Adolf Hitler and WWII

           This paper will discuss a timeline of events from the first army Hitler joined in 1914 to the end of World War 2 in 1945.  Some main events to be discussed will include; Hitler’s rise to power, the creation of the Nazi Party, the S.A. and the S.S., the Beer Hall Putsch, the rise of the Nazis, , preparations for war, the holocaust, the yellow star, the killing factories and the death of Hitler. These are just a few of the many events that occurred. Most of these events happened one after the other over the periods between World War 1 up until the end of World War 2.  Some of the places throughout Germany will be discussed according to the levels of power and destruction that occurred during the Second World War and the reasoning behind these places and events. This paper examines the military history of Adolf Hitler, including his early military experiences and how these attributed to his successes and failures as a military leader.  Specific events are addressed in regard to  there significance to the outcome of World War 2, as well as events in the life of Adolf Hitler which may or may not have contributed to the outcome of these events.  Adolf Hitler’s military background, interest in politics, determination to be in power and his ability to convince others through public speeches contributed greatly to his leadership abilities during World War 2.  For example; the six killing factories were located in #1. Treblinka, #2. Chelmno, #3. Majdanen, #4. Sobibor, #5. Belzec, and #6. Auschwitz Birkenau.  The questions of where (places, eastern fronts, western fronts, buildings), what (ex. the killing factories, camps, bases, aims, targets), how (ex. set ups of events, strategies, power,) who (ex. Military, S.S., Nazis, Jews, Hitler), why (ex. reasons for events; power, hatred, religion, nationality), and when (dates; camps, deaths, invasions, attacks, elections)  will be detailed throughout each historical event.

        Adolf Hitler was born in 1889 in a small Austrian town called Braunau. In October of 1907, Hitler moved to Vienna to go to the Viennese Academy of Fine Arts. He failed his admittance twice being judged on his drawings that were said to be poor. From 1910 to 1912 Hitler was living in a home that was available for men who could not afford more than the minimum cost for a cubicle and bed. During his days between 1910 and 1912, Hitler sold his art to Jewish dealers. He was supposed to be looking for work during the hours of daylight and was not allowed to return to the home until sunset. At the end of 1912, Hitler left Vienna in the search for something better and more promising. At the same time, he was avoiding entry into the Austrian military services. By moving to a different country, Hitler believed that it was possible for him to escape any confrontation with this army and its authorities. It was not long after he left Vienna that he found out different.

        In 1913, Hitler moved to Munich, Germany. He continued selling his art and living as a boarder until the Austrian Military authorities found him early in 1914. Hitler claimed that he hadn’t received a summons for military service in Vienna before he moved to Munich. This avoided any punishment from the authorities. Hitler was then found to be “unfit for service”(Bauer, 1982, p.80) after a medical examination was finished and the results were shown. Hitler wanted to serve in the German army, not the Austrian army and this is why he avoided the summons in the first place. When the First World War broke out in 1914, Hitler “volunteered to serve in the List Infantry regiment of the Bavarian Army”(Bauer, 1982, p.81). This fulfilled his wish to serve in the German army. At the beginning of his entry into the army, Hitler served as a messenger on the Western Front where some of the bloodiest battles took place. Hitler was decorated twice for bravery after he had been wounded in 1916. He received the Iron Cross and First Class decorations from his Jewish commander, Lieutenant Hugo Gutmann. For this entirety of World War One, Hitler served as a “dispatch runner” on the Western Front. By 1918, he had recovered from all of his injuries throughout the war. At this time, “the German empire had collapsed”(Bauer, 1982, p.81).  Hitler decided to join in the “search for the lost security of a heirarchical, authoritarian system”(Bauer, 1982, p.81). The empire that had been defeated was replaced by a socialist-liberal republic. The Treaty of Versailles was introduced around this time, shortly after the war had ended in late 1918. 

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        Germany was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles on June 28th, 1919. This treaty held Germany solely responsible for the causes of the World War and for all outstanding costs resulting from the conflict. Germany lost great amounts of territory and its colonies because of this treaty. Alsace-Lorraine now belonged to France, Belgium received  the Malmedy area and the majority of Posen and West Prussia went to Poland.  “The Allies occupied the Rhineland, Danzig was made a free state and on the right bank of the Rhine where a huge belt existed, also occupied by the Allies, was ...

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