Nataly van Driel

1-10-2001 Jasper Krommendijk Nataly van Driel We hadden als onderwerp inflatie uitgekozen, omdat het een actueel onderwerp is (hoge inflatie in Nederland) en omdat we niet iets wilden doen met de vliegtuigcrashen in de Verenigde Staten en de gevolgen daarvan op de economie... Taakverdeling: beide kijken in kranten naar goede bruikbare informatie de komende weken. 5-11-2001 We hebben het onderwerp voorgelegd aan de docent: we moeten vooral bekijken hoe de inflatie samenhangt met de conjunctuurgolf. Daarnaast vooral inflatie toesplitsen op looninflatie en kijken naar het beleid van de ECB en de gevolgen op onze economie en bijv. de Ierse economie. Op internet hebben we gezocht naar bruikbare artikelen, die met deze drie te maken hebben. Een aantal goede artikelen gevonden. Taakverdeling: beide (proberen) goede onderzoeks/deel vragen op te stellen 22-11-2001 We hebben besloten om vooral te kijken naar de looninflatie en wat breder: naar de gevolgen van de loonstijgingen op de Nederlandse economie. Dit omdat het best wel moeilijk is om een kort verslag te schrijven over drie best wel uitgebreide thema's (met maar maximaal 10 bronnen). Daarnaast is de inflatie al weer een beetje aan het dalen... We hebben vandaag (uitval) onderzoeksvragen opgesteld en de daarbij behorende deelvragen. Taakverdeling: Nataly kijken op internet naar bruikbare artikelen Jasper uittypen

  • Word count: 509
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Elizabethan theatre

Elizabethan Theatre The history of the Elizabethan theatre started with the wandering minstrels who moved from 1 castle and town to the next. Any stranger was treated with suspicion during the Elizabethan era, and this also applied 2 wandering actors, especially when the many horrific outbreaks of the Bubonic plague were occurring. The reputation of the Elizabethan actors at that time was that of vagabonds and thieves. Traveling throughout the era was restricted and required a license. Regulations restricting actors soon followed and licenses were granted to the nobles of England for the maintenance of troupes of players. Thus the Elizabethan acting troupes were formed and the history of the Elizabethan theatre began. The traveling actors played to their audiences in the court-yards of the taverns - called Inn-yards. Temporary stages had to be erected and the actors moved around from 1 venue to the next. The biggest of the Inn-yards had a maximum capacity of 500 people. There were no purpose built theatre until 1576 when a theatrical entrepreneur called James Burbage (the father of the famous actor Richard Burbage) decided to capitalize the growing popularity of the plays. He obtained the lease and permission to build 'The Theatre' in Shoreditch, London. The Lord Chamberlain's men used it from 1594 to 1596 and thus began the history of Elizabethan theatre. 'The Theatre'

  • Word count: 1923
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Strandjanet of spierbundel? Een onderzoek naar hypermasculiniteit in Jersey Shore

Thomas Geysmans - 01003434 Master Film & Televisiestudies Strandjanet of spierbundel? Een onderzoek naar hypermasculiniteit in Jersey Shore Televisiestudies Academiejaar 2011-2012 Lesgever: Prof. Dr. S. Van Bauwe Inhoudstafel . Abstract.....................................................................................1 2. Inleiding....................................................................................3 3. Gender & stereotypen...................................................................4 4. Hypermasculiniteit.......................................................................5 5. Guido's & Guidette's.....................................................................6 6. Analyse Jersey Shore....................................................................8 6.1 Scène 1 : GTL........................................................................8 6.2 Scène 2 : Uitgaan....................................................................9 7. Conclusie.................................................................................10 8. Bibliografie..............................................................................12 . Abstract De dominante man, de emotionele vrouw of de atletische jongen. Het zijn maar enkele voorbeelden van hoe de verschillende genders in de media worden gerepresenteerd. Helaas slagen de media er vaak

  • Word count: 5541
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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A study into the origins of the Scottish Gales, through an examination of hill and river names in County Antrim in Ireland and Argyll in Scotland.

A study into the origins of the Scottish Gales, through an examination of hill and river names in County Antrim in Ireland and Argyll in Scotland. The commonly accepted view of the origin of the Gaelic speaking Scottish Gales is that in the early 6th Century there was a mass movement of the Gaelic speaking Irish from Ireland across to Argyle. Here the Irish Gales are said to have displaced the Brittonic speakers and therefore introduced Gaelic to the west coast of Scotland. In the mid 9th Century the kings of the Scottish Gales took over the Pictish region on the east of Scotland to form the country now known as Scotland. This view, although well established and supported, is littered with holes in the argument. In an article by Ewan Campbell, it is shown that there is no solid archaeological evidence to suggest a vast movement of people from Antrim to Argyll. Furthermore he shows that the documentary sources are unreliable at best. Ideas are put forward to suggest that the fault line between the Gaelic and Pictish and Brittonic speakers is not the Irish Sea, as it would be by today's societies, but the mountains of the Grampian Highlands. This shows that the Gaelic speaking area of Scotland could originally have been part of an Irish dynasty encompassing both Antrim and Argyll (Campbell 2001). This paper intends to examine the evidence within Campbell's article and analyse

  • Word count: 10803
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Recensie van het artikel uit het boek Over literatuur en filosofie: grensgevallen en gevallen grenzen (onder redactie van Roland Duhamel) : Over Westers weten en Oosterse Wijsheid: Marguerite Yourcenar door Patricia De Feyter.

PRACTICUM INTERDISCIPLINARITEIT: LITERATUUR & FILOSOFIE Tutor: J. Weusten Helena Desiron ID-nr. I200417 Groepsnr.13 Postvaknr. 445 02/03/2004 Pract.essay: recensie Recensie van het artikel uit het boek Over literatuur en filosofie: grensgevallen en gevallen grenzen (onder redactie van Roland Duhamel) : Over Westers weten en Oosterse Wijsheid: Marguerite Yourcenar door Patricia De Feyter De artikelenbundel Over literatuur en filosofie: grensgevallen en gevallen grenzen tracht een frisse kijk te geven op de discussie of literatuur en filosofie nu al dan niet naar elkaar toegroeien, verschillen of samenvallen. De algemene tendens van het boek is interdisciplinair, zoals ook blijkt uit de inleiding van redacteur (en tevens auteur van een artikel) Roland Duhamel: alle medewerkers proberen eigenlijk 'literatuur en filosofie nader bijeen te brengen en hun geloof in de samenhorigheid van beide tekstsoorten onder woorden te brengen' (Duhamel, 1995, p. 8). Verwarrend is wel dat twee auteurs uit de bundel dit juist niét doen, namelijk de heren Roeffaers en Pelckmans; zij sporen net verschillen op tussen literatuur en filosofie en roeien hiermee onverstoorbaar tegen de algemene tendens van het boek in (p.8). Patricia De Feyter past dan weer wél binnen de interdisciplinaire teneur van het boek, en tracht aan de hand van het specifieke voorbeeld van het werk van de

  • Word count: 1917
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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