Impact de la logique dinnovation sur le choix du business model par un entrepreneur.

Impact de la logique d’innovation sur le choix du business model par un entrepreneur. Maxime ESC 2 Mémoire académique de 2eme année. ________________ Sommaire Introduction 3 / Définition du business model 4 2/ La logique d’innovation 6 2.1/l’innovation 6 2.2/ Plus qu’un atout, une nécessitée 7 2.3/ Le choix d’investir 8 2.4/ Un avantage concurrentiel 9 3/ Le marché impose une logique d’innovation ? 10 4/ Illustrations dans le paysage économique actuel 11 Conclusion 13 Bibliographie 14 ________________ Introduction « Innover, c'est facile. Il est plus difficile de transformer une innovation en un vrai business », voila comment Michael Dell, fondateur de l’entreprise d’informatique Dell, a abordé sa conférence au siège du Medef en janvier 2005. Cependant comme nous le verront dans ce travail de réflexion, innover n’est pas facile ou nécessaire dans tous les domaines. En effet si, comme dans beaucoup d’entreprises technologiques, l’innovation est un des drivers de l’industrie informatique, dans certains domaines, principalement dans le secteur tertiaire, la recherche et le développement d’idées innovantes n’est pas primordial pour obtenir des parts de marché et prospérer.

  • Word count: 4184
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Annotated translation of a passage from "The Hobbit" into Italian.

Natalie Dumas 31/10/12 IT301 Tradizione dall’inglese all’italiano – Chiara Ciarlo Introduzione Things that would be difficult to translate into the Italian translated version would be some idiomatic expressions which can be considered very English and would not be said or do not have an exact translation in Italian, for example, “(with never) a thank you”. This precise phrase would be also problematic translating when it comes to syntax and word order. “Just a trifle disappointed” is another expression that I believe would need to be handled with care whilst translating as it is very English too. “Up jumped (Bilbo)” I think would be another problematic phrase in that the form of it might have to be changed. “Lit fires” I believe would be difficult to translate as it is a cultural factor which makes reference to the way they cooked at the time the novel was written. This perhaps does not have a completely direct cultural equivalent for the translation. When it comes to the word “night” in the context of “the party of the night before” for example and later on in the passage, “forget about the night before”, even though our initial thought might be to translate this as “notte” we should actually use the word “sera” instead as in Italian you would refer to “la festa di ieri sera”. The word “notte” implies very late in the

  • Word count: 1602
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Jeg vil i denne opgave forsge at analysere og fortolke Herman Bangs Frkenen fra 1883.

Frederikke Emily Wacker Semesteropgave 01.05.2012 Hold 3 Litteraturanalyse 2 Københavns Universitet Frøkenen Jeg vil i denne opgave forsøge at analysere og fortolke Herman Bangs Frøkenen fra 1883. Novellen er fortalt af en alvidende heterodiegetisk fortæller. Vedkommende, der formidler og ser historien befinder sig uden for novellens univers og fortælleren er altså ikke en deltagende person i handlingen. Novellen er fortalt med både medsyn og bagudsyn. Medsynet kommer blandt andet til udtryk i starten, hvor fortælleren beskriver Frøkenens hus: ”Og under Vinduerne ligger Kælderhalsen ud paa Fortoget”[1]. Fortælleren beskriver omgivelserne i nutid, hvilket oftest er tegn på medsyn. Der er dog også tegn på bagudsyn i teksten: ””Nu tænder han, Karen” og hver Dag kommer Karen ind, og hun sætter sig stille paa den samme Stol ved Døren. (…) Og saaledes har det været i mange Aar.”[2]. Her gør fortælleren, læseren opmærksom på, at Karen og Frøkenen har haft den samme rutine i mange år. Novellen er både panoramisk og scenisk fremstillet. Starten af historien er fremstillet panoramisk indtil afsnittet, der indledes med ”Frøkenen har læst. Men saa er det blevet for mørkt…”[3]. Indtil afsnittet bliver læseren bekendt med hvordan Frøkenens bopæl ser ud og hvordan hendes hverdag hænger sammen, i grove

  • Word count: 1311
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Se define la inteligencia artificial (IA) como aquella inteligencia exhibida por artefactos creados por humanos.

Universidad Cuauhnáhuac. Taller de Lectura y Redacción. Profesor Javier Rabadán Heredia. Alumno: Raúl Palacios Hernández. “Tópicas.” ° Semestre de Educación. “Tópicas.” Ejemplo de la 1era Tópica. (Empieza a partir de contrarios.) “Inteligencia Artificial.” Se define la inteligencia artificial (IA) como aquella inteligencia exhibida por artefactos creados por humanos. A menudo se aplica hipotéticamente a los computadores. Es la capacidad de un artefacto de realizar los mismos tipos de funciones que caracterizan al pensamiento humano. Algunos piensan que es imposible la creación de un sistema tan complejo, pero otros luchan para modelar la inteligencia humana en sistemas computacionales, y al parecer está muy cerca de lograrse. Puede decirse que la inteligencia artificial es una de las áreas más fascinantes y con más retos de las ciencias de la computación. Nació formalmente en 1956 como mero estudio filosófico y razonístico de la inteligencia humana, mezclada con la inquietud del hombre de imitar la naturaleza circundante (como volar y nadar), hasta inclusive querer imitarse a sí mismo. La tecnología ha planteado diversos paradigmas que llevan al agotamiento de teorías y experimentaciones prácticas, pero hay temas apasionantes que a pesar de las derrotas, desarrollan un interés no solo en los científicos sino también en el resto

  • Word count: 613
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Mitologia indyjska- rozwj panteonu bstw oraz wierze indyjskich na przestrzeni dziejw.

