Gilgamesh, a modern day hero?

Darshan Patel Mr. O'Brien Pd. 6 English 10, 5.0 November 8, 2008 Gilgamesh, a modern day hero? A modern day hero can be defined as someone who is looked up to by others, and possesses qualities of courage, and physical and mental strength. One who follows integrity, loyalty, and maintains the limits. In the epic of Gilgamesh, the main character, Gilgamesh, is a true hero because of the bravery, loyalty, and godliness that he displays throughout the story. By overcoming monsters and mountains, showing fidelity to his kingdom, and being a powerful and unbeatable warrior, Gilgamesh proves that he possesses the traits that define a true hero. Gilgamesh, one-third mortal and two-thirds God, is portrayed as a strong and powerful leader of Uruk. In the beginning of the story, he fearlessly leads his tribe into battle and defeats everyone they come up against. Even such a mighty beast as Humbaba is no match for Gilgamesh's potent strength. When his friend Enkidu dies, Gilgamesh exhibits true bravery by boldly entering the world of Gods in search of answers about life and death. Without worrying about the consequences of his choices, Gilgamesh always fights for what he believes in. He will do whatever it takes to fix a problem; he goes for the impossible and makes it possible. "No man born of woman has done what you have asked, no mortal man has gone into the mountains; the

  • Word count: 745
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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The character of the Cardinal in The Dutchess of Malfi. Though the character of the Cardinal has been vividly sketched out by Webster, but there is one weak point in his characterization. It is that his motivation for his savagely ill-treating his sister

Character and role of the Cardinal The Cardinal is the brother of the Duchess and Ferdinand, as cold and calculating as Ferdinand is excitable. He has been delineated by Webster as a worldly person, a Machiavellian prelate, common in the Italy of Borgias. He is a high-ranking official in the Roman Catholic Church. However he is an iniquitous, icy official who does not live the life of a Christian saint: he has hired a spy to prey upon his sister, and has a mistress, and, he does not seem to have any religious duties or religious thought. He dons a Cardinal's cassock, not because of any piety in him, but because of the power associated with the position. A thorough portrait of the Cardinal can be obtained from what Antonio elucidates to Delio, "Some such flashes superficially hang on him for form but observe his inward character; he is a melancholy churchman; the spring in his face is nothing but the engendering of toads; where he is jealous of any man, he lays worse plots for them than ever was imposed on Hercules, for he strews in his way flatterers, panders, intelligencers, atheists, and a thousand such political monsters. He should have been Pope but instead of coming to it by the primitive decency of the church, he did bestow bribes so largely an so impudently as if he would have carried it away without heaven's knowledge" He is popularly known as a person of high

  • Word count: 1742
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Song - John Donne

. Donne sees human love as a power that can resist change or decay in the world. How does Donne affirm this power in his love poetry? Base your essay on one of Donne's love poems Song [Go and catch a falling star] is an aged piece of literature written by John Donne. The poet shows his skepticism towards the foundation of true love and the finding of a "pure" woman. He exercises sarcasm through metaphorical terms to convey that attaining love and its power to refute change. The poem is divided into three stanzas and each stanza portrays different stories and perspectives of the poet towards true love and the pure nature of women, and the attainment of love. Donne's Songs does not describe a single unchanging view of love; they express a wide variety of emotions and attitudes (over varying stanzas), as if Donne himself were trying to define his experience of love through his poetry. Love can be an experience of the body, the soul, or both; it can be a religious experience, or merely a sensual one, and it can give rise to emotions ranging from ecstasy to despair. The poet shows his determined perspective regarding discovering true love over time. The first stanza submits a sense of absolute impracticality; as it states states; "Go and catch a falling star," and as it is known by all it is not achievable to "catch a falling star". Falling stars are a cause of great destruction

  • Word count: 1182
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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The research subject of this diploma paper is European football sport terminology in modern English and translation of these terms into Ukrainian.

MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION OF RUSSIA SIBERIA POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY "The sport terminology translation hardship from English into Ukrainian" Prepared by Ivan Cherezov Prepared for: Mr. Salatov D. Siberia 2011 Table of contents Introduction I. Linguistic background. The sport terminology translation hardship from English into Ukrainian 1. Sport discourse .1 Sport metaphor 2. Language for specific purposes 2.1 Growth of language for specific purposes 2.2 Why sport English is a Language for Specific Purposes 3. Terminology and system of terms 3.1 The way the term appears 3.2 Term definition 3.3 Semantic features of a term 3.4 Morphological structure of sport terms in English 3.5 Ways of terminology translation 3.6 Sport terminology translation hardship 4. The analysis of the Soccer glossary II. Solution of the problem by means of Computational Linguistic. The creation of on-line dictionary of sport terms . The PHP programming language 2. The program product creation Conclusions References Introduction Nowadays a lot of scientists work on the issue of development and setting Ukrainian sport terminology and phraseology. It is obvious that this issue is very important. A lot of people go in for sports, are interested in it and use sport terms in everyday life. The implementation of Ukrainian system of sport terms for everyone to use it

  • Word count: 9472
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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А.-М. Сень Науковий керівник – ОСОБЛИВОСТІ КОМУНІКАЦІЇ «АВТОР/ЧИТАЧ» У КНИЗІ «ШИДЕВРИ ВКРАЇНСЬКОЇ ЛІТЕРАТУРИ. ХРЕСТОМАТІЯ ДОКТОРА ПАДЛЮЧЧА» МИХАЙЛА БРИНИХА Постановка проблеми комунікації автор/читач відіграє важливу роль у заохоченні та популяризації української та зарубіжної літератури серед покоління Z, яке стрімко зростає і розвивається в цифровому суспільстві, щоразу потребує більш модернізованого підходу представлення інформації. Саме тому підняття питання популяризації давньої літератури в умовах сьогодення є надзвичайно актуальним, адже сучасна молодь потребує новітні шляхи ознайомлення з творчістю всесвітньовідомих письменників минулих віків, який полягає у адаптації тексту під молодіжний лад. Доведенням факту, що давня

  • Word count: 599
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Hollywood and Presidential Power in Wag the Dog

Hollywood and Presidential Power in "Wag the Dog" Essay "Wag the Dog" is one of the great American political satires which is a Barry Levinson film released in 1997. It is about a president suddenly buried deep in sex scandal just days before he was almost certain to be re-elected, and the efforts of his staff to divert America's attention away from the scandal with the help of a professional spin doctor and a Hollywood producer. In the film both Hollywood and the President play a significant role, despite the fact that the president is represented by his " staff ". ?h? completely fake war, written and produced by a top Hollywood producer and a presidential Mr. Fix-It does have a serious message to impart - Don't believe everything you see on TV. Parents tell their kids that the man on TV isn't really dead, it's all fake, and we all know that movies and dramas aren't real, they're written and acted. We watch documentaries and biographies and absorb the information as the truth. When we watch the news at 7:00 pm every evening, and read the paper over coffee and breakfast, we believe everything reported. And why shouldn't we? Isn't it our right to know what's going on in the world and to not have the struggle of trying to separate fact from fiction? Unfortunately, we may think this is our right, but we do have to take a more critical look at the information departed from the

  • Word count: 1195
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Lojze Spacal. V svoji seminarski nalogi bom predstavila slikarja in grafika Lojzeta Spacala in njegovo stalno razstavo v gradu tanjel.

Univerza v Ljubljani Akademija za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje LOJZE SPACAL Seminarska naloga za predmet Umetnostna zgodovina I Avtor: Lara Žitko, 1. letnik slikarstva Mentor: Jure Mikuž, red. prof., dr., prof. um. zgod. in zgod. Ljubljana, 2012 ________________ KRATKA BIOGRAFIJA UMETNIKA V svoji seminarski nalogi bom predstavila slikarja in grafika Lojzeta Spacala in njegovo stalno razstavo v gradu Štanjel. Lojze Spacal, ki se je rodil v Trstu leta 1907, velja za enega najvidnejših likovnih ustvarjalcev v povojnem slovenskem in italijanskem prostoru. Svoj ustvarjalni vrh je dosegel v grafiki, zlasti v linorezu in lesorezu, posegal pa je tudi po drugih tehnikah; olju, mozaiku, tapiseriji in freski ter po raznih mešanih tehnikah, kot je na primer kombinacija kiparstva - reliefa in slikarstva. Veliko časa je preživel in ustvarjal v svoji hiši v Škrbini na Krasu, kjer so ga na njegovo željo po smrti leta 2000 tudi pokopali. Za svoje delo je prejel vrsto mednarodnih ter slovenskih in italijanskih nacionalnih nagrad. Leta 1974 je prejel Prešernovo nagrado za življenjsko delo. Lojze Spacal SPACALOVO DELO IN UMETNOST Kot sem že omenila, so leta 1988 v njegovem kraju bivanja v gradu Štanjel odprli stalno zbirko njegovih del. Obiskala sem jo nekaj mesecev nazaj. Grad Štanjel stoji v istoimenskem kraju ob cesti Nova Gorica - Sežana, 15 km od Sežane.

