Thoughts about the book Ian McEwan: Enduring Love

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Thoughts about Ian McEwan: Enduring Love

The starting thought would be: How dangerous is the new reader type (Booth)?

Is the unreliable narrator reliable?

1. What does the title say – without knowing the text and after reading the book – to the reader?

Enduring love, or enduring loves? Which one is the most strenuous?

2. How is the plot built up?

    The most important sub-plot: Jean Logan

     How many short stories are there in this piece of literature?

3. Why does the narrator tell the story in first person singular?

4. Is the story teller reliable or not? Main character and his narration

5. What do the characters stand for? Are they faithful to their features/characteristics in their action?

6. Social dilemmas

7. Love triangles in this piece of art

8. How can a story be equally closed and open at the same time?

9. What is Ian McEwan’s style?

10. Is the similarity of the author and main character coincidence?

11. How did Parry and the accident change Joe’s life?

12. Real story=fiction a real case can be fiction, the past reality is fiction (szakirodalom: 9.o., 134.o.)

13. What does the implicated author look like? (18.o)

14. Freud’s super ego, ego and unconscious in the novel


We cannot blame the author that the title is misleading for the first reading: the novel is really about an enduring love (as later I will state I think it is more than that) – without conditions, devoted, constant love. Every healthy human felt this, as love is like this.

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The novel uses “enduring” in its ordinary meaning: it writes about an ill person’s feelings, how it could be in a positive meaning persistent, accepted by the society, the love lived in normal setting in its real meaning enduring. And there is a third kind of enduring: a healthy man’s astounding reaction fed upon his passionate and full of sadness feelings.

The author introduces three kinds of enduring love: the love used in everyday meaning in the relationship of Joe and Clarissa; the love lasting after death, jealous, passionate, insane love Jean Logan’s love for her dead husband; ...

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