Assess the reasons that contributed to the downfall of the French Monarchy in August 1792

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George Thompson

Assess the reasons that contributed to the downfall of the French Monarchy in August 1792

August 1792 saw the demolition of the French armies at war with Austria, which precipitated the eventual downfall of Louis XVI. This essay will assess the major factors that contributed to this downfall, both in the short term and the long run. I am including what I consider to be the three main causes of the downfall of the French Monarchy. These are; firstly, the long run effects of how spiralling debt damaged the French economy and caused extreme social division. Also I will assess the decision made by the Monarchy as to why to go to war (both in Austria and USA), and how this heightened social tension and debt problems. Finally, I will also explain how the actions of the Monarchy himself can be assessed, and to what extent they contributed to his downfall. It would be wrong to place the downfall of the Monarchy on one single factor, and inevitably all the factors I have mentioned contributed significantly in some way. However, I will attempt to make a judgement as to which of the issues contributed the most in the downfall of King Louis XVI.

Debt was a serious problem existing in France during Louis’ reign. A number of ill advised financial manoeuvres further desiccated the already financially damaged government. The country’s prolonged involvement in the Seven Years War (1756-63) drained the treasury, as did their perhaps avoidable involvement in the American War of Independence 1775-83, which they involved themselves in primarily as a means of getting back at the British. France was successful in both wars and had little to show for it apart from a dangerously damaged economy. But at this stage it could perhaps be considered that if money was spent wisely, then France could achieve a slow recovery.

However, It was not only expenses on avoidable wars that was to blame for France’s growing situation of extreme debt. The upper social classes of French Ancien Regime society joined the King in living excessively extravagant lifestyles. Mammoth costs were associated just with the upkeep of Louis’ Palace in Versailles, and the Queen, Marie Antionette was renowned for spending huge some of money on sustaining her lavish lifestyle. The extravagant lifestyles that were lived by the rich in France, outlined the absolute social division that was the Ancien Regime. This flamboyant, excessive spending by the nobility, not only further damaged debt problems in France, but it also brought along a hatred to the tax exempt rich from those who were struggling to get by. I think that social division is very closely linked with the monetary and fiscal problems that France were witnessing at the time, eventually leading to the French being forced to declare bankruptcy. I think this because it was the absolute contrasts of lifestyle between classes in society that led to extreme inequality in France, perhaps angering those who were less well off, and those who were not exempt from taxation, a burden that only the lower estates had to pay.

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Louis decisions to go to war in America and to spend needed money on living an over-the-top lifestyle were just two of the aspects that contributed to the downfall of the Monarchy.

Altogether, Louis’ decisions that he made as a monarch were not necessarily wise ones, and although the French revolution can be seen by some as rather an unavoidable situation, inevitably, in my opinion the monarch did little to help with matters. As a person, it has been said that Louis suffered from clinical depression. The effects of this syndrome are known to include a lack of ...

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