  • Word count: 945
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Jeg vil i denne opgave forsge at analysere og fortolke Herman Bangs Frkenen fra 1883.

Frederikke Emily Wacker Semesteropgave 01.05.2012 Hold 3 Litteraturanalyse 2 Københavns Universitet Frøkenen Jeg vil i denne opgave forsøge at analysere og fortolke Herman Bangs Frøkenen fra 1883. Novellen er fortalt af en alvidende heterodiegetisk fortæller. Vedkommende, der formidler og ser historien befinder sig uden for novellens univers og fortælleren er altså ikke en deltagende person i handlingen. Novellen er fortalt med både medsyn og bagudsyn. Medsynet kommer blandt andet til udtryk i starten, hvor fortælleren beskriver Frøkenens hus: ”Og under Vinduerne ligger Kælderhalsen ud paa Fortoget”[1]. Fortælleren beskriver omgivelserne i nutid, hvilket oftest er tegn på medsyn. Der er dog også tegn på bagudsyn i teksten: ””Nu tænder han, Karen” og hver Dag kommer Karen ind, og hun sætter sig stille paa den samme Stol ved Døren. (…) Og saaledes har det været i mange Aar.”[2]. Her gør fortælleren, læseren opmærksom på, at Karen og Frøkenen har haft den samme rutine i mange år. Novellen er både panoramisk og scenisk fremstillet. Starten af historien er fremstillet panoramisk indtil afsnittet, der indledes med ”Frøkenen har læst. Men saa er det blevet for mørkt…”[3]. Indtil afsnittet bliver læseren bekendt med hvordan Frøkenens bopæl ser ud og hvordan hendes hverdag hænger sammen, i grove

  • Word count: 1311
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Mitologia indyjska- rozwj panteonu bstw oraz wierze indyjskich na przestrzeni dziejw.

Regionalizm w stosunkach międzynarodowych dr Ł. Romanowski rok akademicki 2009/2010 Mitologia indyjska- rozwój panteonu bóstw oraz wierzeń indyjskich na przestrzeni dziejów. Aleksandra Kowalska IV rok, niemcoznawstwo Kultura Indii zachwyca swoim bogactwem i różnorodnością. Jako jedna z najstarszych, licząca ponad 4500 lat, cywilizacja Doliny Indusu, może poszczycić się długą i pełną niezwykłych wydarzeń historią. Ma to również swoje odzwierciedlenie w dość skomplikowanych, jednakże pasjonujących wierzeniach i mitach indyjskich. Są one nadal aktualne i ich kult możemy nadal obserwować mimo upływu prawie 5 tysięcy lat. Nie trudno się, więc dziwić ekspansji tej kultury na inne kontynenty. Wcześniej nieco zapomniana i ignorowana także przez Europejczyków kultura dziś zyskuje wielu zwolenników i czcicieli. Cóż, więc fascynuje początków kusi ludzi do tej kultury? Czyżby to urok i magia indyjskich bogów i mitów nadal interesowała współczesnego człowieka? Historia początków tej cywilizacji sięga 1750- 2150 r. p.n.e. i była skoncentrowana wokół dwóch ośrodków Harrpie i Mohendżo Daro. Religia obejmowała kult płodności, cześć oddawaną antropomorficznym bóstwom oraz ofiarę. Była to już religia dość złożona i dzieliła się na kulty arystokratyczne, których pozostałością są ruiny budowli sakralnych

  • Word count: 3822
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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The Story of an Hour

"The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin_ The story of an hour is a dramatic destiny of Mrs. Mallard. The title of the story speaks for itself. The story begins with introduction of main characters to the reader and with description of key events. Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble and her sister Josephine, her husband's friend Richard did their best to break to Mrs. Mallard as gently as possible the news of her husband's death. The first passage appears to be exposition, 'cause it contains a short presentation of time, place and characters of the story. Besides, from the very beginning the absence of Mrs. Mallard's name draws our attention. Further, the author describes Mrs. Mallard's state, how she accepted the news. He writes: "She didn't hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance". So this makes us think that she didn't accept her husband's death as a fact, but realized its significance for her, perhaps she imagined her further life without her husband, she started thinking of the way her life would change. "There stood, facing the open window..." There's a slight hint in this sentence, that those changes will be closely connected with the improvement of her life and "the open window" the description of awakened nature in spring suggest it. Here we should admit the beauty of the language the

  • Word count: 2087
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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