Regionalizm w stosunkach międzynarodowych dr Ł. Romanowski rok akademicki 2009/2010 Mitologia indyjska- rozwój panteonu bóstw oraz wierzeń indyjskich na przestrzeni dziejów. Aleksandra Kowalska IV rok, niemcoznawstwo Kultura Indii zachwyca swoim bogactwem i różnorodnością. Jako jedna z najstarszych, licząca ponad 4500 lat, cywilizacja Doliny Indusu, może poszczycić się długą i pełną niezwykłych wydarzeń historią. Ma to również swoje odzwierciedlenie w dość skomplikowanych, jednakże pasjonujących wierzeniach i mitach indyjskich. Są one nadal aktualne i ich kult możemy nadal obserwować mimo upływu prawie 5 tysięcy lat. Nie trudno się, więc dziwić ekspansji tej kultury na inne kontynenty. Wcześniej nieco zapomniana i ignorowana także przez Europejczyków kultura dziś zyskuje wielu zwolenników i czcicieli. Cóż, więc fascynuje początków kusi ludzi do tej kultury? Czyżby to urok i magia indyjskich bogów i mitów nadal interesowała współczesnego człowieka? Historia początków tej cywilizacji sięga 1750- 2150 r. p.n.e. i była skoncentrowana wokół dwóch ośrodków Harrpie i Mohendżo Daro. Religia obejmowała kult płodności, cześć oddawaną antropomorficznym bóstwom oraz ofiarę. Była to już religia dość złożona i dzieliła się na kulty arystokratyczne, których pozostałością są ruiny budowli sakralnych

  • Word count: 3822
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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The experience of war brings to light not only the power of language, but also its power to distort or conceal the truth. Discuss with reference to the Second World War

The experience of war brings to light not only the power of language, but also its power to distort or conceal the truth.’ Discuss with reference to EITHER the First World War OR the Second World War During the Second World War language was a vital tool and could be used effectively in propaganda such as posters and poems and even in politicians speeches such as that of Charles De Gaulle in 1940. The power of language in these sources can be used as a device to distort or conceal the truth. I will use sources such as ‘l’appel du 18 juin’ and the poem ‘les lillas et les roses’. Firstly ‘l’appel du 18 juin’ was the infamous speech by Charles De Gaulle whilst he was in London. It was his call for the French not to give up against Nazi Germany. Within this speech we can really see the power of the language used by General De Gaulle as he uses many public speaking techniques such as rhetorical questions and repetition. He says ‘mais le dernier mot est-il dit? L’esperance doit-elle disparaitre? La defaite est-elle definitive?’ Obviously these are rhetorical questions, which cannot be answered by the audience, but the intent is to engage them in thinking and to consider what answer they could give to the question. However one could also suggest that De Gaulle’s use of rhetorical questions can be seen as a weakness. Perhaps he is not confident enough to

  • Word count: 1206
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Christine Rossetti's Goblin Market is transgressive in its portrayal of female sexuality. Discuss with detailed reference to the poem.

‘Goblin Market’ is transgressive in it’s portrayal of female sexuality. Discuss with detailed reference to the poem. Goblin Market is a Narrative poem first published in 1862 written by Christina Rossetti. It is about two sisters, one of whom gets sick after eating poisonous goblin fruit, and is healed because of her sister's bravery. Rossetti claimed in a letter to her publisher that this poem was not meant for children, however she said in public that it was in fact a children’s story. “Goblin Market has always been an ambiguous text with a diffuse audience, but-modern marketing techniques have identified two distinct readers-child and adult-and produced different meaning for each.” (Kooistra, Lorraine, 1994: 249) On one hand there is a child’s tale about a girl being brave for her sister and that there are no better friends than sisters, about evil goblins and how you should exercise will power and not give in to temptation. On the other hand the poem features a large amount of sexual imagery and it’s complex and sexually suggestive language has caused it to not be seen as a children’s poem but instead as an exploration of female sexuality, an allusion to capitalism and victorian economy and a religious metaphor for temptation and redemption. The poem seems to explore Rossetti’s feminist and homosexual politics. This essay will be aiming to explore

  • Word count: 2098
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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The Story of an Hour

"The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin_ The story of an hour is a dramatic destiny of Mrs. Mallard. The title of the story speaks for itself. The story begins with introduction of main characters to the reader and with description of key events. Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble and her sister Josephine, her husband's friend Richard did their best to break to Mrs. Mallard as gently as possible the news of her husband's death. The first passage appears to be exposition, 'cause it contains a short presentation of time, place and characters of the story. Besides, from the very beginning the absence of Mrs. Mallard's name draws our attention. Further, the author describes Mrs. Mallard's state, how she accepted the news. He writes: "She didn't hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance". So this makes us think that she didn't accept her husband's death as a fact, but realized its significance for her, perhaps she imagined her further life without her husband, she started thinking of the way her life would change. "There stood, facing the open window..." There's a slight hint in this sentence, that those changes will be closely connected with the improvement of her life and "the open window" the description of awakened nature in spring suggest it. Here we should admit the beauty of the language the

  • Word count: 2087
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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