A251 In no more than 500 words, write a short review of one of the websites that are listed on the course website for use in this TMA

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Anne-Marie Butler




In no more than 500 words, write a short review of one of the websites that are listed on the course website for use in this TMA.

The site is an informative site which mainly encourages support through the “friends of Hierakonpolis”. On first glance the site seems simple and easy to use but I did find that at times I got lost exploring the many pages of information. The page that I would have liked to see linked on the right hand side rather than the top is the “explore the web site link”  which has links to all the contents, including a list of the excavations of interest. The pages are well laid out and are clear to follow. Each page has relevant images that link to the text although these do not have headings explaining what they are.

The website has been produced by  (1944-1990),  (Curator at the British Museum), and  (1945-2002), the archaeologists from the Hierakonpolis Expedition. There is some confusion over the actual authors of the website and I can only assume it is the Friends of Nekhan at the British Museum and the University of Arkansas, as tehse are on the contact us page. There is also an e-mail address for Rennee Friedman at  although my e-mails are getting returned undelivered.

We can assume that the text is reliable as it has been written by these recognised archaeologists however there is no citing in the text. There is a bibliography linked from the resources page and each page of information on the various excavations contains a couple of further readings although their relationship to the information on some of the pages is unclear.

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However, the bibliography and further readings are out of date the most recent I can find is for 2000. The website itself has not been updated since 2005 although some of the web pages seem to be older than this.

The information seems to be mainly informative for visitors and non-academics as they do not cite the sources used, as in, it does not say whose ideas have been used or who has actually written the information. We can assume that the information is accurate but it would not be able to be used directly for academic purposes to ...

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